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Time-evolving matrix product operator method and its applications in open quantum system

Chen Ruo-Fan


Time-evolving matrix product operator method and its applications in open quantum system

Chen Ruo-Fan
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Open quantum systems play an important role in developing quantum sciences, and therefore the study of corresponding numerical method is of great significance. For the open quantum systems, the quasi-adiabatic propagator path integral invented in 1990s is one of the few numerically exact methods. However, its computational complexity scales exponentially with system size and correlation length, and therefore its application is limited in practical calculation. In recent years, the study and application of tensor network have made rapid progress. Representing the path integral by tensor network makes the computational complexity increase polynomially, thus greatly improving the computational efficiency. Such a new method is called time-evolving matrix product operator. At the very beginning, the reduced density matrix is represented as a matrix product state. Then the time evolution of the system can be achieved by iteratively applying matrix product operators to the matrix product state. The iterative process is amenable to the standard matrix product states compression algorithm, which keeps the computational cost on a polynomial scale. The time-evolving matrix product operator is an efficient, numerically exact and fully non-Markovian method, which has a broad application prospect in the study of quantum open systems. For instance, it is already used in the study of the thermalization, heat statistic, heat transfer and optimal control of the quantum open systems, and conversely it can be also used to investigate the effect of the system on the environment. In addition, the TEMPO method is naturally related to the process tensor, and can be used to calculate the correlation function of the system efficiently. In this article we review this method and its applications. We give a brief introduction of the path integral formalism of Caldeira-Leggett model. According to the path integral formalism, we demonstrate the usage of quasi-adiabatic propagator path integral method. we give the basic idea of matrix product states, and we show how to recast quasi-adiabatic propagator path integral method into time-evolving matrix product operators method by employing the concept of matrix product states and matrix product operators, and give a review of its applications. In addition, we use the calculation results of physical quantities, correlation functions and heat currents in the spin-boson model to illustrate the applications of the time-evolving matrix product operator method.
      Corresponding author: Chen Ruo-Fan,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12104328)

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    Breuer H P 2007 The Theory of Open Quantum Systems (New York: Oxford University Press)


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    Ganahl M, Aichhorn M, Evertz H G, Thunström P, Held K, Verstraete F 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 155132Google Scholar


    Wolf F A, Go A, McCulloch I P, Millis A J, Schollwöck U 2015 Phys. Rev. X 5 041032


    Linden N O, Zingl M, Hubig C, Parcollet O, Schollwöck U 2020 Phys. Rev. B 101 041101Google Scholar


    Kohn L, Santoro G E 2021 Phys. Rev. B 104 014303


    Jørgensen M R, Pollock F A 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 240602Google Scholar


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    Gardiner C W, Zoller P 2004 Quantum Noise: A Handbook of Markovian and Non-Markovian Quantum Stochastic Methods with Applications to Quantum Optics (Berlin: Springer-Verlag)


    Jørgensen M R, Pollock F A 2020 Phys. Rev. A 102 052206Google Scholar


    Cerrillo J, Cao J 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 110401Google Scholar


    Popovic M, Mitchison M T, Strathearn A, Lovett B W, Goold J, Eastham P R 2021 PRX Quantum 2 020338Google Scholar


    Fux G E, Butler E P, Eastham P R, Lovett B W, Keeling J 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 200401Google Scholar


    Fux G E, Kilda D, Lovett B W, Keeling J 2022 10.48550/arXiv.2201.05529 [quant-ph]


    Gribben D, Strathearn A, Fux G E, Kirton P, Lovett B W 2021 Quantum 6 847


    Gribben D, Rouse D M, Iles-Smith J, Strathearn A, Maguire H, Kirton P, Nazir A, Gauger E M, Lovett B W 2022 PRX Quantum 3 010321Google Scholar


    Ye E, Chan G K L 2021 J. Chem. Phys. 155 044104Google Scholar


    Chiu Y F, Strathearn A, Keeling J 2022 Phys. Rev. A 106 012204Google Scholar


    Otterpohl F, Nalbach P, Thorwart M 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 120406Google Scholar


    Bose A 2022 Phys. Rev. B 105 024309


    Florens S, Venturelli D, Narayanan R (edited by Chandra A K, Das A, Chakrabarti B K) 2010 Quantum Quenching, Annealing and Computation (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer) p145


    Hur K L (edited by Carr L D) 2010 Understanding Quantum Phase Transitions (New York: CRC Press) p217


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    Lü J T, Christensen R B, Wang J S, Hedegård P, Brandbyge M 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 096801Google Scholar


    Ludovico M F, Lim J S, Moskalets M, Arrachea L, Sánchez D 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 161306Google Scholar


    Ludovico M, Arrachea L, Moskalets M, Sánchez D 2016 Entropy 18 419Google Scholar


    Ludovico M F, Moskalets M, Sánchez D, Arrachea L 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 035436Google Scholar


    Ludovico M F, Arrachea L, Moskalets M, Sánchez D 2018 Phys. Rev. B 97 041416Google Scholar

  • 图 1  Keldysh回路$ \cal{C} $, 上部为正向分支, 下部为反向分 支[25]

    Figure 1.  Keldysh Contour $ \cal{C} $, the upper is forward branch and the lower is backward branch [25].

    图 2  递归关系的示意图 (a)递归公式(40); (b)从初始条件 $ F^{s_0} $开始演化N = 4步的递推步骤

    Figure 2.  An illustration of the recursive relation: (a) Recursive relation (40); (b) the iterative progress with N = 4 steps evolution from initial condition $ F^{s_0} $.

    图 3  自相关函数$ \alpha(t) $的一种典型形状[34]

    Figure 3.  A typical shape of autocorrelation function $ \alpha(t) $ [34].

    图 4  截断之后的递归关系(其中灰色方格代表(42)式中的求和) (a)递归公式(42); (b)从初始条件 $ F^{s_0} $开始演化到 $ N=4 $步时的递推步骤

    Figure 4.  An illustration of recursive relation after truncation, here the gray square stands for the summation in Eq. (42): (a) Recursive relation (42); (b) the iterative progress of $ N=4 $ steps evolution with initial condition $ F^{s_0} $.

    图 5  TEMPO算法中的一些张量网络图示 (a) $ F $张量的矩阵乘积态表示; (b) $ B $张量的矩阵乘积算符表示; (c)递归关系(40)的张量网络表示

    Figure 5.  An illustration of some tensor networks in TEMPO: (a) The matrix product states representation of $ F $ tensor; (b) the matrix product operators representation of $ B $ tensor; (c) the tensor network representation of recursive relation (40).

    图 6  $ N=4 $步演化的张量网络

    Figure 6.  Tensor network of $ N=4 $ steps evolution.

    图 7  $ \left\langle {{{\hat \sigma }_z}(t)} \right\rangle $在不同$ \Delta k_{\rm{max}} $下的演化

    Figure 7.  Dynamics of $ \left\langle {{{\hat \sigma }_z}(t)} \right\rangle $ with respect to different $ \Delta k_{\rm{max}} $

    图 8  $ \left\langle {{{\hat \sigma }_z}(t)} \right\rangle $在不同耦合强度$ \lambda $下的演化

    Figure 8.  Dynamics of $ \left\langle {{{\hat \sigma }_z}(t)} \right\rangle $ with respect to different coupling strength $ \lambda $.

    图 9  在不同$ \Delta k_{\rm{max}} $$ t_0 $下的关联函数$ C(t_0, t_0+t) $[34]

    Figure 9.  Correlation function $ C(t_0, t_0+t) $ with respect to different $ \Delta k_{\rm{max}} $ and $ t_0 $[34].

    图 10  系统和浴在$ T_1 $远大于$ T_2 $时的演化过程[25]

    Figure 10.  Evolution of system and bath when $ T_1 $ is much larger than $ T_2 $[25].

    图 11  系统和浴在$ T_1=T_2 $$ \lambda_1 $远大于$ \lambda_2 $时的演化过 程[25]

    Figure 11.  Evolution of system and bath when $ T_1=T_2 $ but $ \lambda_1 $ is larger than $ \lambda_2 $[25].

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    Breuer H P 2007 The Theory of Open Quantum Systems (New York: Oxford University Press)


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    Gardiner C W, Zoller P 2004 Quantum Noise: A Handbook of Markovian and Non-Markovian Quantum Stochastic Methods with Applications to Quantum Optics (Berlin: Springer-Verlag)


    Jørgensen M R, Pollock F A 2020 Phys. Rev. A 102 052206Google Scholar


    Cerrillo J, Cao J 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 110401Google Scholar


    Popovic M, Mitchison M T, Strathearn A, Lovett B W, Goold J, Eastham P R 2021 PRX Quantum 2 020338Google Scholar


    Fux G E, Butler E P, Eastham P R, Lovett B W, Keeling J 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 200401Google Scholar


    Fux G E, Kilda D, Lovett B W, Keeling J 2022 10.48550/arXiv.2201.05529 [quant-ph]


    Gribben D, Strathearn A, Fux G E, Kirton P, Lovett B W 2021 Quantum 6 847


    Gribben D, Rouse D M, Iles-Smith J, Strathearn A, Maguire H, Kirton P, Nazir A, Gauger E M, Lovett B W 2022 PRX Quantum 3 010321Google Scholar


    Ye E, Chan G K L 2021 J. Chem. Phys. 155 044104Google Scholar


    Chiu Y F, Strathearn A, Keeling J 2022 Phys. Rev. A 106 012204Google Scholar


    Otterpohl F, Nalbach P, Thorwart M 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 120406Google Scholar


    Bose A 2022 Phys. Rev. B 105 024309


    Florens S, Venturelli D, Narayanan R (edited by Chandra A K, Das A, Chakrabarti B K) 2010 Quantum Quenching, Annealing and Computation (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer) p145


    Hur K L (edited by Carr L D) 2010 Understanding Quantum Phase Transitions (New York: CRC Press) p217


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    Ludovico M, Arrachea L, Moskalets M, Sánchez D 2016 Entropy 18 419Google Scholar


    Ludovico M F, Moskalets M, Sánchez D, Arrachea L 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 035436Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  27 November 2022
  • Accepted Date:  04 April 2023
  • Available Online:  28 April 2023
  • Published Online:  20 June 2023

