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冯玉祥 汪雨辰 童家欢 吕立冬



冯玉祥, 汪雨辰, 童家欢, 吕立冬

Research on Raman distributed fiber temperature measurement system based on dynamic calibration

Feng Yu Xiang, Wang Yu Chen, Tong Jia Huan, LYU Li Dong
  • 拉曼分布式光纤测温系统基于拉曼Stokes散射光和anti-Stokes散射光功率进行温度解调,拉曼散射光功率直接影响测温精度。系统中激光脉冲功率以及雪崩光电探测器增益均可能出现随机变化,从而导致获取的拉曼散射光功率波动,因此,本文提出一种基于动态标定的拉曼分布式光纤测温系统方案,通过设置温度标定单元并结合提出的功率校正算法,消除标定单元的温度的动态变化对拉曼散射光功率的贡献,再基于先前标定的数据,分别将拉曼Stokes散射光和拉曼anti-Stokes散射光功率校正到同一激光脉冲功率及雪崩光电探测器增益水平,从而提升系统的测温精度。系统采用50ns的激光脉冲,在4.6km长的单模光纤上开展测温试验,结果显示:在35℃至95℃的测温区间,基于传统的温度解调算法,测温偏差为-5.8℃至+1.0℃,均方根误差为4.0℃,而基于动态标定的校正算法,测温偏差为-0.8℃至+0.9℃,均方根误差为0.5℃。本文提出新的拉曼分布式光纤测温系统具备拉曼散射光功率动态校正功能,有工程推广价值。
    Distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system is widely used in substation, power cable, natural gas transmission pipeline and other temperature measurement fields. It can continuously measure the temperature information of each position along the sensing. Raman distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system demodulates the temperature information based on Raman Stokes scattered light and anti-Stokes scattered light power, and the Raman scattering light power directly affects the temperature measurement accuracy. So, it is a challenging work to control the hardward of the system to ensure the feasiblity of the Raman sacttering signals. The laser pulse power, and the gain of avalanche photodetector may vary randomly in the system, resulting in fluctuations in the acquired Raman scattered light power data. Therefore, a scheme of Raman distributed fiber temperature measurement system based on dynamic calibration is proposed in this paper, and by setting the temperature calibration unit and combining the proposed power correction algorithm and the previous calibration data, the Raman Stokes scattered light and Raman anti-Stokes scattered light power are calibrated to the same laser pulse power level and avalanche photodetector gain, so as to improve the temperature measurement accuracy of the system. For the performance demonstration of the new scheme, the experimental system adopts 50ns laser pulse to carry out temperature measurement experiments with 4.6km long single-mode fiber. The results show that: within temperature measurement range from 35 ℃ to 95 ℃, based on the traditional temperature demodulation algorithm, the temperature deviation measured is within -5.8 ℃ to+1.0 ℃, and the root mean square error is 4.0 ℃, and by the dynamic calibration algorithm, the deviation of deviation measured is within -0.8℃ ~ +0.9℃ and the root mean square error is 0.5℃. Therefore, the new Raman distributed optical fiber temperature measurement system proposed in this paper has the function to dynamically correct the Raman scattered light power to surpress influence caused by instability of the key devices such as pluse laser, avalanche photodetector and improve the temperature measurement accuracy, which is valuable in practical engineering applications.
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