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侯鹏洋 谢佳苗 李京阳 张鹏 李兆凯 郝文乾 田佳 王哲 李福正


侯鹏洋, 谢佳苗, 李京阳, 张鹏, 李兆凯, 郝文乾, 田佳, 王哲, 李福正

Phase field simulation of dendrite growth in solid-state lithium batteries based on mechaincal-thermo-electrochemical coupling

HOU Pengyang, XIE Jiamiao, LI Jingyang, ZHANG Peng, LI Zhaokai, HAO Wenqian, TIAN Jia, WANG Zhe, LI Fuzheng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 固态电解质锂电池具有能量密度大、循环稳定性强、机械强度高、不易燃、安全性高、使用寿命长等优点, 广泛应用于航空航天、新能源汽车和移动设备等领域. 但是在锂电池的电极/电解质界面处存在的锂枝晶生长问题一直是制约其性能提升和安全应用的关键因素, 锂枝晶在电解质中生长不仅会降低电池的库仑效率, 而且可能刺穿电解质导致电池内部正负极短路. 本文针对固态锂电池中的锂枝晶生长问题, 基于相场理论进行数值模拟研究, 建立了耦合应力场、热场和电化学场的锂枝晶生长相场模型, 研究了环境温度、外压力以及该两种条件耦合作用下的锂枝晶生长形态以及演化规律. 研究结果表明, 在较高温度和较大外应力作用下, 锂枝晶生长缓慢, 侧枝数量减少, 表面更光滑, 电沉积较为均匀. 施加外压越大时, 锂枝晶纵向生长受到抑制, 呈压缩状态, 比表面积和致密度更高, 但机械不稳定性也会增强; 环境温度越高, 锂离子的扩散速率和反应速率越大, 锂枝晶生长速率和大小也受到抑制, 且二者耦合作用对枝晶生长有明显的抑制效果, 应力集中在根部, 使得枝晶更侧重于横向生长, 有利于形成平坦和密集的锂沉积.
    Solid-state lithium batteries possess numerous advantages, such as high energy density, excellent cycle stability, superior mechanical strength, non-flammability, enhanced safety, and extended service life. These characteristics make them highly suitable for applications in aerospace, new energy vehicles, and portable electronic devices. However, the growth of lithium dendrite at the electrode/electrolyte interface remains a critical challenge, limiting both performance and safety. The growth of lithium dendrites in the electrolyte not only reduces the Coulombic efficiency of the battery but also poses a risk of puncturing the electrolyte, leading to internal short circuits between the anode and cathode. This study is to solve the problem of lithium dendrite growth in solid-state lithium batteries by employing phase-field theory for numerical simulations. A phase-field model is developed by coupling the mechanical stress field, thermal field, and electrochemical field, to investigate the morphology and evolution of lithium dendrites under the condition of different ambient temperatures, external pressures, and their combined effects. The results indicate that higher temperature and greater external pressure significantly suppress lithium dendrite growth, leading to fewer side branches, smoother surfaces, and more uniform electrochemical deposition. Increased external pressure inhibits longitudinal dendrite growth, resulting in a compressed morphology with higher specific surface area and compactness, but at the cost of increased mechanical instability. Similarly, elevated ambient temperature enhances lithium-ion diffusion and reaction rate, which further suppress dendrite growth rate and size. The combined effect of temperature and pressure exhibits a pronounced inhibitory influence on dendrite growth, with stress concentrating at the dendrite roots. This stress distribution promotes lateral growth, facilitating the formation of flatter and denser lithium deposits.
  • 图 1  二维锂枝晶生长的有限元模型示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic diagram of the finite element model of two-dimensional lithium dendrite growth.

    图 2  有限元结果验证 (a) 有限元网格与初始形核点位置设置; (b) 当t = 40 s时当前模型的锂离子浓度; (c) 当t = 40 s时Yang等[31]得到的锂离子浓度

    Fig. 2.  Verification of finite element results: (a) Setting of finite element mesh and initial nucleation point; (b) lithium-ion concentration (mol/m3) of current model when t = 40 s; (c) lithium-ion concentration (mol/m3) morphology obtained by Yang et al. [31] when t = 40 s.

    图 3  锂枝晶生长演化结果 (a) 锂枝晶生长形貌; (b) 锂离子浓度(mol/m3); (c) 电势分布(V); (d) von Mises 应力分布(MPa)

    Fig. 3.  Evolution results of lithium dendrite growth: (a) Growth morphology of lithium dendrites; (b) lithium-ion concentration (mol/m3); (c) electric potential (V); (d) von Mises stress distribution (MPa).

    图 4  施加不同外压力时的锂枝晶生长演化结果 (a) 锂枝晶生长形貌; (b) von Mises应力分布 (MPa)

    Fig. 4.  Evolution results of lithium dendrite growth under different external pressures: (a) Growth morphology of lithium dendrites; (b) von Mises stress distribution (MPa).

    图 5  不同外压力下锂枝晶生长趋势结果 (a) 锂枝晶高度与宽度的比值(b/a)随时间的变化; (b) 锂枝晶宽度与高度的比值(a/b)随压力的变化

    Fig. 5.  Results of lithium dendrite growth trend under different external pressures: (a) The ratio of height to width (b/a) of lithium dendrite changes with time; (b) the ratio of width to height (a/b) of lithium dendrite changes with pressure.

    图 6  不同环境温度下的锂枝晶生长演化结果 (a) 锂枝晶生长形貌; (b) 锂离子浓度(mol/m3)

    Fig. 6.  Evolution results of lithium dendrite growth at different ambient temperatures: (a) Growth morphology of lithium dendrites; (b) lithium-ion concentration (mol/m3).

    图 7  不同环境温度下锂枝晶高度与宽度的比值(b/a)随时间的变化

    Fig. 7.  Ratio of height to width (b/a) of lithium dendrites changes with time at different ambient temperatures.

    图 8  不同环境温度和外压力耦合作用下锂枝晶生长演化结果 (a) 锂枝晶生长形貌; (b) von Mises应力分布(MPa); (c) 锂离子浓度(mol/m3)

    Fig. 8.  Evolution results of lithium dendrite growth under coupling of external pressure and ambient temperature: (a) Growth morphology of lithium dendrites; (b) von Mises stress (MPa); (c) lithium-ion concentration (mol/m3).

    图 9  在外压、环境温度以及这两种条件耦合作用下锂枝晶生长高度对比

    Fig. 9.  Comparison of lithium dendrite height under external pressure, ambient temperature and coupling of these two conditions.

    表 1  相场模拟的模型参数[16,17,30,31]

    Table 1.  Phase field simulation parameters[16,17,30,31]

    Vegard 应变系数λi–0.866×10–3
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-12-15
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