针对气液混输管线与立管系统严重段塞流问题, 采用严重段塞流形成条件一致的等效原则, 发展了一种将三维管道系统等效为二维管道系统的计算流体力学(CFD)数值模拟方法. 以文献中某下倾管与立管组合系统为对象, 结合其实验工况, 对严重段塞流气液流动过程进行了数值模拟, 获得了其周期、压力波动幅值及喷发时间等关键参数的变化规律, 数值模拟与文献所述实验结果符合. 在此基础上, 建立了立管入口气液折算速度、立管含气率以及立管出口平均速度的理论模型, 获得了这些关键参数随时间的变化规律, 并给出了确定立管内气液流型变化的理论方法, 理论结果与CFD数值模拟结果一致. 建立的CFD方法大幅缩减了严重段塞流数值模拟所需的时间和资源, 推导的理论模型揭示了严重段塞流特性参数之间的关联, 可以对严重段塞流所引发的危害进行快速评估及预测,具有一定的工程应用价值.Based on the consistence principle for the severe slugging formation condition, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is proposed for numerically simulating the gas-liquid severe slugging in a pipeline-riser system by converting the three-dimensional pipeline-riser system into a two-dimensional equivalent one. Numerical simulation is conducted for the gas-liquid flow patterns of the severe slugging in a declination pipeline-riser system according to the experimental cases presented in the reference, and variations of characteristics of the flow parameters with gas-liquid superficial velocity due to such a severe slugging are obtained, including period, pressure fluctuation and blowout time, the numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental results. Moreover, the theoretical methods are obtained of determining the gas superficial velocity at the riser inlet, the gas volume fraction in the riser and the average velocity at the riser outlet during the severe slugging blowout stage, and the variations of characteristics of these flow parameters with time are presented. Besides, a theoretical predicting method of determining the flow patterns in the riser during the severe slugging blowout stage is further proposed, and the theoretical results are consistent with the CFD numerical results. The CFD method could save much time and computing resource, and the theoretical methods could be used to predict the damage of severe slugging quickly.
- gas-liquid flow /
- severe slugging /
- computational fluid dynamics method /
- theoretical methods
[1] Yocum B T 1973 SPE European Meeting London, United Kingdom, 2-3 April 1973, SPE4312
[2] Schmidt Z 1977 Ph. D. Dissertation (Tulsa: University of Tulsa)
[3] Farghaly M A 1987 SPE Meeting Bahrain, 7-10 March 1987, SPE15726 p299
[4] Mokhatab S, Towler B F, Purewal S 2007 Petrol. Sci. Technol. 25 1235
[5] Hill T J 1990 Oil & Gas J. 26 88
[6] Mokhatab S, Towler B F 2007 Petrol. Sci. Technol. 25 867
[7] Schmidt Z, Doty D R, Dutta-Roy K 1985 Soc. Pet. Eng. J. 25 p27
[8] Taitel Y, Vierkandt S, Shoham O, Brill J P 1990 Int. J. Multiphase Flow 16 57
[9] Wang X, Guo L J, Zhang X M 2005 J. Eng. Thermophys. 26 799 (in Chinese) [王鑫, 郭烈锦, 张西民 2005 工程热 26 799]
[10] Pots B F M, Bromilow I G, Konijn M J W F 1987 Soc. Pet. Eng. J. 2 319
[11] Moe J, Lingelem M N, Holm H, Oldervik O 1989 Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Multi-Phase Flow Nice, France, June 1989 p527
[12] Taitel Y, Dukler A E 1976 AICHE Journal 22 47
[13] He L M, Zhao Y C, Luo X M 2004 J. Eng. Thermophys. 25 621 (in Chinese) [何利民, 赵越超, 罗小明 2004 工程热 25 621]
[14] Ma H W 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Dongying: University of Petroleum) (in Chinese) [马华伟 2008 博士学位论文 (东营: 中国石油大学)]
[15] Wang X, Guo L J, He L M 2008 J. Eng. Thermophys. 29 1339 (in Chinese) [王鑫, 郭烈锦, 何利民 2008 工程热 29 1339]
[16] Luo X M, He L M, Ma H W 2009 J. Chem. Indus. Eng. 60 1656(in Chinese) [罗小明, 何利民, 马华伟 2009 化工学报 60 1656]
[17] Sarica C, Shoham O 1991 Chem. Eng. Sci. 46 2167
[18] Wang X, Guo L J 2006 J. Eng. Thermophys. 27 611 (in Chinese) [王鑫, 郭烈锦 2006 工程热 27 611]
[19] Liu M E, Li Q P, An W J, Gong J, Wu Y X 2007 China Offshore Oil and Gas 19 125 (in Chinese) [刘淼儿, 李清平, 安维杰, 宫敬, 吴应湘 2007 中国海上油气 19 125]
[20] Balino J L, Burr K P, Nemoto R H 2010 Int. J. Multiphase Flow 36 643
[21] Bendiksen K H, Malnes D, Moe D, Nuland S 1991 Soc. Pet. Eng. J. 6 171
[22] Straume T, Nordsveen M, Bendiksen K 1992 ASME Int. Symp. on Multiphase Flow in Wells and Pipelines Anaheim, U.S.A., 8-13 Nov., 1992 p103
[23] Lima P C R 1999 Ph. D. Dissertation (Cranfield: Cranfield University)
[24] Pauchon C, Dulseia H, Cirlot G B, Fabre J 1994 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition New Orleans, Louisiana, 25-28 September, 1994 p311
[25] Dong F, Jin N D, Zong Y B, Wang Z Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6145 (in Chinese) [董芳, 金宁德, 宗艳波, 王振亚 2008 57 6145]
[26] Jin N D, Dong F, Zhao S 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 720 (in Chinese) [金宁德, 董芳, 赵舒 2007 56 720]
[27] Parvareh A, Rahimi M, Alizadehdakhel A, Alsirafi A A 2010 Int. Commun. Heat and Mass Trans. 37 304
[28] Mukherjee H, Brill J P 1983 J. Pet. Technol. 35 1003
[29] Hirt C W, Nichols B D 1981 Trans. of the ASME: J. Pressure Vessel Tech. 103 136
[30] Liu Y Z, Miao G P 2002 Advanced Hydrodynamics (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press) p3 (in Chinese) [刘应中, 缪国平 2002 高等流体力学 (上海: 上海交通大学出版社) 第3页]
[31] Brackbill J U, Kothe D B, Zemach C 1992 J. Cornpu. Phys. 100 335
[32] Hewitt G F, Roberts D N 1969 Atomic Energy Research Establishment London, United Kingdom, 1 Jan., 1969 AERE-M2159
[33] Xia G D, Zhou F D, Hu M S 1997 J. Chem. Indus. Eng. 48 729 (in Chinese) [夏国栋, 周芳德, 胡明胜 1997 化工学报 48 729]
[1] Yocum B T 1973 SPE European Meeting London, United Kingdom, 2-3 April 1973, SPE4312
[2] Schmidt Z 1977 Ph. D. Dissertation (Tulsa: University of Tulsa)
[3] Farghaly M A 1987 SPE Meeting Bahrain, 7-10 March 1987, SPE15726 p299
[4] Mokhatab S, Towler B F, Purewal S 2007 Petrol. Sci. Technol. 25 1235
[5] Hill T J 1990 Oil & Gas J. 26 88
[6] Mokhatab S, Towler B F 2007 Petrol. Sci. Technol. 25 867
[7] Schmidt Z, Doty D R, Dutta-Roy K 1985 Soc. Pet. Eng. J. 25 p27
[8] Taitel Y, Vierkandt S, Shoham O, Brill J P 1990 Int. J. Multiphase Flow 16 57
[9] Wang X, Guo L J, Zhang X M 2005 J. Eng. Thermophys. 26 799 (in Chinese) [王鑫, 郭烈锦, 张西民 2005 工程热 26 799]
[10] Pots B F M, Bromilow I G, Konijn M J W F 1987 Soc. Pet. Eng. J. 2 319
[11] Moe J, Lingelem M N, Holm H, Oldervik O 1989 Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Multi-Phase Flow Nice, France, June 1989 p527
[12] Taitel Y, Dukler A E 1976 AICHE Journal 22 47
[13] He L M, Zhao Y C, Luo X M 2004 J. Eng. Thermophys. 25 621 (in Chinese) [何利民, 赵越超, 罗小明 2004 工程热 25 621]
[14] Ma H W 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Dongying: University of Petroleum) (in Chinese) [马华伟 2008 博士学位论文 (东营: 中国石油大学)]
[15] Wang X, Guo L J, He L M 2008 J. Eng. Thermophys. 29 1339 (in Chinese) [王鑫, 郭烈锦, 何利民 2008 工程热 29 1339]
[16] Luo X M, He L M, Ma H W 2009 J. Chem. Indus. Eng. 60 1656(in Chinese) [罗小明, 何利民, 马华伟 2009 化工学报 60 1656]
[17] Sarica C, Shoham O 1991 Chem. Eng. Sci. 46 2167
[18] Wang X, Guo L J 2006 J. Eng. Thermophys. 27 611 (in Chinese) [王鑫, 郭烈锦 2006 工程热 27 611]
[19] Liu M E, Li Q P, An W J, Gong J, Wu Y X 2007 China Offshore Oil and Gas 19 125 (in Chinese) [刘淼儿, 李清平, 安维杰, 宫敬, 吴应湘 2007 中国海上油气 19 125]
[20] Balino J L, Burr K P, Nemoto R H 2010 Int. J. Multiphase Flow 36 643
[21] Bendiksen K H, Malnes D, Moe D, Nuland S 1991 Soc. Pet. Eng. J. 6 171
[22] Straume T, Nordsveen M, Bendiksen K 1992 ASME Int. Symp. on Multiphase Flow in Wells and Pipelines Anaheim, U.S.A., 8-13 Nov., 1992 p103
[23] Lima P C R 1999 Ph. D. Dissertation (Cranfield: Cranfield University)
[24] Pauchon C, Dulseia H, Cirlot G B, Fabre J 1994 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition New Orleans, Louisiana, 25-28 September, 1994 p311
[25] Dong F, Jin N D, Zong Y B, Wang Z Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6145 (in Chinese) [董芳, 金宁德, 宗艳波, 王振亚 2008 57 6145]
[26] Jin N D, Dong F, Zhao S 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 720 (in Chinese) [金宁德, 董芳, 赵舒 2007 56 720]
[27] Parvareh A, Rahimi M, Alizadehdakhel A, Alsirafi A A 2010 Int. Commun. Heat and Mass Trans. 37 304
[28] Mukherjee H, Brill J P 1983 J. Pet. Technol. 35 1003
[29] Hirt C W, Nichols B D 1981 Trans. of the ASME: J. Pressure Vessel Tech. 103 136
[30] Liu Y Z, Miao G P 2002 Advanced Hydrodynamics (Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press) p3 (in Chinese) [刘应中, 缪国平 2002 高等流体力学 (上海: 上海交通大学出版社) 第3页]
[31] Brackbill J U, Kothe D B, Zemach C 1992 J. Cornpu. Phys. 100 335
[32] Hewitt G F, Roberts D N 1969 Atomic Energy Research Establishment London, United Kingdom, 1 Jan., 1969 AERE-M2159
[33] Xia G D, Zhou F D, Hu M S 1997 J. Chem. Indus. Eng. 48 729 (in Chinese) [夏国栋, 周芳德, 胡明胜 1997 化工学报 48 729]
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