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姚能智 王浩 王斌 王学生



姚能智, 王浩, 王斌, 王学生

Venturi-effect rotating concentrators and nonreciprocity characteristics based on transformation hydrodynamics

Yao Neng-Zhi, Wang Hao, Wang Bin, Wang Xue-Sheng
  • 流动超材料与变换流体动力学的发展丰富了人们对于流体流动控制的方法. 本文基于变换流体动力学, 耦合流动旋转与放大功能, 设计出了具有张量化黏度的流动旋聚器. 从数值模拟层面验证了旋聚器可在蠕动流状态下同时实现对流速的放大和旋转功能. 在旋聚器中心流域, 流体流速被放大, 呈现出文丘里效应; 在旋聚器外部区域, 流体流动状态不会因旋聚器的存在而受到干扰, 保持原有的流动状态. 除此之外, 本文发现并解释了空间坐标变换的非互易性所造成的旋转滞后现象的本质. 本文所研究内容扩展并优化了现有的流体流动聚集功能; 提出了文丘里效应相关应用的一种新途径; 为超材料的非互易坐标变换设计提供了新的思路.
    The development of hydrodynamics metamaterials and transformation hydrodynamics has enriched the methods of fluid flow control. In the proposed study, coupling flow rotation and amplification functions, hydrodynamic rotating concentrators with tensorized viscosity are designed based on transformation hydrodynamics. Through numerical simulations, we have demonstrated that the rotating concentrators can simultaneously magnify and rotate the velocity in creeping flows. In the central area of the rotating concentrators, the fluid velocity is amplified, exhibiting the venturi effect; in the external area of the rotating concentrators, the flow state is not interfered with due to the presence of the rotating concentrators, maintaining the original flow state. Additionally, we discover and explain the mechanisms of the rotational hysteresis phenomena that are caused by the nonreciprocity of spatial coordinate transformations. The proposed studies 1) extend and optimize the traditional flow concentrators, 2) raise new approaches for applications related to Venturi effects, and 3) shed light on the design of nonreciprocal coordinate transformations for metamaterials.
      Corresponding author: Wang Bin, bwang@ecust.edu.cn ; Wang Xue-Sheng, wangxs@ecust.edu.cn

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  • 图 1  文丘里效应旋聚器模型示意图 (a) 坐标变换; (b) 边界条件

    Fig. 1.  Schematic models of Venturi-effect rotating concentrators: (a) the coordinate transformation; (b) boundary conditions.

    图 2  不同流动功能在均匀来流下的速度场分布, 其中黑色线条代表流线, 白色线条表示等压线 (a) 背景流场; (b) 流动旋转; (c) 流动聚集; (d) 流动旋转聚集

    Fig. 2.  Velocity distributions of different hydrodynamic meta-devices in uniform flow fields with streamlines (black color) and isobars (white color): (a) Background flow fields; (b) hydrodynamic rotators; (c) hydrodynamic concentrators; (d) Venturi-effect rotating concentrators

    图 3  文丘里效应旋聚器在不同旋转角下的速度场分布, 其中黑色线条代表流线, 白色线条表示等压线 (a) $ \theta_0 $ = 0 rad; (b) $ \theta_0 = \pi/4 $ rad; (c) $ \theta_0 = \pi/2 $ rad; (d) $ \theta_0 = \pi $ rad. 从图中可以看出, 在不同旋转角下, 流体在中心区域的旋转均出现滞后现象

    Fig. 3.  Velocity distributions of Venturi-effect rotating concentrators at different predesigned rotation angles with streamlines (black color) and isobars (white color): (a) $ \theta_0 $ = 0 rad; (b) $ \theta_0 = \pi/4 $ rad; (c) $ \theta_0 = \pi/2 $ rad; (d) $ \theta_0 = \pi $ rad. It can be seen that the rotation angles of the central region appear hysteresis at various predesigned rotation angles ($ \theta_0 $)

    图 4  文丘里效应旋聚器旋转角度无滞后时的速度场分布, 其中黑色线条代表流线, 白色线条表示等压线 (a) $ \theta_0 $ = 0 rad; (b) $ \theta_0 = \pi/4 $ rad; (c) $ \theta_0 = \pi/2 $ rad; (d) $ \theta_0 = \pi $ rad

    Fig. 4.  Velocity distributions of Venturi-effect rotating concentrators at rotation angles without hysteresis. The black lines represent streamlines and the white lines indicate isobars: (a) $ \theta_0 =0 $ rad; (b) $ \theta_0 = \pi/4 $ rad; (c) $ \theta_0 = \pi/2 $ rad; (d) $ \theta_0 = \pi $ rad

    图 5  不同R2/R1情况下的文丘里效应旋聚器在$ \theta_0 = 0 $时和y = 0处的速度分布

    Fig. 5.  Velocity distributions of Venturi-effect rotating concentrators parameterized in R2/R1 at $ \theta_0 = 0 $ and at the centerline y = 0.

    图 6  文丘里效应旋聚器在非均匀来流下的流场分布图, 其中黑色线条代表流线, 白色线条表示等压线. (a) 背景流场; (b) θ0 = 0 rad; (c) θ0 = π/2 rad; (d) θ0 = π rad

    Fig. 6.  Velocity distributions of Venturi-effect rotating concentrators in non-uniform flow fields with streamlines (black color) and isobars (white color): (a) background flow fields; (b) θ0 = 0 rad; (c) θ0 = π/2 rad; (d) θ0 = π rad.

  • [1]

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    Hu R, Zhou S, Li Y, Lei D Y, Luo X B, Qiu C W 2018 Adv. Mater. 30 1707237Google Scholar


    Shen X, Li Y, Jiang C R, Huang J P 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 055501Google Scholar


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    Wang B, Shi T M, Huang J P 2021 Appl. Therm. Eng. 190 116726Google Scholar


    Park J, Song Y S 2020 J. Fluid Struct. 98 103136Google Scholar


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    Wang B, Shi T M, Xu L J, Dai G L, Huang J P 2021 Phys. Rev. Appl. 15 034014Google Scholar


    Boyko E, Bacheva V, Eigenbrod M 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 184502Google Scholar


    Ren F, Wang C, Tang H 2021 Phys. Fluids 33 093602Google Scholar


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    Wang W, Lin L, Ma J, Wang C, Cui J, Du C, Luo X 2008 Opt. Express 16 11431Google Scholar


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    Shen X Y, Li Y, Jiang C R, Ni Y S, Huang J P 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 031907Google Scholar


    Li C Y, Xu L, Zhu L L, Zou S Y, Liu Q H, Wang Z Y, Chen H Y 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 104501Google Scholar


    Wang H, Yao N Z, Wang B, Shi T M, Wang X S 2022 Appl. Therm. Eng. 206 118012Google Scholar


    Kadic M, Bückmann T, Schittny R, Wegener M 2013 Rep. Prog. Phys. 76 126501Google Scholar


    Hele-Shaw H S 1898 Nature 58 520


    Kundu P K, Cohen I M 2002 Fluid Mech.


    Bertotti G, Mayergoyz I D 2005 A. P.


    Bertotti G 1998 A. P.

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-12-22
  • 修回日期:  2022-02-16
  • 上网日期:  2022-02-21
  • 刊出日期:  2022-05-20

