分析经典选择重传自动请求重传(automatic repeat-request,ARQ)协议之后,利用量子力学中纠缠态的非定域关联性,提出了数据链路层的选择重传ARQ量子同步通信协议.该协议把链路分为准备阶段和发送阶段.在线路准备阶段完成EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen)关联对的分发,建立量子信道;在发送阶段完成数据帧和量子确认帧的传送.从吞吐量和信道利用率等方面比较分析了几种常见的数据链路层通信协议的性能.研究表明,该协议可以有效地提高数据链路层的最大吞吐量和信道利用率,改善选择重传ARQ协议的性能,在受时间瓶颈限制的通信中有着重要的应用价值.From the classical selective repeat ARQ (Automatic Repeat-reQuest) protocol, a selective repeat ARQ quantum synchronous communication protocol in data link layer is presented by utilizing the intrinsic characteristics of quantum mechanics. The proposed protocol divides the link into the preparation and the send stages, where the message is sent via classical channel and the preparation and distribution of EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen) pairs are supposed to be accomplished at the preparation stage. The performances of several protocols in data link layer are compared and analyzed from the aspects of throughput and utilization ratio of the channel. It is shown that the proposed protocol enhances the maximum throughput and the utilization ratio of the channel effectively and improves the performance of the selective repeat ARQ protocol for date link layers. The proposed protocol is of great significance in military communications.
- quantum communication /
- quantum entanglement /
- selective automatic repeat protocol /
- synchronous communication
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[1] [1]Bennett C H, Brassard G, Crepeau C, Jozsa R, Peres A, Wootters W K 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1895
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[16] ]Zhou N R, Zeng G H, Nie Y Y, Xiong J, Zhu F C 2006 Physica A 362 305 Zhou N R, Liu Y, Zeng G H, Xiong J, Zhu F C 2007 Physica A 375 693
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[24] ]Zhang Y D 2006 Principles of Quantum Information Physics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [张永德 2006 量子信息物理原理(北京: 科学出版)]
[25] ]Peres A 1988 Phys. Lett. A 128 19
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