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赵婷 宫毛毛 张松斌



赵婷, 宫毛毛, 张松斌

Theoretical study on photo-ionization of helium atoms by Bessel vortex light

Zhao Ting, Gong Mao-Mao, Zhang Song-Bin
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241378
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 涡旋光携带额外的轨道角动量, 在与原子分子相互作用时能揭示更深层次的动力学信息. 本文基于一阶Born近似构建了涡旋光电离原子分子的理论计算框架, 并以氦原子为例进行详细计算和分析. 系统地研究了涡旋光引起的光电离截面如何随入射能量及光电子发射角度变化, 特别分析了位于涡旋光中心相位奇点的电离现象, 揭示了涡旋光在引发光电离过程中的独特行为模式, 为进一步研究涡旋光电离过程及其应用奠定了一定的理论基础.
    Owing to vortex light possessing the additional orbital angular momentum, its interaction with atoms and molecules can reveal in more depth insights into dynamics than the plane wave light. This paper aims to establish a theoretical framework for the photoionization of atoms and molecules by Bessel vortex light. In the case of macroscopic gas target, helium atoms are randomly dispersed around the entire region of the Bessel vortex beam. The final photoionization cross-section is not dependent on the angular momentum of the vortex light, but depends on the opening angle of the Bessel vortex light. This paper systematically computes the variation of photoionization cross-section with photon energy and the angular distributions of photoelectrons under different geometric conditions. The computation results demonstrate that there is a significant difference in the photo-ionization cross-section between vortex light and plane wave light. In order to further investigate the characteristics of the phase singularity of the vortex light (when the light intensity reaches zero), this paper further calculates the photo-ionization of the vortex light with opening angles of 5°, 30°, and 60° at the phase singularity, respectively. The results indicate that the angular distribution of photoelectrons at these three angles is significantly dependent on the orbital angular momentum and the opening angle of the vortex light, and the calculated absolute cross-section does not equate to zero. This represents an important distinguishing feature of the Bessel vortex light when interacting with atoms, distinguishing it from the plane wave. This work lays the foundation for further studying vortex light photo-ionization and their applications.
      通信作者: 宫毛毛, gongmm@snnu.edu.cn ; 张松斌, song-bin.zhang@snnu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 中央高校基本科研业务费(批准号: GK202304006)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11934004, 12374238, 11974230)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Gong Mao-Mao, gongmm@snnu.edu.cn ; Zhang Song-Bin, song-bin.zhang@snnu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. GK202304006) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11934004, 12374238, 11974230).

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    Rouxel J R, Rösner B, Karpov D, Bacellar C, Mancini G F, Zinna F, Kinschel D, Cannelli O, Oppermann M, Svetina C, Diaz A, Lacour J, David C, Chergui M 2022 Nat. Photonics 16 570Google Scholar


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    Fanciulli M, Pancaldi M, Pedersoli E, Vimal M, Bresteau D, Luttmann M, De Angelis D, Ribič P R, Rösner B, David C, Spezzani C, Manfredda M, Sousa R, Prejbeanu I L, Vila L, Dieny B, De Ninno G, Capotondi F, Sacchi M, Ruchon T 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 077401Google Scholar


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    Ye L, Rouxel J R, Asban S, Rösner B, Mukamel S 2019 J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15 4180Google Scholar


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    Scholz-Marggraf H M, Fritzsche S, Serbo V G, Afanasev A, Surzhykov A 2014 Phys. Rev. A 90 013425Google Scholar


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    Waitz M, Bello R Y, Metz D, Lower J, Trinter F, Schober C, Keiling M, Lenz U, Pitzer M, Mertens K, Martins M, Viefhaus J, Klumpp S, Weber T, Schmidt L P H, Williams J B, Schöffler M S, Serov V V, Kheifets A S, Argenti L, Palacios A, Martín F, Jahnke T, Dörner R 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 2266Google Scholar


    Ivanov I P, Serbo V G 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 033804Google Scholar


    Gong M, Cheng Y, Zhang S B, Chen X 2022 Phys. Rev. A 106 012818Google Scholar


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    Ivanov V K, Chaikovskaia A D, Karlovets D V 2023 Phys. Rev. A 108 062803Google Scholar


    Duan J, Gong M, Cheng Y, Zhang S B 2024 Phys. Rev. A 109 063114Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  贝塞尔涡旋光束入射原子靶的示意图, 其中碰撞参数为$ {{\boldsymbol{b}}} $(在笛卡尔坐标系中表示为($ b_x , b_y $), 在极坐标系中表示为($b, \phi_b $)), 定义于$ xy $平面内; 发射光电子的立体角由$ \theta_{{\mathrm{e}}} $和$ \phi_{{\mathrm{e}}} $表示(图中未显示)

    Fig. 1.  Overview of the twist Bessel light incidents on a molecular target with impact parameter $ {{\boldsymbol{b}}} $ (($ b_x , b_y $) in Cartesian coordinate or ($b, \phi_b $) in polar coordinate), defined in $ xy $ plane. The solid angle of the emitted photoelectron is described by $ \theta_{{\mathrm{e}}} $ and $ \phi_{{\mathrm{e}}} $ (not shown in the image).

    图 2  电子探测器在不同位置处光电离截面随光子能量的变化 (a) $ \theta_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 1^\circ,~\phi_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 0^\circ $; (b) $ \theta_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 10^\circ,~ \phi_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 0^\circ $; (c) $ \theta_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 90^\circ,~ \phi_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 90^\circ $

    Fig. 2.  Photoionization cross section as a function of photon energy detected at different ejected angles: (a) $ \theta_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 1^\circ $, $ \phi_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 0^\circ $; (b) $ \theta_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 10^\circ $, $ \phi_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 0^\circ $; (c) $ \theta_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 90^\circ $, $ \phi_{{\mathrm{e}}} = 90^\circ $.

    图 3  光子能量分别为(a) 1000 eV和(b) 10000 eV时, 在$ xz $平面的光电离截面角分布; 光子能量分别为(c) 1000 eV和(d) 10000 eV时, 在$ xy $平面的光电离截面角分布

    Fig. 3.  Angular distribution of the photoionization cross section: (a), (b) In $ xz $ plane, the corresponding photon energies are 1000 eV and 10000 eV, respectively; (c), (d) the photoionization cross section in $ xy $ plane, corresponding to photon energies of 1000 eV and 10000 eV, respectively.

    图 4  不同开放角和不同TAM $ m_{\gamma} $下的涡旋光诱导的光电离截面在$ xz $平面的角分布(光子能量为1000 eV), 图中三列分别代表涡旋光开放角为5°, 30°和60°, 五行代表不同的TAM $ m_{\gamma} $取值2, 1, 0, –1, –2

    Fig. 4.  Angular distribution of photoionization cross sections with different opening angles and TAM with photon energy of 1000 eV. The opening angles of the three columns are 5°, 30° and 60°, respectively. The five rows represent different TAM values, which are 2, 1, 0, –1, –2, respectively.

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    Peshkov A A, Bidasyuk Y M, Lange R, Huntemann N, Peik E, Surzhykov A 2023 Phys. Rev. A 107 023106Google Scholar


    Schmiegelow C T, Schulz J, Kaufmann H, Ruster T, Poschinger U G, Schmidt-Kaler F 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 12998Google Scholar


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    Kiselev M D, Gryzlova E V, Grum-Grzhimailo A N 2023 Phys. Rev. A 108 023117Google Scholar


    De Ninno G, Wätzel J, Ribič P R, Allaria E, Coreno M, Danailov M B, David C, Demidovich A, Di Fraia M, Giannessi L, Hansen K, Krušič Š, Manfredda M, Meyer M, Mihelič A, Mirian N, Plekan O, Ressel B, Rösner B, Simoncig A, Spampinati S, Stupar M, Žitnik M, Zangrando M, Callegari C, Berakdar J 2020 Nat. Photonics 14 554Google Scholar


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    Rouxel J R, Rösner B, Karpov D, Bacellar C, Mancini G F, Zinna F, Kinschel D, Cannelli O, Oppermann M, Svetina C, Diaz A, Lacour J, David C, Chergui M 2022 Nat. Photonics 16 570Google Scholar


    Bégin J L, Jain A, Parks A, Hufnagel F, Corkum P, Karimi E, Brabec T, Bhardwaj R 2023 Nat. Photonics 17 82Google Scholar


    Li X, Hu C, Tian Y, Liu Y, Chen H, Xu Y, Lu M H, Fu Y 2023 Sci. Bull. 68 2555Google Scholar


    Fanciulli M, Pancaldi M, Pedersoli E, Vimal M, Bresteau D, Luttmann M, De Angelis D, Ribič P R, Rösner B, David C, Spezzani C, Manfredda M, Sousa R, Prejbeanu I L, Vila L, Dieny B, De Ninno G, Capotondi F, Sacchi M, Ruchon T 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 077401Google Scholar


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