


Vol. 53, No. 7 (2004)

Stationary solution of motion of active Brownian particle
Deng Mao-Lin, Hong Ming-Chao, Zhu Wei-Qiu, Wang Yuan-Mei
2004, 53 (7): 2029-2034. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2029
Abstract +
Non Noether conserved quantity of the holonomic mechanical systems in terms of quasi-coordinates ——An extension of Hojman theorem
Qiao Yong-Fen, Zhao Shu-Hong, Li Ren-Jie
2004, 53 (7): 2035-2039. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2035
Abstract +
Problems on equilibrium of a thin elastic rod constrained on a surface
Xue Yun, Chen Li-Qun, Liu Yan-Zhu
2004, 53 (7): 2040-2045. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2040
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Form invariance of second-order linear nonholonomic systems in phase space
Lou Zhi-Mei
2004, 53 (7): 2046-2049. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2046
Abstract +
Sonic point position and critical pressure ratio in non-uniform microchannels
Ding Ying-Tao, He Feng, Yao Zhao-Hui, Shen Meng-Yu, Wang Xue-Fang
2004, 53 (7): 2050-2055. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2050
Abstract +
The envelope solutions to the coupled nonlinear Schr?dinger equation of Manakov type─with Jacobi elliptic functions
Shen Shou-Feng, Pan Zu-Liang, Zhang Jun, Ye Cai-Er
2004, 53 (7): 2056-2059. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2056
Abstract +
Applications of group theory to calculations of photonic band gap
Zhang Hai-Tao, Gong Ma-Li, Wang Dong-Sheng, Li Wei, Zhao Da-Zun
2004, 53 (7): 2060-2064. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2060
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Divergence structure for the quantum entropy of black holes in Anti-de Sitter spacetime
Mi Li-Qin
2004, 53 (7): 2065-2068. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2065
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Harmonic signal extraction from chaotic interference based on empirical mode decomposition
Li Hong-Guang, Meng Guang
2004, 53 (7): 2069-2073. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2069
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Energy minimization control for a discrete chaotic system
Liu Ding, Qian Fu-Cai, Ren Hai-Peng, Kong Zhi-Qiang
2004, 53 (7): 2074-2079. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2074
Abstract +
Study on phase synchronization of chaotic oscillators with many rotational centers based on amplitude coupling
Mo Xiao-Hua, Tang Guo-Ning
2004, 53 (7): 2080-2083. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2080
Abstract +
A family of multiple-folded torus chaotic attractors
Yu Si-Min, Lin Qing-Hua, Qiu Shui-Sheng
2004, 53 (7): 2084-2088. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2084
Abstract +
Rough surfaces induced speckle effects on detection performance of pulsed laser radar
Guo Guan-Jun, Shao Yun
2004, 53 (7): 2089-2093. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2089
Abstract +
Equivalence of the Dirac method and the Faddeev-Jackiw method in the quantization of constrained systems
Long Zheng-Wen, Liu Bo, Li Zi-Ping
2004, 53 (7): 2094-2099. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2094
Abstract +
Canonical Ward identity and dynamical mass generation for Abelian gauge theory in higher-order derivative systems
Long Zheng-Wen, Li Zi-Ping
2004, 53 (7): 2100-2105. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2100
Abstract +
Dependence of isospin fractionation process on the neutron-proton ratio of a colliding system in intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions
Xing Yong-Zhong, Liu Jian-Ye, Guo Wen-Jun, Fang Yu-Tian
2004, 53 (7): 2106-2111. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2106
Abstract +
The influence of symmetries of the substituted donor and acceptor on two-photon absorption cross sections of trans-stilbene derivatives
Su Yan, Wang Chuan-Kui, Wang Yan-Hua, Tao Li-Min
2004, 53 (7): 2112-2117. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2112
Abstract +
The second kind angular dispersion and the analysis of characteristics of diffraction grating
2004, 53 (7): 2118-2122. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2118
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Quantum properties of light in the two-photon T-C model in Kerr medium
Fang Jia-Yuan, Yan Xiao-Hong, Zhou Ming, Huang Chun-Jia
2004, 53 (7): 2133-2138. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2133
Abstract +
The interactions between an atom and a field with a time-varying frequency
Xu Jing-Ping, Yang Ya-Ping
2004, 53 (7): 2139-2144. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2139
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Generalized M 2 factor of truncated beams
Luo Shi-Rong, Lü Bai-Da, Sun Nian-Chun
2004, 53 (7): 2145-2149. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2145
Abstract +
Large optical cavity and small vertical divergence angle semiconductor lasers
Cui Bi-Feng, Li Jian-Jun, Zou De-Shu, Lian Peng, Han Jin-Ru, Wang Dong-Feng, Du Jin-Yu, Liu Ying, Zhao Hui-Min, Shen Guang-Di
2004, 53 (7): 2150-2153. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2150
Abstract +
The mechanism of ablation of sapphire by an ultra-short pulse laser
Li Xiao-Xi, Jia Tian-Qing, Feng Dong-Hai, Xu Zhi-Zhan
2004, 53 (7): 2154-2158. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2154
Abstract +
Edge-pumped composite thin-disc Yb:YAG/YAG laser: design and power scaling
Liu Qiang, Gong Ma-Li, Pan Yuan-Yuan, Li Chen
2004, 53 (7): 2159-2164. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2159
Abstract +
Theoretical and experimental investigations on a novel tunable all-optical wavelength converter
Xu Fan, Zhang Xin-Liang, Huang De-Xiu
2004, 53 (7): 2165-2169. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2165
Abstract +
Nonlinear propagation and power limiting of nanosecond laser pulse by stimulated Brillouin scattering in CCl4
Lü Yue-Lan, Lü Zhi-Wei, Dong Yong-Kang
2004, 53 (7): 2170-2174. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2170
Abstract +
Theoretical analysis of hot image effect from phase scatterer
Xie Liang-Ping, Zhao Jian-Lin, Su Jing-Qin, Jing Feng, Wang Wen-Yi, Peng Han-Sheng
2004, 53 (7): 2175-2179. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2175
Abstract +
Redshift of harmonics by laser interaction with solid target
Zhang Qiu-Ju, Sheng Zheng-Ming, Zhang Jie
2004, 53 (7): 2180-2183. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2180
Abstract +
Spatial chirp and angular dispersion of the nonlinear crystal for a femtosecond optical parametric oscillation
Ma Jing, Zhang Ruo-Bing, Zhao Hua-Jun, Zhang Wei-Li, Wang Qing-Yue
2004, 53 (7): 2184-2190. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2184
Abstract +
Dynamics of nonphase-locking Lorenz-Haken equation
Ju Rui, Zhang Ya-Jun, Huang Hong-Bin, Zhao Huan
2004, 53 (7): 2191-2196. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2191
Abstract +
Thin-film optical filters with both functions of incident angle and frequency
Liang Guan-Quan, Han Peng, Wang He-Zhou
2004, 53 (7): 2197-2200. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2197
Abstract +
Theoretical study of the tunable optical filter properties based on photonic crystals
Mao Hui-Bing, Yang Chang-Li, Lai Zong-Sheng
2004, 53 (7): 2201-2205. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2201
Abstract +
The defect effect in the one-dimensional negative permeability material
Zhao Qian, Zhao Xiao-Peng, Kang Lei, Zhang Fu-Li, Liu Ya-Hong, Luo Chun-Rong
2004, 53 (7): 2206-2211. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2206
Abstract +
Chirped pulse cross-correlation for THz wave measurement
Shen Jing-Ling, Zhang Cun-Lin, Hu Ying, S. P. Jamison
2004, 53 (7): 2212-2215. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2212
Abstract +
Experimental and theoretical study on the ablation of fused silica by femtosecond lasers
Deng Yun-Pei, Jia Tian-Qing, Leng Yu-Xin, Lu Hai-He, Li Ru-Xin, Xu Zhi-Zhan
2004, 53 (7): 2216-2220. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2216
Abstract +
Frequency-multiplexed fiber-optic Fizeau strain sensor system based on optical amplification
Jiang Jian, Rao Yun-Jiang, Zhou Chang-Xue, Zhu Tao
2004, 53 (7): 2221-2225. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2221
Abstract +
The sweep down flow and “contra-hairpin vortex” in a turbulent boundary layer
Lian Qi-Xiang, Guo Hui
2004, 53 (7): 2226-2232. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2226
Abstract +
An auxiliary differential equation FDTD method for anisotropic magnetized plasmas
Liu Shao-Bin, Mo Jin-Jun, Yuan Nai-Chang
2004, 53 (7): 2233-2236. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2233
Abstract +
Target ablation characteristics during pulsed laser deposition of thin films
Zhang Duan-Ming, Hou Si-Pu, Guan Li, Zhong Zhi-Cheng, Li Zhi-Hua, Yang Feng-Xia, Zheng Ke-Yu
2004, 53 (7): 2237-2243. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2237
Abstract +
Experimental studies of Z-pinches of mixed wire array with aluminum and tungsten
Ning Cheng, Li Zheng-Hong, Hua Xin-Sheng, Xu Rong-Kun, Peng Xian-Jue, Xu Ze-Ping, Yang Jian-Lun, Guo Cun, Jiang Shi-Lun, Feng Shu-Ping, Yang Li-Bing, Yan Cheng-Li, Song Feng-Jun, V. P. Smirnov, Yu. G. Kalinin, A. S. Kingsep, A. S. Chernenko, E. V. Grabovsky
2004, 53 (7): 2244-2249. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2244
Abstract +
Theoretical study on the nuclear fusion mechanism of deuterium clusters aroused by Coulomb explosions with femtosecond intense laser
An Wei-Ke, Qiu Xi-Jun, Zhu Zhi-Yuan
2004, 53 (7): 2250-2253. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2250
Abstract +
The study on the efficient method for producing large amount of single-walled carbon nanotubes with recirculated arc discharge
Wang Xin-Qing, Wang Miao, Li Zhen-Hua, Liu Zi-Yang
2004, 53 (7): 2254-2257. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2254
Abstract +
Field emission from individual vertically carbon nanofibers
Li Hai-Jun, Gu Chang-Zhi, Dou Yan, Li Jun-Jie
2004, 53 (7): 2258-2262. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2258
Abstract +
Investigation of a-Si:H film characteristics influenced by magnetic field gradient in MWECR CVD plasma system
Hu Yue-Hui, Yin Sheng-Yi, Chen Guang-Hua, Wu Yue-Ying, Zhou Xiao-Ming, Zhou Jian-Er, Wang Qing, Zhang Wen-Li
2004, 53 (7): 2263-2269. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2263
Abstract +
Study on laser-micro-Raman spectra in near-stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystals
Sun Dun-Lu, Qiu Huai-Li, Hang Yin, Zhang Lian-Han, Zhu Shi-Ning, Wang Ai-Hua, Yin Shao-Tang
2004, 53 (7): 2270-2274. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2270
Abstract +
Gaussian model with triplet-spin interactions on the Sierpinski gasket lattice
Liu Jie, Kong Xiang-Mu, Li Yong-Ping, Huang Jia-Yin
2004, 53 (7): 2275-2280. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2275
Abstract +
Morphological characterization and nanoindentation hardness scatter evaluation for Cu-W thin films based on wavelet transform
Wang Yuan, Bai Xuan-Yu, Xu Ke-Wei
2004, 53 (7): 2281-2286. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2281
Abstract +
Influence of hydrogen-enhanced etching on the quality of diamond films and the existing form of sp2 bonding carbon atoms
Ma Bing-Xian, Yao Ning, Yang Shi-E, Lu Zhan-Ling, Fan Zhi-Qin, Zhang Bing-Lin
2004, 53 (7): 2287-2291. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2287
Abstract +
The phonon and energy splitting in the D3d minima for the T1u×hg Jahn-Teller system
Qiu Qing-Chun
2004, 53 (7): 2292-2298. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2292
Abstract +
Studies on the structure and transport properties for Y-doped La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 perovsksite manganate
Zhang Yu-Feng, Zhang Jin-Cang, Wang Xin-Yan, K. Tubata, Liu Yong-Sheng, Shu Yang, Jing Chao, N. Nishimura, K. Mori, Cao Shi-Xun
2004, 53 (7): 2299-2304. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2299
Abstract +
Theoretical study on dispersion relation of one-dimensional copolymers
Zhang Da-Cheng, Cheng Jie, Liu De-Sheng, Xie Shi-Jie
2004, 53 (7): 2305-2309. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2305
Abstract +
Study on the high-resolution thermoelectric power of metallic state quasi-one-dimensional organic superconductor of (TMTSF)2ClO4 salt
Chai Yi-Sheng, Yang Hong-Shun, Liu Jian, Ji Ming, Bai Yan-Bo, Cao Lie-Zhao, J. C.Lasjaunias
2004, 53 (7): 2310-2315. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2310
Abstract +
High-order harmonic attosecond pulses driven by a two-pulse laser
Zeng Zhi-Nan, Li Ru-Xin, Xie Xin-Hua, Xu Zhi-Zhan
2004, 53 (7): 2316-2319. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2316
Abstract +
Influence of polarizations and doping in AlGaN barrier on the two-dimensional electron-gas in AlGaN/GaN heterostruture
Kong Yue-Chan, Zheng You-Dou, Zhou Chun-Hong, Deng Yong-Zhen, Gu Shu-Lin, Shen Bo, Zhang Rong, Han Ping, Jiang Ruo-Lian, Shi Yi
2004, 53 (7): 2320-2324. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2320
Abstract +
Multicomponent excited-state emissions in a bilayer organic electroluminescent device
Zhu Wen-Qing, Wu You-Zhi, Zheng Xin-You, Jiang Xue-Yin, Zhang Zhi-Lin, Sun Run-Guang, Xu Shao-Hong
2004, 53 (7): 2325-2329. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2325
Abstract +
Magneto-coupling effect on surface electron states in a semi-infinite superlattice
Huang Wei-Qing, Chen Ke-Qiu, Shuai Zhi-Gang, Wang Ling-Ling, Hu Wang-Yu
2004, 53 (7): 2330-2335. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2330
Abstract +
The persistent current in a mesoscopic Aharonov-Bohm ring with a series-coupled double quantum dot
Wu Shao-Quan, Chen Xiong-Wen, Sun Wei-Li, Wang Shun-Jin
2004, 53 (7): 2336-2341. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2336
Abstract +
Magnetic properties and colossal magnetoresistance effect in perovskite-type manganite Ca(Mn2Cu1)Mn4O12
Xia Hong-Xu, Yan Jun, Yu Jiang-Ying, Zhang Shi-Yuan
2004, 53 (7): 2342-2346. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2342
Abstract +
Preisach analysis of La0.67Pb0.33MnO3
Xiao Chun-Tao, Cao Xian-Sheng
2004, 53 (7): 2347-2351. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2347
Abstract +
In-plane ferromagnetic resonance in nano-composite Fe-R-O(R=Hf Nd Dy)films
Du Jun, Sun Liang, Sheng Wen-Ting, You Biao, Lu Mu, Hu An, M. M. Corte-Real, J. Q. Xiao
2004, 53 (7): 2352-2356. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2352
Abstract +
Enhanced piezoelectric properties of (Bi0.5Na0.5)1-xBax TiO3 lead-free ceramics by sol-gel method
Zhao Ming-Lei, Wang Chun-Lei, Wang Jin-Feng, Chen Hong-Cun, Zhong Wei-Lie
2004, 53 (7): 2357-2362. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2357
Abstract +
Growth of highly c-axis oriented K:SBN thin films on Si(100) by the sol-gel method
Cao Xiao-Yan, Ye Hui, Deng Nian-Hui, Guo Bing, Gu Pei-Fu
2004, 53 (7): 2363-2367. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2363
Abstract +
Analysis of the reflective performance of EUV multilayer under the influence of capping layer
Wang Hong-Chang, Wang Zhan-Shan, Li Fo-Sheng, Qin Shu-Ji, Du Yun, Wang Li, Zhang Zhong, Chen Ling-Yan
2004, 53 (7): 2368-2372. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2368
Abstract +
The effect of baking temperature on the crystal structure and ferroelectric properties of Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 thin films prepared by sol-gel processing
Wang Qiang, Shen Ming-Rong, Hou Fang, Gan Zhao-Qiang
2004, 53 (7): 2373-2377. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2373
Abstract +
Solidification of FeSi2 alloy under high pressure
Wang Hai-Yan, Liu Ri-Ping, Ma Ming-Zhen, Gao Ming, Yao Yu-Shu, Wang Wen-Kui
2004, 53 (7): 2378-2383. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2378
Abstract +
Experimental study on the hydrogen storage and release in nano-graphite synthesized by explosive detonation
Wen Chao, Jin Zhi-Hao, Li Xun, Sun De-Yu, Guan Jin-Qing, Liu Xiao-Xin, Lin Ying-Rui, Tang Shi-Ying, Zhou Gang, Lin Jun-De
2004, 53 (7): 2384-2388. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2384
Abstract +
On the stability of the difference scheme in the self-memorization model
Feng Guo-Lin, Dong Wen-Jie, Li Jian-Ping, Chou Ji-Fan
2004, 53 (7): 2389-2395. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2389
Abstract +
Dirac radiation of Vaidya-Bonner-de Sitter black hole
Shi Wang-Lin, Liu Xing-Ye, Liu Zhen-Xing
2004, 53 (7): 2396-2400. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2396
Abstract +
Entropy of Dirac field in toroidal black hole
Wang Bo-Bo
2004, 53 (7): 2401-2406. doi: 10.7498/aps.53.2401
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