


Vol. 54, No. 10 (2005)

A meshless method with complex variables for elasticity
Cheng Yu-Min, Li Jiu-Hong
2005, 54 (10): 4463-4471. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4463
Abstract +
Exact solutions of nonlinear Shr?dinger equations
Pu Li-Chun, Lin Zong-Bing, Zhang Xue-Feng, Wang Ben-Ju, Jiang Yi, Yan Tian-Yan
2005, 54 (10): 4472-4477. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4472
Abstract +
Simulation of x-ray transmission through a capillary
Wu Peng-Ju, Li Yu-De, Lin Xiao-Yan, Liu An-Dong, Sun Tian-Xi
2005, 54 (10): 4478-4482. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4478
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Higher order Lagrange equations of holonomic potential mechanical system
Zhang Xiang-Wu
2005, 54 (10): 4483-4487. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4483
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Symmetries and conserved quantities of mechanical systems with unilateral holonomic constraints in phase space
Zhang Yi
2005, 54 (10): 4488-4495. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4488
Abstract +
The ideal velocity field of ship waves on a viscous fluid
Wu Yun-Gang, Tao Ming-De
2005, 54 (10): 4496-4500. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4496
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Abundant Jacobi elliptic function solutions of nonlinear evolution equations
Lü Da-Zhao
2005, 54 (10): 4501-4505. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4501
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Using trial equation method to solve the exact solutions for two kinds of KdV equations with variable coefficients
Liu Cheng-Shi
2005, 54 (10): 4506-4510. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4506
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Characteristics of the band structure in two-dimensional phononic crystals with complex lattices
Zhao Fang, Yuan Li-Bo
2005, 54 (10): 4511-4516. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4511
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General WGHZ state and its disentanglement and probabilistic teleportation
Huang Yong-Chang, Liu Min
2005, 54 (10): 4517-4523. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4517
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Discussion on the transformation property between the configuration wavefunction of the equivalent-electron and the Young tableau
Hu Kun-Ming
2005, 54 (10): 4524-4525. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4524
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Quantum fluctuation in the time-dependent linearly driven degenerate parametric amplification
Zhao Chao-Ying, Tan Wei-Han
2005, 54 (10): 4526-4531. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4526
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The dynamical mechanism of A-B effect and its testing scheme
Wang Rui-Feng
2005, 54 (10): 4532-4537. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4532
Abstract +
Spectra analysis of the two-dimensional elliptic billiards
Xu Xue-You, Zhang Yan-Hui, Huang Fa-Zhong, Lin Sheng-Lu, Du Meng-Li
2005, 54 (10): 4538-4542. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4538
Abstract +
Series solution for relative-rotation motion equation
Zhao Wu, Liu Bin
2005, 54 (10): 4543-4548. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4543
Abstract +
Eigenvalues of volume and area in the spin network representation
Shao Dan, Shao Liang, Shao Chang-Gui, Chen Yi-Han, Ma Wei-Chuan
2005, 54 (10): 4549-4555. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4549
Abstract +
Influence of the ingot solidification microstructure on the formation kinetics of icosahedral quasicrystalline phase during the crystallization of the corresponding amorphous alloy
Tong Yu-Quan, Shen Bao-Cheng, Gan Yu-Sheng, Yan Zhi-Jie
2005, 54 (10): 4556-4561. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4556
Abstract +
One-way Hash function construction based on two-dimensional hyper-chaotic mappings
Peng Fei, Qiu Shui-Sheng, Long Min
2005, 54 (10): 4562-4568. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4562
Abstract +
On the prediction of chaotic time series using a new generalized radial basis function neural networks
Li Jun, Liu Jun-Hua
2005, 54 (10): 4569-4577. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4569
Abstract +
Adaptive multi-variable generalized predictive control and synchronization of chaotic systems
Dong En-Zeng, Chen Zeng-Qiang, Yuan Zhu-Zhi
2005, 54 (10): 4578-4583. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4578
Abstract +
A fast algorithm for generalized predictive control and synchronization of Hénon chaotic systems
Liu Fu-Cai, Liang Xiao-Ming
2005, 54 (10): 4584-4589. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4584
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Synchronization of a critical chaotic system with Lorenz system and Chen system
Ning Di, Lu Jun-An
2005, 54 (10): 4590-4595. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4590
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Optimization of scaled probabilistic cleaning methods
Jiang Ke-Yu, Cai Zhi-Ming
2005, 54 (10): 4596-4601. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4596
Abstract +
A new scheme of suppression of spiral and spatiotemporal chaos in centric field
Ma Jun, Pu Zhong-Sheng, Feng Wang-Jun, Li Wei-Xue
2005, 54 (10): 4602-4609. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4602
Abstract +
Bifurcation of safe basins in softening Duffing oscillator under bounded noise excitation
Rong Hai-Wu, Wang Xiang-Dong, Xu Wei, Fang Tong
2005, 54 (10): 4610-4613. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4610
Abstract +
The traffic flow of two-lane system with vehicle mixing
Zheng Rong-Sen, Tan Hui-Li, Kong Ling-Jiang, Liu Mu-Ren
2005, 54 (10): 4614-4620. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4614
Abstract +
Cellular automaton traffic flow model considering intelligent transportation system
Ge Hong-Xia, Zhu Hui-Bing, Dai Shi-Qiang
2005, 54 (10): 4621-4626. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4621
Abstract +
Synthesis, characterization and properties of B0.44C0.27N0.29 compound
Bai Suo-Zhu, Yao Bin, Su Wen-Hui
2005, 54 (10): 4627-4632. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4627
Abstract +
Optical absorption, Raman spectra and TEM study of Ag nanoparticles formed by ion implantation into a-SiO2
Liu Xiang-Fei, Jiang Chang-Zhong, Ren Feng, Fu Qiang
2005, 54 (10): 4633-4637. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4633
Abstract +
Experimental research on the sensitivity of wavelength modulation by signal processing
Shao Jie, Gao Xiao-Ming, Yuan Yi-Qian, Yang Yong, Cao Zhen-Song, Pei Shi-Xin, Zhang Wei-Jun
2005, 54 (10): 4638-4642. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4638
Abstract +
A high sensitive fission neutron detector system with a lead slot collimator
Ouyang Xiao-Ping, Li Zhen-Fu, Wang Qun-Shu, Huo Yu-Kun, Ma Yian-Liang, Zhang Qian-Mei, Zhang Guo-Guang, Jin Yu-Ren
2005, 54 (10): 4643-4647. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4643
Abstract +
Calculation of the transition spectra of sodium atom via TDDFT
Gu Bin, Jin Nian-Qing, Wang Zhi-Ping, Zeng Xiang-Hua
2005, 54 (10): 4648-4653. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4648
Abstract +
Temperature measurement from the Raman spectra of porous silicon
Bai Ying, Lan Yan-Na, Mo Yu-Jun
2005, 54 (10): 4654-4658. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4654
Abstract +
A novel beam-splitter for surface wave-guided atoms or molecules
Ji Xian-Ming, Yin Jian-Ping
2005, 54 (10): 4659-4665. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4659
Abstract +
Study of 46.8MeV p+12C inelastic scattering
Gu Yun-Ting, Feng Lu-Yan, Tao Jun-Quan, Huang Tian-Heng, Luo Chun, Ma Wei-Xing
2005, 54 (10): 4666-4668. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4666
Abstract +
EMS investigation of inner valance orbital 1a" for butanone
Li Gui-Qin, Deng Jing-Kang, Li Bin, Ren Xue-Guang, Ning Chuan-Gang, Zhang Shu-Feng, Su Guo-Lin
2005, 54 (10): 4669-4672. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4669
Abstract +
Theoretical study of cross sections of excitation and ionization for electron-ion impact in average-atomic model
Tian Ming-Feng, Meng Xu-Jun, Zhu Xi-Rui, Jiang Min-Hao, Wang Zhi-Gang
2005, 54 (10): 4673-4679. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4673
Abstract +
Electronic structure of the surface of LaNi5 crystal
Lin Shao-Jie, Zheng Hao-Ping
2005, 54 (10): 4680-4687. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4680
Abstract +
Experiment on PR SEW of SBN crystal
Zhang Tian-Hao, Lu Yan-Zhen, Kang Hui-Zhen, Yang Da-Peng, Zheng Jian-Ya, Fang Zhe-Yu, Lou Ci-Bo, Yang Jia, Yang Hui-Zhan, Yin Mei-Rong
2005, 54 (10): 4688-4691. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4688
Abstract +
Ultraslow light propagation in a solid
Fan Bao-Hua, Zhang Yun-Dong, Yuan Ping
2005, 54 (10): 4692-4695. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4692
Abstract +
Study of the multipass amplification of the chirped pulse and its inverse problem
Chu Xiao-Liang, Zhang Bin, Cai Bang-Wei, Wei Xiao-Feng, Zhu Qi-Hua, Huang Xiao-Jun, Yuan Xiao-Dong, Zeng Xiao-Ming, Liu Lan-Qin, Wang Xiao, Wang Xiao-Dong, Zhou Kai-Nan, Guo Yi
2005, 54 (10): 4696-4700. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4696
Abstract +
Optical feedback characteristics of two orthogonally polarized light beams in a HeNe laser during cavity tuning
Liu Gang, Zhang Shu-Lian, Xu Ting, Zhu Jun, Li Yan
2005, 54 (10): 4701-4709. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4701
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Nonparaxial propagation of Gaussian beam in arbitrary linearly polarized state
Zhou Guo-Quan
2005, 54 (10): 4710-4717. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4710
Abstract +
Laser-induced thermal analysis for mask layer of transmitted-aperture type super-RENS in optical storage
Shen Quan-Hong, Xu Duan-Yi, Qi Guo-Sheng, Hu Heng, Liu Rong
2005, 54 (10): 4718-4722. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4718
Abstract +
The effect of mass center motion on a two-level atom emission spectrum
Guo Hong, Zhao Li-Yan
2005, 54 (10): 4723-4729. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4723
Abstract +
Scheme for quantum information processing via Λ-type atoms interacting with bimodal cavity field
Song Ke-Hui
2005, 54 (10): 4730-4735. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4730
Abstract +
Ultrafast electronic dymamics during femtosecond laser-induced damage in omnidirectional reflector
Sun Hai-Yi, Jia Tian-Qing, Li Xiao-Xi, Xu Shi-Zhen, Feng Dong-Hai, Li Cheng-Bin, Wang Xiao-Feng, Xu Zhi-Zhan
2005, 54 (10): 4736-4740. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4736
Abstract +
Numerical simulation of x-ray lasers pumped by grazing incidence pulses
Yan Fei, Zhang Jie, Dong Quan-Li, Lu Xin, Li Ying-Jun
2005, 54 (10): 4741-4746. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4741
Abstract +
Suppression of pulse impairments due to cross-phase modulation by frequency domain phase conjugation
Bu Yang, Wang Xiang-Zhao
2005, 54 (10): 4747-4753. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4747
Abstract +
Singly resonant optical parametric oscillator with intracavity optical amplification
Deng Cheng-Xian, Li Zheng-Jia, Zhu Chang-Hong
2005, 54 (10): 4754-4760. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4754
Abstract +
The effect of electrode configuration in domain broadening of periodically poled LiNbO3
Wang Ting, Ma Bo-Qin, Sheng Yan, Cheng Bing-Ying, Zhang Dao-Zhong
2005, 54 (10): 4761-4764. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4761
Abstract +
Group velocity self-matching in noncollinear optical parametric generation with a type-Ⅰ phase-matched BBO crystal
Ma Jing, Zhang Ruo-Bing, Liu Bo, Zhu Chen, Zhang Wei-Li, Zhang Zhi-Gang, Wang Qing-Yue
2005, 54 (10): 4765-4769. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4765
Abstract +
PBG structures of two-dimensional magnetic photonic crystals in square lattice
Che Ming, Zhou Yun-Song, Wang Fu-He, Gu Ben-Yuan
2005, 54 (10): 4770-4775. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4770
Abstract +
Transient and steady-state multi-wave nonlinear optical properties of liquid crystal film
Miao Ming-Chuan, Xu Ze-Da, Hou Gang, Fan Shang-Chun
2005, 54 (10): 4776-4781. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4776
Abstract +
Fast tunable electro-optic polymer waveguide gratings
Wang Yi-Ping, Chen Jian-Ping, Li Xin-Wan, Zhou Jun-He, Shen Hao, Shi Chang-Hai, Zhang Xiao-Hong, Hong Jian-Xun, Ye Ai-Lun
2005, 54 (10): 4782-4788. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4782
Abstract +
RCS of 2-D target loaded with anisotropic magnetized plasma computed by FDTD
Xu Li-Jun, Liu Shao-Bin, Yuan Nai-Chang
2005, 54 (10): 4789-4793. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4789
Abstract +
Investigation of void in dust clouds in reactive plasma
Wu Jing, Zhang Peng-Yun, Song Qiao-Li, Zhang Jia-Liang, Wang De-Zhen
2005, 54 (10): 4794-4798. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4794
Abstract +
Calculation of neutron spectrum in ultraintense laser-plasmas interactions
Zhang Yi, Li Yu-Tong, Zhang Jie, Chen Zheng-Lin, Kodama R.
2005, 54 (10): 4799-4802. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4799
Abstract +
Experimental study of optical emission from the rear surface in ultrashort ultra-intense laser interaction with solid targets
Wang Guang-Chang, Zheng Zhi-Jian, Yang Xiang-Dong, Gu Yu-Qiu, Liu Hong-Jie, Wen Tian-Shu, Ge Fang-Fang, Jiao Chun-Ye, Zhou Wei-Min, Zhang Shuang-Gen, Wang Xiang-Xian
2005, 54 (10): 4803-4807. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4803
Abstract +
Numerical simulation of filamentary discharge controlled by dielectric barrier at atmospheric pressure
Zhang Yuan-Tao, Wang De-Zhen, Wang Yan-Hui
2005, 54 (10): 4808-4815. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4808
Abstract +
Thermal shock effect on diamond-like carbon thin films induced by pulsed-laser
Niu Yan-Xiong, Huang Feng, Duan Xiao-Feng, Wang Yue-Feng, Zhang Peng, He Chen-Juan, Yu Ye, Yao Jian-Quan
2005, 54 (10): 4816-4821. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4816
Abstract +
The study of depth distribution for ion with low energy implanted into plant seeds and mechanism of biological effect
Lu Ting, Zhou Hong-Yu, Ding Xiao-Ji, Wang Xin-Fu, Zhu Guang-Hua
2005, 54 (10): 4822-4826. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4822
Abstract +
Molecular dynamics studies on vacancy-interstitial annihilation in silicon
Qiao Yong-Hong, Wang Shao-Qing
2005, 54 (10): 4827-4835. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4827
Abstract +
Molecular dynamics simulation of strain effects on surface melting for metal Cu
Wang Hai-Long, Wang Xiu-Xi, Liang Hai-Yi
2005, 54 (10): 4836-4841. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4836
Abstract +
Modeling analysis of gradient-index coatings prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering
Shen Zi-Cai, Shao Jian-Da, Wang Ying-Jian, Fan Zheng-Xiu
2005, 54 (10): 4842-4845. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4842
Abstract +
The coherent growth and mechanical properties of non-isostructural TiN/TiB2 nanomultilayers
Wei Lun, Mei Fang-Hua, Shao Nan, Dong Yun-Shan, Li Ge-Yang
2005, 54 (10): 4846-4851. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4846
Abstract +
Effect of micropore on hydrogen adsorption of single walled carbon nanotubes
Zheng Hong, Wang Shao-Qing, Cheng Hui-Ming
2005, 54 (10): 4852-4856. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4852
Abstract +
Defect production and formation of helium-vacancy clusters in cascades of α-iron with different concentration of helium
Yang Li, Zu Xiao-Tao, Xiao Hai-Yan, Yang Shu-Zheng, Liu Ke-Zhao, Gao Fei
2005, 54 (10): 4857-4862. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4857
Abstract +
Effect of high temperature rapid thermal annealing on flow pattern defects in heavily Sb-doped CZSi
Hao Qiu-Yan, Liu Cai-Chi, Sun Wei-Zhong, Zhang Jian-Qiang, Sun Shi-Long, Zhao Li-Wei, Zhang Jian-Feng, Zhou Qi-Gang, Wang Jing
2005, 54 (10): 4863-4866. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4863
Abstract +
Self-organization of ordered surface patterns in nearly free sustained Al films
Zhang Yong-Ju, Yu Sen-Jiang
2005, 54 (10): 4867-4873. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4867
Abstract +
Fabrication of intrinsic microcrystalline silicon thin films used for solar cells and its structure
Zhang Xiao-Dan, Zhao Ying, Gao Yang-Tao, Zhu Feng, Wei Chang-Chun, Sun Jian, Geng Xin-Hua, Xiong Shao-Zhen
2005, 54 (10): 4874-4878. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4874
Abstract +
Magnetism and transport properties of Heusler alloy Co2TiSn
Zhang Wei, Qian Zheng-Nan, Sui Yu, Liu Yu-Qiang, Su Wen-Hui, Zhang Ming, Liu Zhu-Hong, Liu Guo-Dong, Wu Guang-Heng
2005, 54 (10): 4879-4883. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4879
Abstract +
Pseudoelasticity of Co50Ni22Ga28:Fex single crystal at room temperature and high temperature of 100℃
Dai Xue-Fang, Liu Guo-Dong, Liu Zhu-Hong, Wu Guang-Heng, Chen Jing-Lan
2005, 54 (10): 4884-4888. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4884
Abstract +
Preparation and magnetic properties of nanocomposite Nd28Fe66B6 /Fe50Co50 bilayer films
Ao Qi, Zhang Wa-Li, Zhang Yi, Wu Jian-Sheng
2005, 54 (10): 4889-4893. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4889
Abstract +
Dopant effects on martensitic transition and magnetic properties of Ni51.5Mn25Ga23.5 materials
Zhu Zhi-Yong, Wang Wen-Quan, Miao Yuan-Hua, Wang Yan-Song, Chen Li-Jie, Dai Xue-Fang, Liu Guo-Dong, Chen Jing-Lan, Wu Guang-Heng
2005, 54 (10): 4894-4897. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4894
Abstract +
Effect of Ag and Ti underlayer on the ordering in Fe/Pt multilayers
Feng Chun, Li Bao-He, Teng Jiao, Yang Tao, Yu Guang-Hua
2005, 54 (10): 4898-4902. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4898
Abstract +
Composition-modulated hybrid tunnel junctions of La1-xSrxMnO3
Yu Dun-Bo, Feng Jia-Feng, Du Yong-Sheng, Han Xiu-Feng, Yan Hui, Ying Qi-Ming, Zhang Guo-Cheng
2005, 54 (10): 4903-4908. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4903
Abstract +
Characterization of transitions in MnFeP0.45As0.55 compound
Zhu Zhi-Yong, Wang Wen-Quan, Miao Yuan-Hua, Wang Yan-Song, Chen Li-Jie, Dai Xue-Fang, Liu Guo-Dong, Chen Jing-Lan, Wu Guang-Heng
2005, 54 (10): 4909-4913. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4909
Abstract +
Mechanism of nonlinear dielectric constant of BaTiO3-based ceramics under high DC electric field
Liang Rui-Hong, Dong Xian-Lin, Chen Ying, Cao Fei, Wang Yong-Ling
2005, 54 (10): 4914-4919. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4914
Abstract +
Theoretical study of influence of substrate microdefects on optical properties of dielectric thin films
Shen Jian, Liu Shou-Hua, Shen Zi-Cai, Kong Wei-Jin, Huang Jian-Bing, Shao Jian-Da, Fan Zheng-Xiu
2005, 54 (10): 4920-4925. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4920
Abstract +
Spectroscopic properties of Er3+-doped alkaline/alkaline-earth metal modified fluorophosphate glasses
Li Tao, Zhang Qin-Yuan, Feng Zhou-Ming, Zhao Chun, Jiang Zhong-Hong
2005, 54 (10): 4926-4932. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4926
Abstract +
Efficient coupling from dielectric rib waveguide to two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide
Bai Ning-Feng, Liu Xu, Xiao Jin-Biao, Zhang Ming-De, Sun Xiao-Han
2005, 54 (10): 4933-4937. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4933
Abstract +
Generation and detection of terahertz radiation on reactive ion etched ZnTe surfaces
He Li-Rong, Gu Chun-Ming, Shen Wen-Zhong, Cao Jun-Cheng, Hiroshi Ogawa, Guo Qi-Xin
2005, 54 (10): 4938-4943. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4938
Abstract +
Investigation of diamond-like-carbon films prepared by unbalanced magnetron sputtering
Yang Wu-Bao, Fan Song-Hua, Zhang Gu-Ling, Ma Pei-Ning, Zhang Shou-Zhong, Du Jian
2005, 54 (10): 4944-4948. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4944
Abstract +
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes using alumina template and its thermal annealing effects
Wang Sen, Yu Guo-Jun, Gong Jin-Long, Zhu De-Zhang, He Sui-Xia, Zhu Zhi-Yuan, Xu Hong-Jie
2005, 54 (10): 4949-4954. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4949
Abstract +
Fragmentation in DNA double-strand breaks
Wei Zhi-Yong, Zang Li-Hui, Li Ming, Fan Wo, Xu Yu-Jie
2005, 54 (10): 4955-4960. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4955
Abstract +
Numerical modeling of non-linear characteristics for barotropic atmosphere with external forcing
Wang Ping, Dai Xin-Gang
2005, 54 (10): 4961-4970. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4961
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Conserved quantity and stability of Birkhoffian system
Xu Zhi-Xin
2005, 54 (10): 4971-4973. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4971
Abstract +
The two generalized solutions for the stationary axisymmetric vacuum garvitational field
Wu Ya-Bo, Dong Peng, Zhao Guo-Ming, Deng Xue-Mei
2005, 54 (10): 4974-4978. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4974
Abstract +
Effect of pre-pulses on capillary discharge soft x-ray laser
Cheng Yuan-Li, Luan Bo-Han, Wu Yin-Chu, Zhao Yong-Peng, Wang Qi, Zheng Wu-Di, Peng Hui-Min, Yang Da-Wei
2005, 54 (10): 4979-4984. doi: 10.7498/aps.54.4979
Abstract +