Long-short term memory (LSTM) neural network solves the problems of long-term dependence, gradient disappearance and gradient explosion by introducing memory units, and is widely used in time series analysis and prediction. Combining quantum computing with LSTM neural network will help to improve its computational efficiency and reduce the number of model parameters, thus significantly improving the performance of traditional LSTM neural network. This paper proposes a hybrid quantum LSTM (hybrid quantum long-short term memory, HQLSTM) network model that can be used to realize the image classification. It uses variable quantum circuits to replace the nerve cells in the classical LSTM network to realize the memory function of the quantum network. At the same time, it introduces Choquet integral operator to enhance the degree of aggregation between data. The memory cells in the HQLSTM network are composed of multiple variation quantum circuits (VQC) that can realize different functions. Each VQC consists of three parts: the coding layer, which uses angle coding to reduce the complexity of network model design; the variation layer, which is designed with quantum natural gradient optimization algorithm, so that the gradient descent direction does not target specific parameters, thereby optimizing the parameter update process and improving the generalization and convergence speed of the network model; the measurement layer, which uses the Pauli Z gate to measure, and the expected value of the measurement result is input to the next layer to extract useful information from the quantum circuit. The experimental results on the MNIST, FASHION-MNIST and CIFAR datasets show that the HQLSTM model achieves higher image classification accuracy and lower loss value than the classical LSTM model and quantum LSTM model. At the same time, the network space complexity of HQLSTM and quantum LSTM are significantly reduced compared with the classical LSTM network.
- quantum neural networks /
- variational quantum circuits /
- hybrid quantum long short-term memory neural networks
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表 1 LSTM网络模型参数
Table 1. LSTM network model parameters.
参数 数量 Input_size 4 Hidden_size 4 Time_step 49 Dropout比率 0.15 Batch 128 网络层数 2 输出节点数 10 学习率 0.001 表 2 QLSTM和HQLSTM网络模型参数
Table 2. QLSTM and HQLSTM network model parameters.
参数 数量 输入量子比特数 4 Hidden_size 4 Time_step 49 Dropout比率 0.15 Batch 128 网络层数 2 输出节点数 10 学习率 0.001 表 3 不同网络模型图像分类精度比较
Table 3. Comparison of image classification accuracy of different network models.
网络模型 数据集 类别总数 分类精度/% Ref. [35] MNIST 10 97.894 FASHION-MNIST 10 96.865 CIFAR 10 96.334 HQLSTM MNIST 10 99.154 FASHION-MNIST 10 98.273 CIFAR 10 98.631 经典LSTM MNIST 10 97.306 FASHION-MNIST 10 96.829 CIFAR 10 92.671 -
[1] Acharya U R, Oh S L, Hagiwara Y, HongTan J, Adam M, Gertych A, Tan R S 2017 Comput. Biol. Med. 89 389
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[35] Chen S Y C, Yoo S, Fang Y L L 2022 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Singapore May 22–27, 2022 p8622
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[40] Watson T F, Philips S G J, Kawakami E, Ward D R, Scarlino P, Veldhorst M, Savage D E, Lagally M G, Friesen M, Coppersmith S N, Eriksson M A, Vandersypen L M K 2018 Nature 555 633
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[41] Chew Y, Tomita T, Mahesh T P, Sugawa S, Léséleuc S D, Ohmori K 2022 Nat. Photonics. 16 724
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[42] 杨靖北, 丛爽, 陈鼎 2017 控制理论与应用 34 15144
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Yang J B, Cong S, Chen D 2017 J. Control Theory Appl. 34 15144
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[43] Gokhale P, Angiuli O, Ding Y, Gui K, Tomesh T, Suchara M, Martonosi M, Chong F T 2020 IEEE Trans. Quantum Eng. 1 1
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[44] Huang H Y, Kueng R, Preskill J 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 190505
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