用传统熔融法制备了一种新型的氧氯碲酸盐玻璃: (90-x)TeO2-10Nb2O5-xBaCl2 (x=10, 20, 30),用密度比重天平、显微拉曼光谱仪、红外-可见-紫外分光光度计和棱镜耦合仪研究了组分变化对玻璃密度、结构、光学性质、折射率和色散的影响. 研究结果表明:随玻璃中BaCl2含量增加, 玻璃密度出现了先增大后减小的现象; 玻璃结构中双三角锥体[TeO4]量减少, 三角棱锥体[TeO3]量增加; 玻璃的折射率逐渐减小. 新型的氧氯碲酸盐玻璃具有较高的线性折射率nmax=2.02259, 非线性折射率N2=6.8× 10-12 esu与三阶非线性极化率χ(3)=3.7× 10-13 esu. 制备的新型碲酸盐玻璃在可见和中红外光谱区具有高透过, 在近紫外光谱区具有明显的吸收截止波长,且随BaCl2含量增加吸收截止波长发生了明显的蓝移现象.利用经典的Tauc方程计算了玻璃样品的直接跃迁光学帯隙和间接跃迁光学帯隙,玻璃的光学帯隙随BaCl2含量增加而增大.Oxygen-chlorine tellurite glasses: (90-x)TeO2-10Nb2O5-xBaCl2 (x=10, 20, 30) are prepared using the conventional melting method. The influences of component on the density, structure, optical properties, refractive index and dispersion of the glasses are studied using density specific gravity balance, Raman spectroscopy, infrared-visible-UV spectrophotometer and Prism Coupler. The results show that the glass density first increases and then decreases with the increase of content of BaCl2. Furthermore, the structural units are converted from [TeO4] trigonal bipyramid into [TeO3] trigonal pyramid. Moreover, glass refractive index gradually decreases. In addition, new tellurite glass has high linear refractive index n (2.02259), nonlinear refractive index N2 (6.8× 10-12 esu) and third-order nonlinearpolarizability χ(3)(3.7× 10-13 esu). The new tellurite glass exhibits a high transmittance in the visible and infrared spectral region and possesses an cut-off edge in the near UV spectral region, and they each undergo an obvious blue shift with the increase of content of BaCl2. The direct and indirect transition optical band gaps of the samples are calculated according to the Tauc equation, and they increase with the content of BaCl2 increasing.
- oxygen-chlorine tellurite glasses /
- density /
- Raman spectrum /
- transmittance spectra
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[23] Zhang H, Nie Q H, Dai S X, Shen X, Wang X S, Zhang X H 2009 Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society 37 98 [张花, 聂秋华, 戴世勋, 沈祥, 王训四, 章向华 2009 硅酸盐学报 37 98]
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[27] Boling N N, Alexander J 1978 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-14 601
[1] Angelos G Kalampounias 2008 Bull. Mater. Sci. 31 781
[2] Zhao Z Y, Lin J, Jia T Q, Sun Z R, Wang Z G 2009 Chin. Sci. Bull. 54 1164
[3] Liao M, Duan Z, Gao W 2011 Appl. Phys. B 105 681
[4] Rachkovskaya G E, Zakharevich G B 2012 Glass and Ceramics 68 385
[5] Yousef E, El-Adawy A, Makled M H, Al-Salami A E 2010 J. Mater. Sci. 45 2930
[6] Jlassi I, Elhouichet H, Ferid M 2011 J. Mater. Sci. 46 806
[7] Yuan X Q, Fan Y Y, Hu H F 2005 Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society 33 1494 [袁新强,范有余,胡和方 2005 硅酸盐学报 33 1494]
[8] Lin J, Huang W H, Wang H B, Jing C, Luo L Q 2004 Journal of Materials Science {& Engineering} 22 827 [林健,黄文旵, 王海波, 井冲, 罗丽庆 2004 材料科学与工程学报 22 827]
[9] Sakida S, Jin J, Yoko T 2000 Physics and Chemistry of Glasses-European Journal of Glass Science and Technology B 41 65
[10] Chen B Y, Liu Y H, Chen D D, Jiang Z H 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3418 [陈炳炎, 刘粤惠, 陈东丹, 姜中宏 2005 54 3418]
[11] Wang D G, Zhou Y X, Wang X S, Dai S X, Shen X, Chen F F, Wang S 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 6256 [王大刚, 周亚训, 王训四, 戴世勋, 沈祥, 陈飞飞, 王森 2010 59 6256]
[12] Liu Y H, Chen D D, Zhang Q Y, Jiang Z H 2006 Opt. Mater. 28 302
[13] Wang J S, Vogel E M, Snitzer E 1994 Opt. Mater. 3 187
[14] Sabry A I, El-Samanoudy M M 1995 J. Mater. Sci. 30 3930
[15] Wu J L, Zhang J J, Lai Y Q, Hu L L, Jiang Z H 2007 Journal of Inorganic Materials 22 277 [吴家禄,张军杰,赖杨琼,胡丽丽,姜中宏 2007 无机材料学报 22 277]
[16] Wu J L, Zhang J J, Wang G N, Hu L L, Jiang Z H 2007 Acta Opt. Sin. 27 1449 [吴家禄, 张军杰, 汪国年, 胡丽丽, 姜中宏 2007 光学学报 27 1449]
[17] Worrell C A, Henshall T 1978 J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 29 283
[18] Sidebottom D L, Hrusehka M A, Potter B G, Brow R K 1997 J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 222 282
[19] Bürger H, Kneipp K, Hobert H, Vogel W, Kozhukharov V, Neov S 1992 J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 151 134
[20] Nazabal V,Todoroki S,Nukui A, Matsumoto T, Suehara S, Hondo T, Araki T, Inoue S, Rivero C, Cardinal T 2003 J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 325 85
[21] Frederick C S Chu, Tak W Chow, John Chai 2007 J. Prosthet. Dent. 98 359
[22] Wang Y L, Dai S X, Xu T F, Nie Q H, Shen X, Wang X S 2008 Acta Opt. Sin. 28 1751 [王艳玲,戴世勋,徐铁峰,聂秋华,沈祥,王训四 2008 光学学报 28 1751]
[23] Zhang H, Nie Q H, Dai S X, Shen X, Wang X S, Zhang X H 2009 Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society 37 98 [张花, 聂秋华, 戴世勋, 沈祥, 王训四, 章向华 2009 硅酸盐学报 37 98]
[24] Zhu Z F, Pu Y P, Liu X N 2002 Journal of Northwest University Of Light Industry 20 41 [朱振峰,蒲永平,刘新年 2002 西北轻工业学院学报 20 41]
[25] Narayanan R A, Zwanziger J W 2003 J. Non-Cryst Sol. 316 273
[26] Nasu H, Matsuoka J, Kamiya K 1994 J Non-Cryst Sol. 178 23
[27] Boling N N, Alexander J 1978 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. QE-14 601
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