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Influence of atmospheric turbulence on coherent detection performance of space coherent optical communication

Liu Yu-Tao Xu Miao Fu Xing-Hu Fu Guang-Wei


Influence of atmospheric turbulence on coherent detection performance of space coherent optical communication

Liu Yu-Tao, Xu Miao, Fu Xing-Hu, Fu Guang-Wei
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Space coherent optical communication technology is considered to be an important way to overcome the bottleneck in current high-speed space communication. However, atmospheric turbulence seriously limits its realization. Based on the Huygens-Fresnel principle and the low-frequency compensation power spectrum inversion method, this work first investigates the random distribution characteristics of the amplitude and phase of a Gaussian beam after it has been transmitted through atmospheric turbulence. Then, using the coherent mixing efficiency and communication bit error rate model, the influence of atmospheric turbulence on the performance of spatial coherent optical communication systems is obtained. Finally, a laser heterodyne detection experimental system is built to quantitatively study the influence of atmospheric turbulence on the coherent detection performance of spatial coherent optical communication. The conclusions drawn from this study are as follows. 1) The spatial phase distortion caused by the weak turbulence channel is relatively small and will hardly affect the light intensity distribution characteristics of the Gaussian beam. In the case of weak turbulence, the influence of weak turbulence on the performance of coherent optical communication system is almost negligible. The communication bit error rate will decrease rapidly with the increase of the number of single bit data photons. The communication signal-to-noise ratio can be better than 10–5 when the number of single-bit photons is greater than 10. 2) Moderate turbulence will change the intensity distribution characteristics of the Gaussian beam, but will not cause a serious shift in the center of the spot. Under moderate turbulence conditions, the coherent mixing efficiency decreases rapidly as the turbulence intensity continues to increase, but the communication bit error rate still decreases rapidly with the increase of the number of single bit data photons. At this time, increasing the number of single-bit photons can suppress the negative influence of moderate intensity turbulence on the performance of coherent optical communication systems. 3) Strong turbulence will cause severe spatial phase distortion of the beam, destroy the consistency of the light intensity distribution, and cause a serious shift in the center of the spot. Under strong turbulence conditions, the coherent mixing efficiency of coherent optical communication systems approaches zero, and increasing the number of single bit data photons cannot significantly reduce the bit error rate, seriously affecting the quality of coherent optical communication. Atmospheric turbulence is an important limiting factor for developing space coherent optical communication. This study can provide useful references for evaluating the performance of space coherent optical communication systems.
      Corresponding author: Liu Yu-Tao,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFC1407904), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. F2022203011), the Science and Technology Project of Education Department of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. QN2022112), and the Open Fund Project of Key Laboratory of Ocean Observation Technology (Grant No. 2021klootA07).

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  • 图 1  相干探测系统示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic illustration of the coherent detection scheme.

    图 2  大气湍流相位屏仿真结果 (a)弱湍流$ C_n^2 $=2×10–17 m–2/3; (b)中湍流$ C_n^2 $=2×10–15 m–2/3; (c)强湍流$ C_n^2 $=2×10–13 m–2/3

    Figure 2.  Simulation results of atmospheric turbulence phase screen: (a) Weak turbulence $ C_n^2 $=2×10–17 m–2/3; (b) moderate turbulence $ C_n^2 $=2×10–15 m–2/3; (c) strong turbulence $ C_n^2 $=2×10–13 m–2/3.

    图 3  大气湍流扰动下的光强分布仿真结果 (a)弱湍流$ C_n^2 $=2×10–17 m–2/3; (b)中湍流$ C_n^2 $=2×10–15 m–2/3; (c)强湍流$ C_n^2 $=2×10–13 m–2/3

    Figure 3.  Simulation results of light intensity distribution under atmospheric turbulence disturbance: (a) Weak turbulence $ C_n^2 $=2×10–17 m–2/3; (b) moderate turbulence $ C_n^2 $=2×10–15 m–2/3; (c) strong turbulence $ C_n^2 $=2×10–13 m–2/3.

    图 4  大气湍流扰动下的相干混频效率

    Figure 4.  Results of coherent mixing efficiency under atmospheric turbulence disturbance.

    图 5  大气湍流扰动下的通信误码率随单比特光子数的变化曲线

    Figure 5.  Results of coherent mixing efficiency under atmospheric turbulence disturbance.

    图 6  光外差探测系统

    Figure 6.  Optical heterodyne detection system.

    图 7  大气湍流扰动下的相干混频效率的实验结果

    Figure 7.  Experiment results of coherent mixing efficiency under atmospheric turbulence disturbance.

  • [1]

    李锐, 林宝军, 刘迎春, 沈苑, 董明佶, 赵帅, 孔陈杰, 刘恩权, 林夏 2023 红外与激光工程 52 20220393Google Scholar

    Li R, Lin B J, Liu Y C, Shen Y, Dong M J, Zhao S, Kong C J, Liu N Q, Lin X 2023 Infrared Laser Eng. 52 20220393Google Scholar


    张家铭 2023 光通信技术 47 37Google Scholar

    Zhang J M 2023 Opt. Commun. Technol. 47 37Google Scholar


    Zhang T, Mao S, Fu Q, Cao G X, Su S, Jiang H L 2017 J. Laser Appl. 29 012013Google Scholar


    Fu Q, Liu X, Jiang H L, Hu Y, Jiang L 2014 SPIE 9300 930029


    高铎瑞, 谢壮, 马榕, 汪伟, 白兆峰, 郏帅威, 邵雯, 谢小平 2021 光子学报 50 0406001

    Gao D R, Xie Z, Ma R, Wang W, Bai Z F, Jia S W, Shao W, Xie X P 2021 Acta Photon. Sin. 50 0406001


    Israel D J, Edwards B L, Staren J W 2017 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings Big Sky, MT, USA, March 4–11, 2017 pp1–6


    Robinson B S, Shih T, Khatri F I, Boroson D M, Hogan M J 2018 Free-Space Laser Communication and Atmospheric Propagation XXX, San Francisco, USA, February 15, 2018 p105240S


    Gregory M, Heine F, Kämpfner H, Lange R, Saucke K, Sterr U, Meyer R 2010 Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies XXII, San Francisco, USA, February 26, 2010 75870E


    Hauschildt H, le Gallou N, Mezzasoma S, Ludwig Moeller H, Perdigues Armengol J, Witting M, Herrmann J, Carmona C 2018 International Conference on Space Optics, Chania, GREECE, October 09–12, 2018 p111800X


    Satoh Y, Miyamoto Y, Takano Y, Yamakawa S, Kohata H 2017 IEEE International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications (ICSOS), Okinawa, JAPAN, November 14–16, 2017, p240


    Munemasa Y, Kolev D R, Fuse T, Kubo-oka T, Kunimori H, Carrasco-Casado A, Takenaka H, Saito Y, Trinh P V, Suzuki K, Koyama Y, Toyoshima M 2018 Free-Space Laser Communication and Atmospheric Propagation XXX, San Francisco, USA, January 29–30, 2018 p105240F


    任建迎, 孙华燕, 张来线, 张天齐 2019 激光与红外 49 143Google Scholar

    Ren J Y, Sun H Y, Zhang L X, Zhang T Q 2019 Laser Infr. 49 143Google Scholar


    崔岳, 唐勇 2020 国际太空 7 38Google Scholar

    Cui Y, Tang Y 2020 Space Int. 7 38Google Scholar


    Wan Z S, Shen Y J, Wang Z Y, Shi Z J, Liu Q, Fu X 2022 Light Sci. Appl. 11 144Google Scholar


    Wang L Q, Wang J C, Tang X Y, Chen H, Chen X 2022 Opt. Express 30 7854Google Scholar


    李艳玲, 梅海平, 任益充, 张骏昕, 陶志炜, 艾则孜姑丽⋅阿不都克热木, 刘世韦 2022 71 140201Google Scholar

    Li Y L, Mei H P, Ren Y C, Zhang J X, Tao Z W, Aizeziguli A, Liu S W 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 140201Google Scholar


    Yang Y F, Yan C X, Hu C H, Wu C J 2017 Opt. Express 25 7567Google Scholar


    Salem M, Rolland J P 2010 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 27 1111Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Gao M, Zeng X, Liu F, Bi W 2021 Opt. Laser Eng. 146 106694Google Scholar


    Geng J N, Feng Z J, Cao C Q, Feng S M, Xu X K, Shang Y J, Wu Z Y, Yan X 2021 Opt. Express 29 39016Google Scholar


    Zheng D H, Li Y, Zhou H H, Bian Y M, Yang C, Li W, Qiu J F, Guo H X, Hong X B, Zuo Y, Giles I P, Tong W J, Wu J 2018 Opt. Express 26 28879Google Scholar


    Zhang H, Xu L, Guo Y F, Cao J T, Liu W, Yang L Q 2022 Opt. Express 30 7477Google Scholar


    孔英秀, 柯熙政, 杨媛 2015 激光与光电子学进展 52 95

    Kong Y X, Ke X Z, Yang Y 2015 Laser Optoelectron Prog. 52 95


    Liu C, Chen S Q, Li X Y, Xian H 2014 Opt. Express 22 15554Google Scholar


    Schmidt J D 2010 Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation with Examples in MATLAB (Bellingha: SPIE) pp157–163


    艾则孜姑丽⋅阿不都克热木, 陶志炜, 刘世韦, 李艳玲, 饶瑞中, 任益充 2022 71 234201Google Scholar

    Aizeziguli A, Tao Z W, Liu S W, Li Y L, Rao R Z, Ren Y C 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 234201Google Scholar


    徐启伟, 王佩佩, 曾镇佳, 黄泽斌, 周新星, 刘俊敏, 李瑛, 陈书青, 范滇元 2020 69 014209Google Scholar

    Xu Q W, Wang P P, Zeng Z J, Huang Z B, Zhou X X, Liu J M, Li Y, Chen S Q, Fan Z Y 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 014209Google Scholar


    闫旭, 张文睿, 曹长庆, 冯喆珺 2021 光子学报 50 312

    Yan X, Zhang W R, Cao C Q, Feng Z J 2021 Acta Photonica Sin. 50 312


    Wu Z Y, Cao C Q, Feng Z J, Wu X N, Duan C X 2023 Opt. Lett. 48 5257Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  29 November 2023
  • Accepted Date:  27 March 2024
  • Available Online:  03 April 2024
  • Published Online:  20 May 2024

