Since the discovery of symmetric helical interactions in the spin-orbit coupled single-band Hubbard model by Moriya and Kaplan, Shekhtman, Entin, Aharony et al. have successfully used this non-negligible symmetric helical exchange interaction to explain the weak ferromagnetism of La2CuO4. By using the non-Markovian quantum state diffusion method, the quantum discord of non-Markovian dynamics in the spin chain system that has Kaplan–Shekhtman–Entin-Wohlman–Aharony interactions and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions is studied. The effects of Kaplan–Shekhtman–Entin-Wohlman–Aharony interaction on the quantum discord under different external magnetic fields at zero and finite temperatures are discussed. The results show that the quantum discord in the system can be increased via the increasing of Kaplan–Shekhtman–Entin-Wohlman–Aharony interaction in the case of zero or uniform magnetic field, while the case is opposite under the nonuniform magnetic field. More importantly, the ideal discord state can be obtained by modulating the uniform magnetic field and Kaplan–Shekhtman–Entin-Wohlman–Aharony interaction. Moreover, the Markovian case and the effect of temperature on the quantum discord are also discussed, respectively.
- non-markovian quantum state diffusion method /
- quantum discord /
- magnetic field /
- Kaplan-Shekhtman-entin-Wohlman-Aharony interaction
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图 1 (a)量子失协随KSEA相互作用和时间的演化特性; (b) KSEA相互作用在
$\omega t = 5$ 时对量子失协的影响. 其他参数${J_x} = 0.2,~ {J_y} = 0.5,~ {J_z} = 0.9, ~\gamma = 0.1,~ {B_z} = 0,~ {b_z} = 0$ ,${D_z} = 0.2,~T = 0$ Figure 1. (a) Dynamics of quantum discord with KSEA interactions and time; (b) effect of KSEA interaction on quantum discord at
$\omega t = 5$ . The other parameters are${J_x} = 0.2,~ {J_y} = 0.5,~ {J_z} = 0.9,~ \gamma = 0.1,~ {B_z} = 0, {b_z} = 0$ ,${D_z} = $ $ 0.2, T = 0$ .图 2 KSEA相互作用在不同磁场环境下对量子失协的影响 (a)不加磁场
${B_{{z}}} = 0,~ {b_z} = 0$ ; (b)均匀磁场${B_{ {z}}} = 1, $ $ {b_z} = 0$ ; (c)非均匀磁场${B_{ {z}}} = 1, ~{b_z} = 3$ . 其他参数${J_x} = 0.2, $ $ {J_y} = 0.5,~ {J_z} = 0.9$ ,$\gamma = 0.1,~ {D_z} = 0.2, ~T = 0$ Figure 2. Effects of KSEA interactions on the dynamics of the quantum discord in different magnetic field environment: (a) No magnetic field added
${B_{\text{z}}} = 0,~ {b_z} = 0$ ; (b) uniform magnetic field${B_{\text{z}}} = 1,~ {b_z} = 0$ ; (c) non-uniform magnetic field${B_{\text{z}}} = 1, {b_z} = 3$ . The other parameters are${J_x} = 0.2, $ $ {J_y} = 0.5,~ {J_z} = 0.9$ ,$\gamma = 0.1,~{D_z} = 0.2,~ T = 0$ .图 3 马尔科夫环境下均匀磁场中KSEA相互作用对量子失协的影响. 其他参数
${J_x} = 0.2,\; {J_y} = 0.5,\; {J_z} = 0.9$ ,$\gamma = $ $ 3, \; {B_z} = 2,\; {b_z} = 0, \;{D_z} = 0.2,\; T = 0$ .Figure 3. Effects of KSEA interactions on quantum discord in a uniform magnetic field in Markovian environment. The other parameters are
${J_x} = 0.2, \;{J_y} = 0.5,\; {J_z} = 0.9,\; \gamma = 3$ ,${B_z} = 2,\; {b_z} = 0,\; {D_z} = 0.2, \;T = 0$ .图 4 (a)量子失协随时间和温度的演化特性; (b)温度在
$\omega t = 5$ 时对量子失协的影响. 其他参数${J_x} = 0.2, \;{J_y} = 0.5, $ $ {J_z} = 0.9$ ,$\gamma = 0.1,\; {B_z} = 1,\; {b_z} = 0,\; {D_z} = 0.2,\; {\varGamma _z} = 2$ Figure 4. (a) Dynamics of quantum discord with time t and temperature
$T$ ; (b) effect of temperature$T$ on quantum discord at$\omega t = 5$ . The other parameters are${J_x} = 0.2, \, {J_y} = $ $ 0.5, \,{J_z} = 0.9,\,\gamma = 0.1, \,{B_z} = 1, \,{b_z} = 0, \,{D_z} = 0.2$ ,${\varGamma _z} = 2$ -
[1] Huang Y 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 54410
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[2] Dakić B, Lipp Y O, Ma X, Ringbauer M, Kropatschek S, Barz S, Paterek T, Vedral V, Zeilinger A, Brukner Č, Walther P 2012 Nat. Phys. 8 666
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[3] Shahandeh F, Lund A P, Ralph T C 2019 Phys. Rev. A 99 052303
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[4] Ringbauer M, Costa F, Goggin M E, Andrew G W, Fedrizzi A 2018 NPJ Quantum Inf. 4 1
Google Scholar
[5] Ecker S, Bouchard F, Bulla L, Brandt F, Kohout O, Steinlechner F, Fickler R, Malik M, Guryanova Y, Ursin R, Huber M 2019 Phys. Rev. X 9 041042
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[6] Braun D, Adesso G, Benatti F, Floreanini R, Marzolino U, Mitchell M W, Pirandola S 2018 Rev. Mod. Phys. 90 035006
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[7] Wootters W K 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 2245
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[8] Mamtimin T, Ahmad A, Rabigul M 2013 Chin. Phys. Lett. 30 030303
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[9] Harold O, Zurek W H 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 017901
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[10] Ali M, Rau A, Alber G. 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 82
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[11] Fanchini F F, Werlang T, Brasil C A 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 52107
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[12] Daki B, Lipp Y O, Ma X, Ringbauer M, Kropatschek S, Barz S, Paterek T, Vedral V, Zeilinger V, Brukner Č 2012 Nature Physics 8 666
[13] Seri A, Lenhard A, Rieländer D, Gündoǧan M, Ledingham P M, Mazzera M, Riedmatten H D 2017 Phys. Rev. X 7 021028
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[14] Burkard G, Loss D, Divincenzo D P 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 2070
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[15] Vrijen R, Yablonovitch E, Wang K, Hong W J, Balandin A, Roychowdhury V, Mor T, Vincenzo D D 2000 Phys. Rev. A 62 12306
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[16] Kane B E 1998 Nature 393 133
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[17] Pourkarimi M R 2018 Int. J. Theor. Phys. 57 1158
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[18] Sun Y, Ma X, Guo J 2020 Quantum Inf. Process. 19 1
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[19] Moriya T 1960 Phys. Rev. Lett. 4 228
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[20] Kaplan T A 1983 Z. Phys. B:Condens. Matter 49 313
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[21] Shekhtman L, Wohlman E, Aharony A 1992 Phys. Rev. Lett. 69 836
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[22] Shekhtman L, Aharony A, Wohlman O E 1993 Phys. Rev. B 47 174
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[23] Tsukada I, Takeya J, Masuda T, Uchinokura K 2000 Phys. Rev. B 62 R6061
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[24] Zheludev A, Maslov S, Shirane G, Tsukada I, Uchinokura K, Zaliznyak I, Erwin I, Regnault L P 1999 Phys. Rev. B 59 11432
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[25] Zheludev A, Maslov S, Tsukada I, Zaliznyak I, Regnault L P, Masuda T, Uchinokura K, Erwin R, Shirane G 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 5410
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[26] Yurischev M A 2020 Quantum Information Processing 19 1
[27] Rabboul A, Khalil E M, Khalek S A, Barataky A A, Zinadah H A 2021 IEEE Access 9 51325
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[28] Liu T, Ren J, Tong P Q 2018 Phys. Rev. B 98 184426
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[29] Diósi L, Gisin N, Strunz W T 1998 Phys. Rev. A 58 1699
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[30] Li P B, Zhou Y, Gao W B, Nori F 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 153602
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[31] Hosokawa K, Shiokawa K, Otsuka Y, Nakajima A, Ogawa T, Kelly J D 2006 Geophys. Res. Lett. 33 L15111
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[32] Zhao X Y 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hoboken: Stevens Institute of Technology)
[33] Yu T 2004 Phys. Rev. A 69 062107
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