Inconel 718 (IN 718) is the most widely used nickel-based high-temperature alloy today. It is widely adopted in important fields such as aerospace, energy and chemicals, and is also one of the few high-temperature alloys, of which some can be fabricated by using additive manufacturing. There is a lack of research on the effect of Si on the structure and properties of IN 718 alloy on a microscopic scale. In this paper, the effect of Si doping on the γ phase in IN 718 alloy is investigated by first-principles calculations through using the CASTEP package. The lattice constants, total energy, defect formation energy, formation enthalpy, cohesive energy, density of states, and electron density difference of the γ phase are calculated before and after Si doping, and population analysis is performed. The calculation of the lattice constant reveals that the doping of Si atoms expands the cell volume of the γ phase supercell, which contributes to a certain solution strengthening effect, and is conducive to the improvement of the hardness of the alloy. The energy and electronic structure calculations show that the Si atoms prefer to occupy the Ni atomic positions in the γ phase. The number of valence electrons between the atoms, the distribution of the charge density, and the strength of the bonds between the atoms also change with Si doping, thus modifying the interaction of the atoms within the γ phase, reducing the stability of the γ phase, and favouring the precipitation of the second phase. Besides, uniform and dense IN 718 coatings with low-coat Si doping are successfully fabricated by using plasma cladding. The experimental results demonstrate that Si doping has no significant effect on the type of matrix structure of IN 718 coatings, but causes a slight expansion of the lattice of the alloy, which is consistent with the calculation result. The addition of Si can result in a transformation of the alloy coating from columnar crystal to equiaxed crystal, refining the grain size of the alloy, while reducing the volume fraction of the γ phase and increasing the volume fraction of the second phase. Moreover, the addition of Si exacerbates the segregation of Nb and Cr elements in the IN 718 coatings.
- Inconel 718 /
- first principles /
- γ phase /
- Si doping
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[19] 张聪 2021 硕士学位论文(昆明: 昆明理工大学)
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表 1 超晶胞模型的平衡晶格常数及晶胞体积
Table 1. Equilibrium lattice constant and unit cell volume of supercell model.
System Site a/nm b/nm c/nm α/(°) β/(°) γ/(°) V/nm3 Ni19Fe6Cr6Nb — 0.71345 0.72715 0.70223 90.000 90.000 90.000 0.3643 Ni18Fe6Cr6NbSi Ni Site 0.71915 0.71859 0.71627 90.000 90.000 90.000 0.3701 Ni19Fe5Cr6NbSi Fe Site 0.73543 0.73499 0.68475 90.000 90.000 90.314 0.3702 Ni19Fe6Cr5NbSi Cr Site 0.70478 0.73256 0.70599 89.592 89.991 90.003 0.3645 Ni19Fe6Cr6Si Nb Site 6.99468 7.26214 7.01313 90.000 90.000 90.001 0.3562 表 2 体系的总能量、缺陷形成能、形成热与结合能
Table 2. Total energy, defect formation energy, formation enthalpy and cohesive energy of systems.
System Site Ef/eV H/(eV·atom–1) E/(eV·atom–1) Etotal/eV Ni19Fe6Cr6Nb — — –0.213127 –2.929875 –47447.72376 Ni18Fe6Cr6NbSi Ni Site –1.339744 –0.256865 –2.915375 –46241.16350 Ni19Fe5Cr6NbSi Fe Site –1.322440 –0.255194 –2.880194 –46754.74620 Ni19Fe6Cr5NbSi Cr Site –1.226650 –0.252200 –2.892825 –45218.05041 Ni19Fe6Cr6Si Nb Site –1.112683 –0.248639 –2.948639 –45961.73644 表 3 Si掺杂前后体系的原子布居数
Table 3. Atomic populations of systems before and after Si doping.
System Species s p d f Total Charge Ni19Fe6Cr6Nb Ni 0.48 0.83 8.65 0 9.96 0.031 Cr 2.58 6.77 4.96 0 14.32 –0.31 Fe 0.50 0.70 6.72 0 7.92 0.08 Nb 2.26 6.02 3.93 0 12.21 0.79 Ni18Fe6Cr6NbSi Ni 0.49 0.83 8.65 0 9.97 0.02 Cr 2.57 6.77 5.00 0 14.33 –0.33 Fe 0.49 0.67 6.74 0 7.90 0.11 Nb 2.26 6.04 3.94 0 12.24 0.76 Si 1.21 2.61 0.00 0 3.83 0.17 表 4 Si掺杂前后体系键的布居数
Table 4. Overlapping populations of systems before and after Si doping.
System Bond Population Length/nm Ni19Fe6Cr6Nb Fe—Ni 0.06 0.360847 Cr—Fe –0.07 0.350106 Cr—Ni –0.03 0.359244 Ni—Ni –0.03 0.375966 Fe—Nb –0.10 0.434654 Ni—Nb –0.13 0.364001 Cr—Nb –0.46 0.340342 Cr—Cr –0.16 0.419928 Fe—Fe –0.07 0.427230 Ni18Fe6Cr6NbSi Fe—Ni 0.06 0.363710 Cr—Fe –0.12 0.351112 Cr—Ni –0.04 0.363071 Ni—Ni 0.03 0.373913 Fe—Nb –0.13 0.434897 Ni—Nb –0.13 0.356309 Cr—Nb –0.40 0.338983 Cr—Cr –0.33 0.422106 Fe—Fe –0.06 0.418588 Ni—Si 0.02 0.386153 表 5 测量与折算的平衡晶格常数及晶胞体积
Table 5. Measured and converted equilibrium lattice constant and unit cell volume.
System Measurement results Converted results α/(°) β/(°) γ/(°) a/nm b/nm c/nm V/nm3 a/nm b/nm c/nm V/nm3 IN 718 0.36028 0.36021 0.35848 0.0465 0.72056 0.72042 0.71696 0.3721 90.000 90.000 90.000 2Si-IN 718 0.35970 0.35960 0.36114 0.0467 0.71940 0.71920 0.72228 0.3737 90.000 90.000 90.000 表 6 Si掺杂前后合金涂层EDS结果(原子百分数)
Table 6. EDS results (atomic percent) of coating before and after Si doping.
Coating Area Ni Fe Cr Nb Mo Ti Al Si IN 718 Matrix 40.85 38.46 17.42 0.53 1.14 — 1.28 0.32 Second phase 36.08 28.42 14.33 6.89 2.89 1.46 0.56 9.33 2Si-IN 718 Matrix 38.95 40.42 16.06 0.43 1.13 0.69 0.99 1.33 Second phase 34.1 23.6 10.4 12.8 2.73 1.54 0.53 14.3 -
[1] Pollock T M, Tin S 2006 J. Propuls. Power. 22 361
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[2] Hao L Y, Wen X Z, Lei X W, Yao W J, Wang N 2022 J. Alloys Compd. 920 165996
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[3] Pollock T M 2016 Nat. Mater. 15 809
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[4] Nnaji R N, Bodude M A, Osoba L O, Fayomi O S I, Ochulor F E 2019 Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Tech. 106 1149
[5] Hosseini E, Popovich V A 2019 Addit. Manuf. 30 100877
[6] Greene G A, Finfrock C C 2001 Oxid. Met. 55 505
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[7] Qiao Z, Li C, Zhang H, Liang H, Liu Y, Zhang Y 2020 Int. J. Min. Met. Mater. 27 1123
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[8] Fu S H, Dong J X, Zhang M C, Xie X S 2009 Mater. Sci. Eng. A. 499 215
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[9] 赵文超, 周杰, 彭文屹, 危翔, 邓晓华, 章爱生, 于思琪, 孙祖祥, 余飞翔, 高安澜 2022 表面技术 51 103
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Zhao W C, Zhou J, Peng W Y, Wei X, Deng X H, Zhang A S, Yu S Q, Sun Z X, Yu F X, Gao A L 2022 Surf. Technol. 51 103
Google Scholar
[10] 陆富刚 2019 硕士学位论文(北京: 北京交通大学)
Lu F G 2019 M. S. Dissertation (Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University
[11] Jia Q, Gu D 2014 Opt. Laser. Technol. 62 161
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[12] Tunthawiroon P, Li Y, Tang N, Koizumi Y, Chiba A 2015 Corros. Sci. 95 88
Google Scholar
[13] Zhang Y L, Li J, Zhang Y Y, Kang D N 2020 J. Alloy. Compd. 827 154131
Google Scholar
[14] Wang A, Li Y, Fan C, Yang K, Li D, Zhao X, Shi C 1994 Scripta Metal. Mater. 31 1695
Google Scholar
[15] 孙文儒, 郭守仁, 卢德忠, 胡壮麒 1996 航空材料学报 2 7
Sun W R, Guo S R, Lu D Z, Hu Z Q 1996 J. Aeronaut. Mater. 2 7
[16] Ma M, Han A, Zhang Z, Lian Y, Zhao C, Zhang J 2021 Corros. Sci. 185 109417
Google Scholar
[17] Huang D, Lu J, Zhuang Y, Tian C, Li Y 2019 Corros. Sci. 158 108088
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[18] 李亚敏, 张瑶瑶, 赵旺, 周生睿, 刘洪军 2022 金属学报 58 241
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Li Y M, Zhang Y Y, Zhao W, Zhou S R, Liu H J 2022 Acta. Metall. Sin. 58 241
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[19] 张聪 2021 硕士学位论文(昆明: 昆明理工大学)
Zhang C 2021 M. S. Thesis (Kunming: Kunming University of Science and Technology
[20] Ghosh G, Asta M 2005 Acta. Mater. 53 3225
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[21] Van de Walle A, Ceder G 2002 Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 11
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[22] 张旭昀, 郑冰洁, 郭斌, 吴戆, 王文泉, 王勇 2017 材料导报 31 146
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Zhang X Y, Zheng B J, Guo B, Wu Z, Wang W Q, Wang Y 2017 Mater. Rev. 31 146
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