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刘伟 平云霞 杨俊 薛忠营 魏星 武爱民 俞文杰 张波



刘伟, 平云霞, 杨俊, 薛忠营, 魏星, 武爱民, 俞文杰, 张波

Reaction of titanium-modulated nickel with germanium-tin under microwave and rapid thermal annealing

Liu Wei, Ping Yun-Xia, Yang Jun, Xue Zhong-Ying, Wei Xing, Wu Ai-Min, Yu Wen-Jie, Zhang Bo
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文研究了1 nm钛作为插入层的条件下, 镍与锗锡合金在不同退火温度下的固相反应, 比较了微波退火和快速热退火对镍锗锡化物形成的影响. 研究结果表明: 在微波退火300 ℃、快速热退火350 ℃条件下, 可以形成连续平整的镍锗锡薄膜. 通过进一步分析镍锗锡薄膜的元素分布, 发现1 nm钛插入层发生“层转移”现象, 钛在镍与锗锡合金反应后分布在样品的表面, 由“插入层”变为“盖帽层”; 而锡元素因受到金属钛的调制作用, 主要分布在镍锗锡薄膜/锗锡衬底的界面.
    As the complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible with group IV materials, germanium tin (GeSn) alloys have potential applications in photonics and microelectronics. With the increase of tin (Sn) content, GeSn alloys can change from indirect bandgap semiconductor to direct bandgap semiconductor. On the other hand, GeSn alloys have a higher hole mobility than Ge and can be used as channel materials in metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). Therefore, the properties of GeSn alloys are studied extensively. In this work, the solid-phase reaction between Ni and GeSn is investigated under microwave annealing (MWA) and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) conditions. We use the four-point probe method to measure the sheet resistance, the atomic force microscopy (AFM) to examine the surface morphology of the sample, the cross-section transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) to analyze the microstructures of the metal stanogermanides, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) to observe the elements’ distribution of different samples. It is shown that the flat Nickel stanogermanide (NiGeSn) films are obtained at 300 ℃ for MWA and at 350 ℃ for RTA. By analyzing the distributions of sample elements, we find that Sn atoms continue to diffuse into the NiGeSn layer and are segregate mainly at the interface between NiGeSn and GeSn. However, the Ti atoms move from interlayer to the surface after being annealed. We propose that this method is a promising way of developing GeSn devices in the future.
      通信作者: 平云霞, xyping@sues.edu.cn ; 张波, bozhang@mail.sim.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61604094)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Ping Yun-Xia, xyping@sues.edu.cn ; Zhang Bo, bozhang@mail.sim.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61604094)

    Wang P P 1978 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 25 779Google Scholar


    Wang H J, Liu Y, Liu M S, Zhang Q F, Zhang C F, Ma X H, Zhang J C, Hao Y, Han G Q 2015 Superlattices Microstruct. 83 401Google Scholar


    Liu Q, Cai J H, He J Z, Wang Y Z, Zhang D L, Liu C, Ren W, Yu W J, Liu X K, Zhao Q T 2017 J. Infrared Millimeter Waves 36 543Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Wang Y S, Chen N L, Lin G Y, Li C, Huang W, Chen S Y, Xu J F, Wang J Y 2016 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 448 74Google Scholar


    Onufrijevs P, Ščajev P, Medvids A, Andrulevicius M, Nargelas S, Malinauskas T, Stanionyte S, Skapas M, Grase L, Pludons A, Oehme M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Schulze J, Cheng H H 2020 Opt. Laser Technol. 128 106200Google Scholar


    Han G Q, Su S J, Zhan C L, Zhou Q, Yang Y, Wang L X, Guo P F, Wong C P, Shen Z X, Cheng B W, Yeo Y C 2011 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting Washington, DC Dec 05–07, 2011 p402


    Wang L X, Su S J, Wang W, Gong X, Yang Y, Guo P F, Zhang G Z, Xue C L, Cheng B W, Han G Q, Yeo Y C 2013 Solid-State Electron. 83 66Google Scholar


    Li H, Cheng H H, Lee L C, Lee C P, Su L H, Suen Y W 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 241904Google Scholar


    Demeulemeester J, Schrauwen A, Nakatsuka O, Zaima S, Adachi M, Shimura Y, Comrie C M, Fleischmann C, Detavernier C, Temst K, Vantomme A 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 211905Google Scholar


    Nishimura T, Nakatsuka O, Shimura Y, Takeuchi S, Vincent B, Vantomme A, Dekoster J, Caymax M, Loo R, Zaima S 2011 Solid-State Electron. 60 46Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Wang H J, Yan J, Han G Q 2014 ECS Solid State Lett. 3 11Google Scholar


    Wan W J, Ren W, Meng X R, Ping Y X, Wei X, Xue Z Y, Yu W J, Zhang M, Di Z F, Zhang B 2018 Chin. Phys. Lett. 35 056802Google Scholar


    Khiangte K R, Rathore J S, Sharma V, Laha A, Mahapatra S 2018 Solid State Commun. 284–286 88Google Scholar


    孟骁然, 平云霞, 常永伟, 魏星, 俞文杰, 薛忠营, 狄增峰, 张苗, 张波 2015 功能材料与器件学报 21 85

    Meng X R, Ping Y X, Chang Y W, Wei X, Yu W J, Xue Z Y, Di Z F, Zhang M, Zhang B 2015 J. Funct. Mater. Devices 21 85


    Huang W Q, Cheng B W, Xue C L, Liu Z 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 118 165704Google Scholar


    Lan H S, Chang S T, Liu C W 2017 Phys. Rev. B 95 201201Google Scholar


    Wirths S, Geiger R, Driesch N V D, Mussler G, Stoica T, Mantl S, Lkonic Z, Luysberg M, Chiussi S, Hartmann J M, Sigg H, Faist J, Buca D, Grützmacher D 2015 Nat. Photonics 9 88Google Scholar


    Yi S H, Shu K, Liao C, Hsu C W, Huang J Y 2018 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 39 1278Google Scholar


    Liu T H, Chiu P Y, Chuang Y, Liu C Y, Shen C H, Luo G L, Li J Y 2018 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 39 468Google Scholar


    Quintero A, Gergaud P, Hartmann J M, Delaye V, Bernier N, Cooper D, Saghi Z, Reboud V, Cassan E, Rodriguez P 2020 ECS Trans. 98 365


    Zhang X, Zhang D L, Zheng J, Liu Z, He C, Xue C L, Zhang G Z, Li C B, Cheng B W, Wang Q M, 2015 Solid-State Electron. 114 178Google Scholar


    Quintero A, Gergaud P, Hartmann J M, Reboud V, Cassan E, Rodriguez P 2020 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 108 104890Google Scholar


    Ping Y X, Hou C L, Zhang C M, Yu W J, Xue Z Y, Wei X, Peng W, Di Z F, Zhang M, Zhang B 2017 J. Alloys Compd. 693 527Google Scholar


    Takeuchi S, Sakai A, Nakatsuka O, Ogawa M, Zaima S 2008 Thin Solid Films 517 159Google Scholar


    胡成 2013 硕士学位论文 (上海: 复旦大学)

    Hu C 2013 M. S. Thesis (Shanghai: Fudan University) (in Chinese)


    周祥标, 许鹏, 付超超, 吴东平 2016 半导体技术 41 456Google Scholar

    Zhou X B, Xu P, Fu C C, Wu D P 2016 Semicond. Technol. 41 456Google Scholar

  • 图 1  Ni/Ti/GeSn的方块电阻随退火温度的变化

    Fig. 1.  Sheet resistance of Ni/Ti/GeSn samples annealed at various temperatures.

    图 2  Ni/Ti/GeSn样品不同退火方式、不同退火温度下的AFM测试图 (a)−(c) 微波退火150, 250, 350 ℃; (d)−(f) 快速热退火150, 250, 350 ℃

    Fig. 2.  AFM images of annealed Ni/Ti/GeSn samples: (a)−(c) MWA at 150, 250 and 350 ℃; (d)−(f) RTA at 150, 250 and 350 ℃.

    图 3  (a)−(c) 微波退火300 ℃条件下的XTEM图、EDX图和EDX映射图; (d)−(f) 快速退火350 ℃条件下的XTEM图、EDX图、EDX映射图

    Fig. 3.  (a)−(c) XTEM, EDX, and EDX mapping images of MWA at 300 ℃; (d)−(f) XTEM, EDX, and EDX mapping images of RTA at 350 ℃.

  • [1]

    Wang P P 1978 IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices 25 779Google Scholar


    Wang H J, Liu Y, Liu M S, Zhang Q F, Zhang C F, Ma X H, Zhang J C, Hao Y, Han G Q 2015 Superlattices Microstruct. 83 401Google Scholar


    Liu Q, Cai J H, He J Z, Wang Y Z, Zhang D L, Liu C, Ren W, Yu W J, Liu X K, Zhao Q T 2017 J. Infrared Millimeter Waves 36 543Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Wang Y S, Chen N L, Lin G Y, Li C, Huang W, Chen S Y, Xu J F, Wang J Y 2016 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 448 74Google Scholar


    Onufrijevs P, Ščajev P, Medvids A, Andrulevicius M, Nargelas S, Malinauskas T, Stanionyte S, Skapas M, Grase L, Pludons A, Oehme M, Lyutovich K, Kasper E, Schulze J, Cheng H H 2020 Opt. Laser Technol. 128 106200Google Scholar


    Han G Q, Su S J, Zhan C L, Zhou Q, Yang Y, Wang L X, Guo P F, Wong C P, Shen Z X, Cheng B W, Yeo Y C 2011 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting Washington, DC Dec 05–07, 2011 p402


    Wang L X, Su S J, Wang W, Gong X, Yang Y, Guo P F, Zhang G Z, Xue C L, Cheng B W, Han G Q, Yeo Y C 2013 Solid-State Electron. 83 66Google Scholar


    Li H, Cheng H H, Lee L C, Lee C P, Su L H, Suen Y W 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 241904Google Scholar


    Demeulemeester J, Schrauwen A, Nakatsuka O, Zaima S, Adachi M, Shimura Y, Comrie C M, Fleischmann C, Detavernier C, Temst K, Vantomme A 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 211905Google Scholar


    Nishimura T, Nakatsuka O, Shimura Y, Takeuchi S, Vincent B, Vantomme A, Dekoster J, Caymax M, Loo R, Zaima S 2011 Solid-State Electron. 60 46Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Wang H J, Yan J, Han G Q 2014 ECS Solid State Lett. 3 11Google Scholar


    Wan W J, Ren W, Meng X R, Ping Y X, Wei X, Xue Z Y, Yu W J, Zhang M, Di Z F, Zhang B 2018 Chin. Phys. Lett. 35 056802Google Scholar


    Khiangte K R, Rathore J S, Sharma V, Laha A, Mahapatra S 2018 Solid State Commun. 284–286 88Google Scholar


    孟骁然, 平云霞, 常永伟, 魏星, 俞文杰, 薛忠营, 狄增峰, 张苗, 张波 2015 功能材料与器件学报 21 85

    Meng X R, Ping Y X, Chang Y W, Wei X, Yu W J, Xue Z Y, Di Z F, Zhang M, Zhang B 2015 J. Funct. Mater. Devices 21 85


    Huang W Q, Cheng B W, Xue C L, Liu Z 2015 J. Appl. Phys. 118 165704Google Scholar


    Lan H S, Chang S T, Liu C W 2017 Phys. Rev. B 95 201201Google Scholar


    Wirths S, Geiger R, Driesch N V D, Mussler G, Stoica T, Mantl S, Lkonic Z, Luysberg M, Chiussi S, Hartmann J M, Sigg H, Faist J, Buca D, Grützmacher D 2015 Nat. Photonics 9 88Google Scholar


    Yi S H, Shu K, Liao C, Hsu C W, Huang J Y 2018 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 39 1278Google Scholar


    Liu T H, Chiu P Y, Chuang Y, Liu C Y, Shen C H, Luo G L, Li J Y 2018 IEEE Electron. Device Lett. 39 468Google Scholar


    Quintero A, Gergaud P, Hartmann J M, Delaye V, Bernier N, Cooper D, Saghi Z, Reboud V, Cassan E, Rodriguez P 2020 ECS Trans. 98 365


    Zhang X, Zhang D L, Zheng J, Liu Z, He C, Xue C L, Zhang G Z, Li C B, Cheng B W, Wang Q M, 2015 Solid-State Electron. 114 178Google Scholar


    Quintero A, Gergaud P, Hartmann J M, Reboud V, Cassan E, Rodriguez P 2020 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 108 104890Google Scholar


    Ping Y X, Hou C L, Zhang C M, Yu W J, Xue Z Y, Wei X, Peng W, Di Z F, Zhang M, Zhang B 2017 J. Alloys Compd. 693 527Google Scholar


    Takeuchi S, Sakai A, Nakatsuka O, Ogawa M, Zaima S 2008 Thin Solid Films 517 159Google Scholar


    胡成 2013 硕士学位论文 (上海: 复旦大学)

    Hu C 2013 M. S. Thesis (Shanghai: Fudan University) (in Chinese)


    周祥标, 许鹏, 付超超, 吴东平 2016 半导体技术 41 456Google Scholar

    Zhou X B, Xu P, Fu C C, Wu D P 2016 Semicond. Technol. 41 456Google Scholar

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