利用机械合金化和冷压烧结法制备得到n型和p型Bi2Te3基热电材料,在80—300 K温度范围测量了电导率、Seebeck系数,结果表明其具有良好的低温热电性能.采用Bi2Te3基热电材料制备出半导体热电器件,并配合附属设备搭建出一套半导体温差发电装置.利用液氮汽化时释放的冷能,对半导体热电器件的发电性能进行实验研究,得出这种半导体热电器件输出电压、输出功率与电流关系式,测得最大的输出功率达到1.33 W,从而证明了冷
- Bi2Te3基热电材料 /
- 热电性能 /
- 冷能发电
The BiTe-based alloys were fabricated by mechanical alloying and cold-pressing sintering. Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity were measured at the temperature range of 80—300 K. Results showed that the thermoelectric properities of the materials were excellent during the experiments. With the thermoelectric conversion device made of BiTe-based alloys, a new cryo-energy utilization equipment were established. By applying liquid nitrogen in the experiments, the cryo-energy was released during evaporation of liquid nitrogen, and then, a study of electric properties of thermoelectric conversion devices was further deployed. The relationship of output voltage and output power versue current intensity was obtained from the experiments. The maximum output power in the experiments was up to 1.33 W,which verified the feasibility of cryo-energy power generation.[1] Gao M, Zhang J S 1996 Thermoelectric Conversion and Its Applications(Beijing: Orchance Industry Press) p159 (in Chinese) [高 敏、张景韶 温差电转换及其应用 (北京: 兵器工业出版社) 第159页]
[2] Hu J M, Xin J B, Lü Q, Wang Y Y, Rong J Y 2006 Acta Phys. sin. 54 4843 (in Chinese) [胡建民、信江波、吕 强、王月媛、荣剑英 2006 54 4843]
[3] Yim W M, Rosi F D 1972 J. Solid State Electron. 15 1121
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[5] Weise J R, Muller L 1960 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 15 13
[6] Jiang J, Li Y L, Xu G J, Cui P, Wu T, Chen L D, Wang G 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2858 (in Chinese) [蒋 俊、李亚丽、许高杰、崔 平、吴 汀、陈立东、王 刚 2007 56 2858]
[7] Sokolov O B, Skipidarov S Y, Duvankov N I 2000 J.Crystal Growth 236 181
[8] Ettenberg M H, Maddux J R, Taylor P J, Jesser W A, Rosi F D 1997 J. Crystal Growth 179 495
[9] Jiang J, Chen L D, Yao Q, Bai S Q, Wang Q 2005 Mater. Chem. Phys. 92 39
[10] Jiang J, Chen L D, Yao Q, Bai S Q, Wang Q 2005 J. Crystal Growth 277 258
[11] Qian J F, Yang C J 2005 Chinese Journal of Power Sources 29 459 (in Chinese) [钱剑锋、杨灿军 2005 电源技术 29 459]
[12] Sun W, Hu P, Chen Z S, Jia L 2005 Acta Energ. Solar. Sin. 26 722 (in Chinese) [孙 炜、胡 芃、陈则韶、贾 磊 2005 太阳能学报 26 722]
[13] Liu E K, Zhu B S, Luo J S 1997 Semiconductor Physics (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) p86 (in Chinese) [刘恩科、朱秉生、罗晋生 1997 半导体物理学(北京:国防工业出版社)第86页]
[14] Gao M, Zhang J S 1996 Thermoelectricity Changes and Their Applications (Beijing: Publishing House of Ordnance Industry) p32 (in Chinese) [高 敏、张景韶 1996温差电转换及其应用(北京:兵器工业出版社) 第32页]
[15] K Uemura, I Nishida 1988 Thermoelectric Semiconductors and Their Applications (Tokyo: Nikkan-Kogyo Shinbun Press) p145
[16] Lü Q, Rong J Y, Zhao L, Zhang H C, Hu J M, Xin J B 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3321 (in Chinese) [吕 强、荣剑英、赵 磊、张红晨、胡建民、信江波 2005 54 3321]
[1] Gao M, Zhang J S 1996 Thermoelectric Conversion and Its Applications(Beijing: Orchance Industry Press) p159 (in Chinese) [高 敏、张景韶 温差电转换及其应用 (北京: 兵器工业出版社) 第159页]
[2] Hu J M, Xin J B, Lü Q, Wang Y Y, Rong J Y 2006 Acta Phys. sin. 54 4843 (in Chinese) [胡建民、信江波、吕 强、王月媛、荣剑英 2006 54 4843]
[3] Yim W M, Rosi F D 1972 J. Solid State Electron. 15 1121
[4] Rowe D R 1995 Handbook of Thermoelectrics (BocaRaton, FL: CRC Press)p597
[5] Weise J R, Muller L 1960 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 15 13
[6] Jiang J, Li Y L, Xu G J, Cui P, Wu T, Chen L D, Wang G 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 2858 (in Chinese) [蒋 俊、李亚丽、许高杰、崔 平、吴 汀、陈立东、王 刚 2007 56 2858]
[7] Sokolov O B, Skipidarov S Y, Duvankov N I 2000 J.Crystal Growth 236 181
[8] Ettenberg M H, Maddux J R, Taylor P J, Jesser W A, Rosi F D 1997 J. Crystal Growth 179 495
[9] Jiang J, Chen L D, Yao Q, Bai S Q, Wang Q 2005 Mater. Chem. Phys. 92 39
[10] Jiang J, Chen L D, Yao Q, Bai S Q, Wang Q 2005 J. Crystal Growth 277 258
[11] Qian J F, Yang C J 2005 Chinese Journal of Power Sources 29 459 (in Chinese) [钱剑锋、杨灿军 2005 电源技术 29 459]
[12] Sun W, Hu P, Chen Z S, Jia L 2005 Acta Energ. Solar. Sin. 26 722 (in Chinese) [孙 炜、胡 芃、陈则韶、贾 磊 2005 太阳能学报 26 722]
[13] Liu E K, Zhu B S, Luo J S 1997 Semiconductor Physics (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) p86 (in Chinese) [刘恩科、朱秉生、罗晋生 1997 半导体物理学(北京:国防工业出版社)第86页]
[14] Gao M, Zhang J S 1996 Thermoelectricity Changes and Their Applications (Beijing: Publishing House of Ordnance Industry) p32 (in Chinese) [高 敏、张景韶 1996温差电转换及其应用(北京:兵器工业出版社) 第32页]
[15] K Uemura, I Nishida 1988 Thermoelectric Semiconductors and Their Applications (Tokyo: Nikkan-Kogyo Shinbun Press) p145
[16] Lü Q, Rong J Y, Zhao L, Zhang H C, Hu J M, Xin J B 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3321 (in Chinese) [吕 强、荣剑英、赵 磊、张红晨、胡建民、信江波 2005 54 3321]
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