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张旭 周玉泽 闭强 杨兴华 俎云霄



张旭, 周玉泽, 闭强, 杨兴华, 俎云霄

The mathematical model and properties of memristor with border constraint

Zhang Xu, Zhou Yu-Ze, Bi Qiang, Yang Xing-Hua, Zu Yun-Xiao
  • 对第四类基本电路元件——忆阻元件的基本特性进行了研究,分别建立了无边界条件和有边界条件的忆阻元件的积分形式的数学模型.对有边界条件的数学模型进行了仿真,分析了有边界条件下电源频率和掺杂比、初始掺杂宽度等模型参数对电流、电压电流关系、磁链电荷关系等元件特性的影响,得出了相关的结论.
    The properties of memristor as the fourth basic circuit element are studied. The mathematical models in integral form for memristors with and without border constraint are developed. The simulation is done for the memristor with border constraint. The influences of the source frequency and model parameters on the memristor’s properties are analyzed and some conclusions are drawn. The model parameters considered include the doping ratio and the initial doping width, and their influnce on the current, voltage-current relation and flux-charge relation of the memrister are investigaled.
    • 基金项目: 北京邮电大学大学生创新性实验计划资助的课题.

    Chua L O 1971 IEEE trans. on Circuit theory CT-18 507


    Chua L O 1976 Proceedings of the IEEE 64 209


    Dmitri B S,Gregory S S,Duncan R S, Stanley W 2008 Nature 453 80


    James M,He T 2008 Nature 453 42


    Gergel H N,Hamadani B,Dunlap B,Suehle J,Richter C, Hacker C, Gundlach D 2009 IEEE 30 706


    Wey T A, Benderli S 2009 Electronics Letters 45 1103


    Wang X B, Chen Y R,Xi H W,Li H,Dimitrov D 2009 Electron Device Letters of IEEE 30 294


    Chen G 2008 Circuits and Systems IEEE 8 55


    Shkabko A,Aguirre M H,Marozau I,Lippert T,Weidenkaff A 2009 Applied Physics Letters 95 152109


    Di Ventra M,Pershin Y V,Chua L O 2009 Proceedings of the IEEE 97 1717


    Driscoll T, Kim H T,Chae B G,Di V M, Basov D N 2009 Applied Physics Letters 95 043503


    Smerieri A,Berzina T,Erokhin V, Fontana M. P 2008 Journal of Applied Physics 104 114513


    Chen X M, Wu G H,Bao D H 2008 Applied Physics Letters 93 093501


    Goknar I C 2008 IEEE of Antennas and Propagation Magazine 50 215


    Williams R 2008 IEEE 45 28


    Yang X S, Zhao Y 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 3188 (in Chinese)[羊新胜、赵 勇 2008 57 3188]


    He L,Hu X,Yin L,Xu H Y,Xu X L,Guo J D,Li C Y,Yin D L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin.58 417(in Chinese)[贺 丽、胡 翔、尹 澜、许恒毅、徐晓林、郭建栋、李传义、尹道乐 2009 58 417]


    Su X P,Bao J,Yan S K,Xu X G,Jiang Y 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 2509(in Chinese)[苏喜平、包 瑾、闫树科、徐晓光、姜 勇 2008 57 2509]


    Li B Q,Liu Y H,Feng Y C 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 477(in Chinese)[李炳乾、刘玉华、冯玉春 2008 57 477]


    Jin L,Zhu L,Li L,Xie Z W 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 8577(in Chinese)[金 莲、朱 林、李 玲、谢征微 2009 58 8577]


    Zhu F,Jiao F,Quan S W,Hao J K,Zhao K 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 876(in Chinese)[朱 凤、焦 飞、全胜文、郝建奎、赵 夔 2009 58 876]


    Fan F,Ban C Y,Wang Y,Ba Q X,Cui J Z 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 628 (in Chinese)[樊 飞、班春燕、王 洋、巴启先、崔建忠 2009 58 68]


    Xu X Y,Qian L J,Hu J G 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 2023 (in Chinese)[许小勇、钱丽洁、胡经国 2009 58 2023]


    Cao X,Li X M,Gao X D, Yu W D, Liu X J, Zhang Y W,Chen Lidong, Cheng Xinhong 2009 Journal of Applied Physics 106 073723


    Song Y W,Sun H 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 7178(in Chinese)[宋亚舞、孙 华 2008 57 7178]


    Zhang M X,Tian X L,Guo F X 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 6080(in Chinese)[张明晓、田学雷、郭风祥 2009 58 6080]


    Jiang D D,Du J M,Gu Y,Feng Y J 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 566(in Chinese)[蒋冬冬、杜金梅、谷 岩、冯玉军 2008 57 566]


    Xu J F,Fan Y F,Chen W,Zhai Q Y 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 644(in Chinese)[徐锦锋、范于芳、陈 娓、翟秋亚 2009 58 644]


    Peng X D,Zhu T, Wang F W 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 3274(in Chinese)[彭先德、朱 涛、王芳卫 2009 58 3274]


    Feng C W, Cai L, Li Q 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 2462(in Chinese)[冯朝文、蔡 理、李 芹 2008 57 2462]

  • [1]

    Chua L O 1971 IEEE trans. on Circuit theory CT-18 507


    Chua L O 1976 Proceedings of the IEEE 64 209


    Dmitri B S,Gregory S S,Duncan R S, Stanley W 2008 Nature 453 80


    James M,He T 2008 Nature 453 42


    Gergel H N,Hamadani B,Dunlap B,Suehle J,Richter C, Hacker C, Gundlach D 2009 IEEE 30 706


    Wey T A, Benderli S 2009 Electronics Letters 45 1103


    Wang X B, Chen Y R,Xi H W,Li H,Dimitrov D 2009 Electron Device Letters of IEEE 30 294


    Chen G 2008 Circuits and Systems IEEE 8 55


    Shkabko A,Aguirre M H,Marozau I,Lippert T,Weidenkaff A 2009 Applied Physics Letters 95 152109


    Di Ventra M,Pershin Y V,Chua L O 2009 Proceedings of the IEEE 97 1717


    Driscoll T, Kim H T,Chae B G,Di V M, Basov D N 2009 Applied Physics Letters 95 043503


    Smerieri A,Berzina T,Erokhin V, Fontana M. P 2008 Journal of Applied Physics 104 114513


    Chen X M, Wu G H,Bao D H 2008 Applied Physics Letters 93 093501


    Goknar I C 2008 IEEE of Antennas and Propagation Magazine 50 215


    Williams R 2008 IEEE 45 28


    Yang X S, Zhao Y 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 3188 (in Chinese)[羊新胜、赵 勇 2008 57 3188]


    He L,Hu X,Yin L,Xu H Y,Xu X L,Guo J D,Li C Y,Yin D L 2009 Acta Phys. Sin.58 417(in Chinese)[贺 丽、胡 翔、尹 澜、许恒毅、徐晓林、郭建栋、李传义、尹道乐 2009 58 417]


    Su X P,Bao J,Yan S K,Xu X G,Jiang Y 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 2509(in Chinese)[苏喜平、包 瑾、闫树科、徐晓光、姜 勇 2008 57 2509]


    Li B Q,Liu Y H,Feng Y C 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 477(in Chinese)[李炳乾、刘玉华、冯玉春 2008 57 477]


    Jin L,Zhu L,Li L,Xie Z W 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 8577(in Chinese)[金 莲、朱 林、李 玲、谢征微 2009 58 8577]


    Zhu F,Jiao F,Quan S W,Hao J K,Zhao K 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 876(in Chinese)[朱 凤、焦 飞、全胜文、郝建奎、赵 夔 2009 58 876]


    Fan F,Ban C Y,Wang Y,Ba Q X,Cui J Z 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 628 (in Chinese)[樊 飞、班春燕、王 洋、巴启先、崔建忠 2009 58 68]


    Xu X Y,Qian L J,Hu J G 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 2023 (in Chinese)[许小勇、钱丽洁、胡经国 2009 58 2023]


    Cao X,Li X M,Gao X D, Yu W D, Liu X J, Zhang Y W,Chen Lidong, Cheng Xinhong 2009 Journal of Applied Physics 106 073723


    Song Y W,Sun H 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 7178(in Chinese)[宋亚舞、孙 华 2008 57 7178]


    Zhang M X,Tian X L,Guo F X 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 6080(in Chinese)[张明晓、田学雷、郭风祥 2009 58 6080]


    Jiang D D,Du J M,Gu Y,Feng Y J 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 566(in Chinese)[蒋冬冬、杜金梅、谷 岩、冯玉军 2008 57 566]


    Xu J F,Fan Y F,Chen W,Zhai Q Y 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 644(in Chinese)[徐锦锋、范于芳、陈 娓、翟秋亚 2009 58 644]


    Peng X D,Zhu T, Wang F W 2009 Acta Phys.Sin.58 3274(in Chinese)[彭先德、朱 涛、王芳卫 2009 58 3274]


    Feng C W, Cai L, Li Q 2008 Acta Phys.Sin.57 2462(in Chinese)[冯朝文、蔡 理、李 芹 2008 57 2462]

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  • 收稿日期:  2009-12-23
  • 修回日期:  2010-04-12
  • 刊出日期:  2010-09-15

