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Regulation of mechanical force on cardiomyocytes beating

Chen Hui-Yan Li Luo-Fei Wang Wei Cao Yi Lei Hai


Regulation of mechanical force on cardiomyocytes beating

Chen Hui-Yan, Li Luo-Fei, Wang Wei, Cao Yi, Lei Hai
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The mechanical behavior of cardiomyocytes plays an essential role in maintaining life and health. It is traditionally believed that both electrical signals and chemical signals modulate the cardiomyocytes behaviors. Recent discoveries have elucidated that the physical cues of microenvironment can regulate cell activities such as proliferation, spreading, migration, and differentiation. However, there is still limited research on regulating cardiomyocytes beating through mechanical force. Herein we prepare different polyacrylamide gels coated with different cell adhesion ligand proteins to simulate the physical microenvironment of cardiomyocytes. Then the mechanical loading forces are loaded by using a tungsten probe to stretch elastic hydrogels which can emulate the mechanical oscillations induced by the beating of adjacent cardiomyocytes. We investigate the responsive behavior of cardiomyocytes to external mechanical oscillations within various physical microenvironments. Firstly, we load 1 Hz mechanical oscillation on the matrix (E = 11 kPa) with different kinds and concentrations of ligands (0, 5, 20, 100 μg/mL) to stimulate cardiomyocytes and observe their mechanical response behavior. Our findings indicate that all kinds of ligands including Laminin, Fibronectin and Collagen I , can mediate the cardiomyocytes response to extrinsic mechanical oscillatory stimuli, which might be due to distinct mechanisms of mechanical force coupling (Fig. (b)). This suggests that mechanical force signals can regulate the beating of cardiomyocytes through matrix-ligand-cell signaling pathway, thereby inducing intercellular coupled oscillations for rhythmic control of cardiomyocytes. Cardiomyocytes cultured on the matrix coated with 20 μg/mL Laminin show the highest and most stable response fraction. We hypothesize that there exist dual force transduction pathways for Laminin binding to integrin and dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) (Fig. (a)). We further analyze the cardiomyocytes behaviors under mechanical oscillation with different values of substrate stiffness (E = 1.8, 11, 27 kPa) and concentrations of Laminin (0, 5, 20, 100 μg/mL). We find that cardiomyocytes cultured on 1.8 kPa coated with 20 μg/mL Laminin show the highest response fraction (Fig. (c)). Our results demonstrate that the stiffness of substrate, the type and density of cell adhesion ligands, as well as the strength and rhythm of the mechanical signals can synergetically affect the cardiomyocytes responses to external mechanical stimulations, which provides the foundation for understanding the diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure following myocardial infarction.
      Corresponding author: Cao Yi, ; Lei Hai,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. T2222019, T2225016, 11934008).

    Dogan A, Parmaksız M, Elçin A E, Elçin Y M 2016 Stem Cell Rev. Rep. 12 202Google Scholar


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    Berry M F, Engler A J, Woo Y J, Pirolli T J, Bish L T, Jayasankar V, Morine K J, Gardner T J, Discher D E, Sweeney H L 2006 Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 290 H2196Google Scholar


    Eisner D A, Choi H S, Díaz M E, O'Neill S C, Trafford A W 2000 Circ. Res. 87 1087Google Scholar


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    Hall M S, Alisafaei F, Ban E, Feng X, Hui C Y, Shenoy V B, Wu M 2016 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 113 14043Google Scholar


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    Discher D E, Janmey P, Wang Y L 2005 Science 310 1139Google Scholar


    Hersch N, Wolters B, Dreissen G, Springer R, Kirchgeßner N, Merkel R, Hoffmann B 2013 Biol. Open 2 351Google Scholar

  • 图 1  力学刺激加载平台示意图

    Figure 1.  Diagram of mechanical loading platform.

    图 2  聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶的制备与表征 (a) 聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶的制备示意图; (b)—(d) 基于AFM的3种不同水凝胶的杨氏模量分布, 其杨氏模量分别为(1.824 ± 0.111) kPa, (11.688 ± 0.493) kPa和(27.358 ± 2.331) kPa; (e)—(g)对应3种水凝胶的SEM结果

    Figure 2.  Preparation and characterization of PA gel: (a) Schematic illustration of the preparation of PA gel; (b)–(d) the Young’ modulus distributions of three different of PA gel measured by AFM, which are (1.824 ± 0.111) kPa, (11.688 ± 0.493) kPa, and (27.358 ± 2.331) kPa, respectively; (e)–(g) SEM images of three different of PA gel.

    图 3  力学刺激加载及荧光表征 (a), (b)分别为对单个心肌细胞施加力学刺激前后的实物图; (c) 钨针运动到最大振幅时, PA gel上各点的位移分布图(单位为 μm); (d) 心肌细胞机械行为检测, 红色虚线为钨针输出的力振荡信号, 黑色实线是心肌细胞达到同频后Fluo4探针检测到的Ca2+ 振荡信号

    Figure 3.  Mechanical loading and fluorescence characterization: (a), (b) Phase-contrast images of individual cardiomyocyte before and after mechanical stimulation; (c) displacement distribution of each point on PA gel when the tungsten probe moves to the maximum amplitude (unit: μm); (d) mechanical behavior detection of cardiomyocytes, the red dotted line is the signal of mechanical oscillation output by tungsten probe, and the black solid line is the Ca2+ oscillation signal detected by Fluo4 probe after cardiomyocytes reach the same frequency with the tungsten probe.

    图 4  心肌细胞在不同种类及浓度配体的基质(E = 11 kPa)上发生机械响应行为 (a) 心肌细胞机械响应百分比(n > 31); (b) 心肌细胞产生响应所需的机械刺激时间 (n > 7); (c)心肌细胞与钨针同频所需的机械刺激时间 (n > 5); (d) 心肌细胞同频持续时长(n > 5); (e) 3种不同配体( Laminin / Fibronectin / Collagen I ) 分别与心肌细胞膜受体结合示意图

    Figure 4.  Mechanical response behavior of cardiomyocytes on the matrix (E = 11 kPa) with different kinds and concentrations of ligands: (a) The fraction of mechanical response of cardiomyocytes (n > 31); (b) the mechanical stimulation time required for cardiomyocytes to respond the stimulation (n > 7); (c) the mechanical stimulation time required for cardiomyocytes to couple with the tungsten probe (n > 5); (d) duration of cardiomyocyte coupling with tungsten probe (n > 5); (e) schematics of three different ligands (Laminin/Fibronectin/Collagen I) binding to myocardial cell membrane receptors.

    图 5  心肌细胞在不同Laminin浓度和基质硬度上的机械响应行为 (a) 心肌细胞机械响应百分比 (n > 23); (b) 心肌细胞产生响应所需的机械刺激时间 (n > 8); (c) 心肌细胞与钨针同频所需的机械刺激时间 (n > 5); (d)心肌细胞同频持续时长 (n > 5)

    Figure 5.  Mechanical response behavior of cardiomyocytes at different Laminin concentrations and matrix stiffness: (a) The fraction of mechanical response of cardiomyocytes (n > 23); (b) The mechanical stimulation time required for cardiomyocytes to respond the stimulation (n > 8); (c)The mechanical stimulation time required for cardiomyocytes to couple with the tungsten probe (n > 5); (d) Duration of cardiomyocytes coupling with tungsten probe (n > 5).

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    Dogan A, Parmaksız M, Elçin A E, Elçin Y M 2016 Stem Cell Rev. Rep. 12 202Google Scholar


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    Bera K, Kiepas A, Godet I, Li Y, Mehta P, Ifemembi B, Paul C D, Sen A, Serra S A, Stoletov K, Tao J, Shatkin G, Lee S J, Zhang Y, Boen A, Mistriotis P, Gilkes D M, Lewis J D, Fan C M, Feinberg A P, Valverde M A, Sun S X, Konstantopoulos K 2022 Nature 611 365Google Scholar


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    Zhang J S, Wong S H D, Wu X, Lei H, Qin M, Shi P, Wang W, Bian L, Cao Y 2021 Adv. Mater. 33 2105765Google Scholar


    Chowdhury F, Na S, Li D, Poh Y C, Tanaka T S, Wang F, Wang N 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 82Google Scholar


    Ingber D E, Folkman J 1989 J. Cell Biol. 109 317Google Scholar


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    Tang X, Bajaj P, Bashir R, Saif T A 2011 Soft Matter 7 6151Google Scholar


    Nitsan I, Drori S, Lewis Y E, Cohen S, Tzlil S 2016 Nature Phys. 12 472Google Scholar


    Cohen O, Safran S A 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 2237Google Scholar


    Bick R J, Snuggs M B, Poindexter B J, Buja L M, Winkle W B V 1998 Cell Adhes. Commun. 6 301Google Scholar


    Engler A J, Carag-Krieger C, Johnson C P, Raab M, Tang H Y, Speicher D W, Sanger J W, Sanger J M, Discher D E 2008 J. Cell Sci. 121 3794Google Scholar


    Majkut S, Idema T, Swift J, Krieger C, Liu A, Discher D E 2013 Curr. Biol. 23 2434Google Scholar


    Jacot J G, McCulloch A D, Omens J H 2008 Biophys. J. 95 3479Google Scholar


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    Sun Z, Guo S S, Fässler R 2016 J. Cell Biol. 215 445Google Scholar


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    Hall M S, Alisafaei F, Ban E, Feng X, Hui C Y, Shenoy V B, Wu M 2016 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 113 14043Google Scholar


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    Discher D E, Janmey P, Wang Y L 2005 Science 310 1139Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  15 January 2024
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