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强帆 朱京平 张云尧 张宁 李浩 宗康 曹莹瑜



强帆, 朱京平, 张云尧, 张宁, 李浩, 宗康, 曹莹瑜

Reconstruction of polarization parameters in channel modulated polarization imaging system

Qiang Fan, Zhu Jing-Ping, Zhang Yun-Yao, Zhang Ning, Li Hao, Zong Kang, Cao Ying-Yu
  • 通道调制型偏振成像系统中, 焦平面上获取的信息需要通过目标偏振参量的重建才能有效提取, 因而重建是目标识别、材料分析、生物医疗等技术进一步应用的前提. 为了实现在非理想情况下通道调制型偏振成像系统的偏振参量精确重建, 需要解决成像系统中CCD采样频率与频谱位置偏移对重建的影响. 本文首先详细分析了频谱不发生混叠的条件: CCD采样频率应至少为4倍基频; 在偏振干涉频谱位置偏移时, 使用最大频谱法确定各个偏振态的载波频率, 通过频移、滤波和傅里叶变换获得目标的偏振重建二维图像; 最后通过计算机模拟仿真与实验分析结合的方法验证该重建方案的可行性与有效性. 模拟与实验结果表明: 改进后的偏振重建法得到的偏振图像与原始输入图像的均方差在0.001以下, 峰值信噪比有明显的提高, 且结构相似度可达到0.9以上, 表明该方法获得的二维偏振态重建图像精度高, 与理论偏振解调法相比具有很大的优越性. 该工作希望为后续偏振探测与分析进一步的研究提供参考.
    Based on the reconstruction of the polarization parameters in a channel modulating polarization imaging system, the polarization features of the target could be extracted effectively. Considering that the reconstruction of polarization parameters can provide important reference for target recognition, material analysis, remote sensing and bio-medical treatment, the research on accurate reconstruction of polarization parameters is now urgently required. In order to improve the accuracy of polarization parameter reconstruction, we first study the influence of sample frequency of interference fringes on the imaging process. For the same carrier frequency, conjugate spectra are separated and also the spectra are not aliasing for two adjacent spectral lines. It is concluded that to prevent the image spectrum from aliasing, the sample frequency should be at least 4 times the maximum fringe frequency of the polarization interference image. Then we study Stokes parameter reconstruction method when the spectral line positions of interference image are changed by assembling error. Since different Stokes parameters are amplitude modulated at different frequencies, we apply segment filters to split the frequency domain into different regions, and seek for the largest spectrum in corresponding regions. The largest spectrum in different regions can be used to determine the spectral line position of polarization carrier frequency, and the two-dimensional images of the target are rebuilt in sequence by the frequency shifting, spectral filtering, and Fourier inversion transforming. According to the above method, we could obtain an exact polarization rebuilding image when the line position of polarization carrier frequency is modified. Finally, we use the computer simulation and experiment to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of such a rebuilding method. The results demonstrate that the reconstruction of polarization parameters in channel modulating polarization imaging by this rebuilding method is better than by the traditional theoretical rebuilding method. In detail, the mean square error between the reconstruction and original input image could be suppressed to 0.001 while the peak-signal-to-noise ratio is improved and the structural similarity index measurement could be more than 0.9 by utilizing the new rebuilding method. It turns out that the reconstruction method with great superiority can provide a promising reference for further research of channel modulating polarization imaging system.
      通信作者: 朱京平, jpzhu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划和北京石油化工学院光机电装备技术北京市重点实验室开放课题基金(批准号: KF2014-01)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhu Jing-Ping, jpzhu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Beijing Area Key Laboratory of Opto-Mechatronic Equipment Technology, China (Grant No. KF2014-01).

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