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张菊平 郭昊明 荆文君 靳祯



张菊平, 郭昊明, 荆文君, 靳祯

Dynamic analysis of rumor propagation model based on true information spreader

Zhang Ju-Ping, Guo Hao-Ming, Jing Wen-Jun, Jin Zhen
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 在谣言传播过程中加入真实信息的传播者, 考虑了人们对谣言的遗忘因素, 建立了SITR (susceptible-infective-true-removed)谣言传播模型. 利用下一代矩阵得到了谣言传播的阈值K0, 证明了K0 < 1时无谣言传播者无真实信息传播者平衡点的稳定性, 给出了边界平衡点(即有谣言传播者但无真实信息传播者, 及无谣言传播者但有真实信息传播者平衡点)存在的条件, 以及它们的稳定性, 发现了两个边界平衡点出现双稳的区域, 获得了不同条件下正平衡点的存在性, 及其局部稳定性. 最后, 通过数值模拟验证了理论结果, 模拟分析了真实信息传播者的初始值对谣言传播者的峰值及谣言的持续时间等的影响.
    In the process of rumor propagation, people who know the truth or judge the truth can spread true information about rumors. Therefore, on the rumor propagation, it is significant to introduce the spreaders who spread true information in the rumor propagation. But the previous studies did not take into consideration the influence of true information spreading on the rumor propagation. In this paper, the susceptible-infective-true-removed (SITR) rumor propagation model with the true information spreader and the forgetting factor of rumors is established. The threshold K0 is obtained by using the method of the next generation matrix. If K0 < 1, the balance between no rumor and no true information spreader is locally asymptotically stable. The existence and stability of two boundary balance (that is, there are rumor spreaders but no true information spreaders, and there are no rumor spreaders but true information spreaders) are proved. The bistable region of two-boundary balance is given. Further, under different conditions we obtain the existence and locally asymptotical stability of positive balance (rumor spreaders and true information spreaders coexist). Finally, the theoretical results are verified by numerical simulations. We find that the initial value of the true information spreaders affects the peak value of the rumor spreaders and the duration of the rumor. The bigger the initial value of the true information spreaders, the smaller the peak value of the rumor spreaders is and the shorter the duration of the rumor is. The initial value of the rumor spreaders affects the peak value of the rumor spreaders, and the time when the rumor spreaders reach the peak value. The larger the initial value of the rumor spreaders, the larger the peak value of the rumor spreaders is and the earlier the peak value appears. But the initial value of the rumor spreaders does not affect the duration of the rumor. Therefore, in the process of rumor propagation, according to mathematical analysis of the rumor propagation model, we find that the rumor spread is a very complicated process. The results of mathematical analysis can provide theoretical basis to control the rumor propagation and reduce the negative effects of rumors.
      通信作者: 靳祯, jinzhn@263.net
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61873154, 11601294)和山西省自然科学基金(批准号: 201801D121008, 201801D121206)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Jin Zhen, jinzhn@263.net
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61873154, 11601294) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 201801D121008, 201801D121206).

    Daley D J, Kendall D G 1964 Nature 204 1118Google Scholar


    Sudbury A 1985 J. Appl. Prob. 22 443Google Scholar


    Zanette D H 2001 Phys. Rev. E 64 050901Google Scholar


    Zanette D H 2002 Phys. Rev. E 65 041908Google Scholar


    Nekovee M, Moreno Y, Bianconi G, Marsili M 2007 Physica A 374 457Google Scholar


    Moreno Y, Nekovee M, Pacheco A F 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 066130Google Scholar


    Zhao L J, Wang J J, Chen Y C, Wang Q, Cheng J J, Cui H X 2012 Physica A 391 2444Google Scholar


    Zhao L J, Wang Q, Cheng J J, Chen Y C, Wang J J, Huang W 2011 Physica A 390 2619Google Scholar


    Deng S F, Li W 2017 Phys. Rev. E 95 042306


    Zan Y L, Wu J L, Li P, Yu Q L 2014 Physica A 405 159Google Scholar


    Wang Y Q, Yang X Y, Han Y L, Wang X A 2013 Commun. Theor. Phys. 59 510Google Scholar


    Yang L X, Zang T R, Yang X F, Wu Y B, Tang Y Y 2017 arXiv: 1705.10618v1 [cs.SI]


    He Z B, Cai Z P, Yu J G, Wang X M, Sun Y C, Li Y S 2017 IEEE. T. Veh. Technol. 66 2789Google Scholar


    Huo, Liang’an, Wang L, Song N X, Ma C Y, He B 2017 Physica A 468 855Google Scholar


    Zhang Y H, Zhu J J 2018 Physica A 503 862Google Scholar


    Xiao Y P, Chen D Q, Wei S H, Li Q, Wang H H, Xu M 2019 Nonlinear Dyn. 95 523Google Scholar


    顾亦然, 夏玲玲 2012 61 238701Google Scholar

    Gu Y R, Xia L L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 238701Google Scholar


    王辉, 韩江洪, 邓林, 程克勤 2013 62 110505Google Scholar

    Wang H, Han J H, Deng L, Cheng K Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 110505Google Scholar


    张亚明, 苏妍嫄, 刘海鸥 2017 系统科学与数学 37 1960

    Zhang Y M, Su Y Y, Liu H O 2017 J. Sys. Sci. Math. Scis. 37 1960


    万贻平, 张东戈, 任清辉 2015 64 240501Google Scholar

    Wan Y P, Zhang D G, Ren Q H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 240501Google Scholar


    冉茂洁, 刘超, 黄贤英, 刘小洋, 杨宏雨, 张光建 2018 计算机应用 38 3312

    Ran M J, Liu C, Huang X Y, Liu X Y, Yang H Y, Zhang G J 2018 J. Comput. Appl. 38 3312


    赵敏, 陈文霞, 宋乾坤 2018 应用数学和力学 39 1400

    Zhao M, Chen W X, Song Q K 2018 Appl. Math. Mech. 39 1400


    Driessche P, Watmough J 2002 Math. Biosci. 180 29Google Scholar


    Routh E J 1877 A Streatis on the Stability of Given State of Motion (London: Macmillan) pp3−21


    Jin Z, Sun G Q, Zhu H P 2014 Math. Biosci. Eng. 11 1295Google Scholar


    Yao Y R, Zhang J P 2016 J. Biol. Syst. 24 577Google Scholar


    Jing W J, Jin Z, Zhang J P 2018 J. Biol. Dynam. 12 486Google Scholar

  • 图 1  真实信息影响下谣言传播流程图

    Fig. 1.  Flow chart of rumor propagation under the influence of true information.

    图 2  $K_1$$K_2$ 的关系图, 参数取值为$\alpha_1=0.6, $$\beta=0.6,\; A=0.2, \;\mu=0.2, \;\theta=0.01, \;\epsilon=0.01$

    Fig. 2.  Diagram of $K_1$ and $K_2$. The parameter values are $\alpha_1= 0.6,\; \beta=0.6,\; A=0.2,\; \mu =0.2, \;\theta =0.01,\; \epsilon=0.01 $

    图 3  $K_1$$K_2$关系图($\alpha_1=0.7, \beta=0.9, A=0.2,\ \mu=$$0.2,\; \theta=0.01)$ (a) $\epsilon=0.01$, $\epsilon<(1-\alpha_1)\beta$; (b) $\epsilon=0.3$, $\epsilon>(1-\alpha_1)\beta$

    Fig. 3.  Diagram of $K_1$ and $K_2$ ($\alpha_1\!= 0.7,\; \beta\!=0.9,\; A\!=0.2,$ $\mu=0.2,\; \theta=0.01$): (a) $\epsilon=0.01$, $\epsilon<(1-\alpha_1)\beta$; (b) $\epsilon=$ $0.3,\; \epsilon > (1-\alpha_1)\beta$

    图 4  $\alpha_1 = 0.3,\;\beta = 0.6,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.15$时, (a) S, I, T的时间序列图和(b) I-T相平面图

    Fig. 4.  When $\alpha_1 = 0.3,\;\beta = 0.6,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.15$, (a) time series graph of S, I, and T; (b) phase plan of I-T.

    图 5  $\alpha_1 = 0.7,\;\beta = 0.9,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.36$时, (a) S, I, T的时间序列图和(b) I-T相平面图

    Fig. 5.  When $\alpha_1 = 0.7,\;\beta = 0.9,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.36$, (a) time series graph of S, I, and T; (b) phase plan of I-T.

    图 6  $\alpha_1 = 0.7,\;\beta = 0.9,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.22$时, (a) S, I, T的时间序列图和(b) I-T相平面图

    Fig. 6.  When $\alpha_1 = 0.7,\;\beta = 0.9,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.22$, (a) time series graph of S, I, and T; (b) phase plan of I-T.

    图 7  $T(0)$不相同时, 系统(2)的解趋于不同的边界平衡点 (a) I的时间序列图; (b) 时间增加后I 的时间序列图

    Fig. 7.  When $T(0)$ is different, the solution of system (2) tends to the different boundary equilibrium: (a) Time series graph of I; (b) time series graph of I after time increment.

    图 8  $\alpha_1 = 0.7,\;\beta = 0.9,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.3 $时, (a) S, I, T的时间序列图和(b) I-T相平面图

    Fig. 8.  When $\alpha_1 = 0.7,\;\beta = 0.9,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.3 $, (a) time series graph of S, I, and T; (b) phase plan of I-T.

    图 9  $\alpha_1 = 0.7,\;\beta = 0.9,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.3,\;\delta = 0.3 $时, (a) S, I, T的时间序列图和(b) I-T相平面图

    Fig. 9.  When $\alpha_1 = 0.7,\;\beta = 0.9,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.3,\;\delta = 0.3 $, (a) time series graph of S, I, and T; (b) phase plan of I-T.

    图 10  $ \alpha_1 = 0.5,\;\beta = 0.6,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.24 $时, (a) S, I, T的时间序列图和(b) I-T相平面图

    Fig. 10.  When $\alpha_1 = 0.5,\;\beta = 0.6,\; A = 0.2,\;\mu =0.2,\;\theta = 0.01,\;\epsilon = 0.01,\;\delta = 0.24 $, (a) time series graph of S, I, and T; (b) phase plan of I-T.

    图 11  (a)不同真实信息传播者的初始值对谣言传播的影响; (b)不同谣言传播者的初始值对谣言传播的影响; 参数取值 $\alpha_1=0.7$, $\beta=0.9$, $\delta=0.36$, $A=0.2$, $\mu=0.2$, $\theta=0.01$, $\epsilon=0.01$

    Fig. 11.  (a) Influence of different initial values of true information spreaders; (b) influence of different initial values of rumor spreaders on the rumor propagation. The parameter values are $\alpha_1=0.7$, $\beta=0.9$, $\delta=0.36$, $A=0.2$, $\mu=0.2$, $\theta=0.01$, $\epsilon=0.01$.

    图 12  (a) T(0)与谣言传播者峰值$I_{\rm {max}}$的散点图; (b) 根据数据点拟合得到的曲线图

    Fig. 12.  (a) Scatter plot of T(0) and the peak value $I_{\rm {max}}$ of rumor spreaders; (b) the curve graph of fitting data points.

    表 1  系统(2)平衡点之间的关系

    Table 1.  Relationship table between the equilibria of system (2).

    $ \epsilon< \left( {1 - {\alpha _1}} \right){\rm{\beta }}$${K_2} > {K_1}$${K_2} > \dfrac{{{K_1}\left( {\mu {R_1} + \theta } \right)}}{{\mu + \theta }}$${K_2} < 1$图3(a)中黄色区域${E_0},\;E_1^*$
    ${K_2} > 1 > {K_1}$图3(a)中绿色区域${E_0},\;{E_2},\;E_1^*$
    ${K_1} > 1$图3(a)中紫色区域${E_0},\;{E_1},\;{E_2},\;E_1^*$
    ${K_2} < \dfrac{{{K_1}\left( {\mu {K_1} + \theta } \right)}}{{\mu + \theta }}$$\epsilon < \left( {1 - 2{\alpha _1} } \right)\beta + \dfrac{ {\delta \theta } }{\mu },{\varDelta _1} \geqslant 0$图3(a)中蓝色区域${E_0},\;{E_1},\;{E_2},\;E_6^*,\;E_7^*$
    ${K_2} < {K_1}$${K_1} < 1$图3(a)中橙色区域$E_0$
    ${K_1} > 1 > {K_2}$图3(a)中红色区域$E_0,\;E_1$
    ${K_1} > {K_2} > 1$图3(a)中空白区域$E_0,\;E_1,\;E_2$
    $\epsilon > \left( {1 - {\alpha _1}} \right){\rm{\beta }}$${K_2} > {K_{1,}}$${K_2} > \dfrac{{{K_1}\left( {\mu {K_1} + \theta } \right)}}{{\mu + \theta }}$${K_2} < 1$图3(b)中黄色区域$E_0,\;E_2^*$
    ${K_2} > 1 > {K_1}$图3(b)中绿色区域$E_0,\;E_2,\;E_2^*$
    ${K_1} > 1$图3(b)中紫色区域$E_0,\;E_1,\;E_2,\;E_2^*$
    $1 < {K_2} < \dfrac{{{K_1}\left( {\mu {K_1} + \theta } \right)}}{{\mu + \theta }}$图3(b)中空白区域$E_0,\;E_1,\;E_2$
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    Sudbury A 1985 J. Appl. Prob. 22 443Google Scholar


    Zanette D H 2001 Phys. Rev. E 64 050901Google Scholar


    Zanette D H 2002 Phys. Rev. E 65 041908Google Scholar


    Nekovee M, Moreno Y, Bianconi G, Marsili M 2007 Physica A 374 457Google Scholar


    Moreno Y, Nekovee M, Pacheco A F 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 066130Google Scholar


    Zhao L J, Wang J J, Chen Y C, Wang Q, Cheng J J, Cui H X 2012 Physica A 391 2444Google Scholar


    Zhao L J, Wang Q, Cheng J J, Chen Y C, Wang J J, Huang W 2011 Physica A 390 2619Google Scholar


    Deng S F, Li W 2017 Phys. Rev. E 95 042306


    Zan Y L, Wu J L, Li P, Yu Q L 2014 Physica A 405 159Google Scholar


    Wang Y Q, Yang X Y, Han Y L, Wang X A 2013 Commun. Theor. Phys. 59 510Google Scholar


    Yang L X, Zang T R, Yang X F, Wu Y B, Tang Y Y 2017 arXiv: 1705.10618v1 [cs.SI]


    He Z B, Cai Z P, Yu J G, Wang X M, Sun Y C, Li Y S 2017 IEEE. T. Veh. Technol. 66 2789Google Scholar


    Huo, Liang’an, Wang L, Song N X, Ma C Y, He B 2017 Physica A 468 855Google Scholar


    Zhang Y H, Zhu J J 2018 Physica A 503 862Google Scholar


    Xiao Y P, Chen D Q, Wei S H, Li Q, Wang H H, Xu M 2019 Nonlinear Dyn. 95 523Google Scholar


    顾亦然, 夏玲玲 2012 61 238701Google Scholar

    Gu Y R, Xia L L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 238701Google Scholar


    王辉, 韩江洪, 邓林, 程克勤 2013 62 110505Google Scholar

    Wang H, Han J H, Deng L, Cheng K Q 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 110505Google Scholar


    张亚明, 苏妍嫄, 刘海鸥 2017 系统科学与数学 37 1960

    Zhang Y M, Su Y Y, Liu H O 2017 J. Sys. Sci. Math. Scis. 37 1960


    万贻平, 张东戈, 任清辉 2015 64 240501Google Scholar

    Wan Y P, Zhang D G, Ren Q H 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 240501Google Scholar


    冉茂洁, 刘超, 黄贤英, 刘小洋, 杨宏雨, 张光建 2018 计算机应用 38 3312

    Ran M J, Liu C, Huang X Y, Liu X Y, Yang H Y, Zhang G J 2018 J. Comput. Appl. 38 3312


    赵敏, 陈文霞, 宋乾坤 2018 应用数学和力学 39 1400

    Zhao M, Chen W X, Song Q K 2018 Appl. Math. Mech. 39 1400


    Driessche P, Watmough J 2002 Math. Biosci. 180 29Google Scholar


    Routh E J 1877 A Streatis on the Stability of Given State of Motion (London: Macmillan) pp3−21


    Jin Z, Sun G Q, Zhu H P 2014 Math. Biosci. Eng. 11 1295Google Scholar


    Yao Y R, Zhang J P 2016 J. Biol. Syst. 24 577Google Scholar


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