In this paper, we propose an improved CSR model for rumor spreading in mobile social networks. The dynamic equation of rumor spreading is modified to be suitable for user's habit in mobile social networks. In the acceptant probability model, negative and positive social reinforcements are considered. Furthermore, the people's accepting threshold for rumor accepting is taken into account. Analytically, a mean field theory is worked out by considering the influence of network topological structure as homogeneous. Under certain conditions, rumor spreads faster and wider in the new model than CSR rumor spreading model in homogeneous networks. Meanwhile, the multi-agent simulation results indicate that the information spreading process is sensitively dependent on initial conditions.
- complex networks /
- mobile social network /
- rumor spreading
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[1] Zhang Y C, Liu Y, Zhang H F, Cheng H, Xiong F 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 050501 (in Chinese) [张彦超, 刘云, 张海峰, 程辉, 熊菲 2011 60 050501]
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[3] Adams B, Phung D, Venkatesh S 2008 ACM Transactionson Mutimedia Computing Comunications and Applications 5 1
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[6] Barabasi A L, Albert R 1999 Science 286 509
[7] Centola D 2010 Science 329 1194
[8] Li X, Wang X F, Xu D 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 1313 (in Chinese) [李翔, 汪小帆, 许丹 2007 56 1313]
[9] Boccaletti S, Latora V, Moreno Y, Chavez M, Hwang D U 2006 Physics Reports 424 175
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[11] Moore C, Newman M E J 2000 Phys. Rev. E 61 5678
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[17] Pastor-Satorras R, Vespignani A 2001 Phys. Rev. E 63 066117
[18] Allport G W, Postman L 1947 The psychology of rumor Oxford, England: Henry Holt
[19] Moreno Y, Nekovee M, Pacheco A F 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 066130
[20] Newman M E J 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 208701
[21] Lu L Y, Chen D B, Zhou T 2011 New Journal of Physics 13 123005
[22] Krapivsky P L, Redner S, Volovik D 2011 Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2011 p12003
[23] Hui W, Lin D, Fei Xie, Hui X, Jiang H H 2012 2012 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing Hangzhou, China, 2012
[24] Dodds P S, Watts D J 2004 Physical Review Letters 92 218701
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