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Characteristics of rocket-triggered positive lightning flashes and propagation properties of their initial upward negative leaders

Li Zong-Xiang Jiang Ru-Bin Lü Guan-Lin Liu Ming-Yuan Sun Zhu-Ling Zhang Hong-Bo Liu Kun Li Xiao-Qiang Zhang Xiong


Characteristics of rocket-triggered positive lightning flashes and propagation properties of their initial upward negative leaders

Li Zong-Xiang, Jiang Ru-Bin, Lü Guan-Lin, Liu Ming-Yuan, Sun Zhu-Ling, Zhang Hong-Bo, Liu Kun, Li Xiao-Qiang, Zhang Xiong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Twelve lightning flashes are successfully triggered under the positive atmospheric electric field condition. The discharge properties of the flashes, and the propagation characteristics and mechanism of the involving upward negative leaders are investigated. When lightning flashes are triggered, the average ground atmospheric electric field is around 5 kV/m, with a maximum value exceeding 13 kV/m. Except for one special event showing a discharge polarity reversal (from positive to negative) and producing multiple negative return strokes, none of the remaining 11 triggered lightning flashes involves the subsequent return stroke process. The discharge currents of these flashes are generally of the order of several hundred amperes. The successfully triggered lightning flashes start with the initiation and the upward propagation of negative stepped leaders, of which the average two-dimensional velocity is 1.85 × 105 m/s. For a total of 132 steps captured by the high-speed video camera, the step lengths range from 0.8 m to 8.7 m, with an average of 3.9 m. During the initial stage of the upward negative stepped leader, the current and electromagnetic field present a significant impulsive feature. The mean value of pulse interval, current peak, charge transfer, half-peak-width and current rise time T10%–90% are 17.9 μs, 81A, 364 μC, 3.1 μs, and 0.9 μs, respectively. The equivalent linear charge density of a single step is 118.5 μC/m. The branching of the leader channel generally takes place together with the stepping process in two ways: the first way is to implement the multiple connections of clustering space stems/space leaders to the leader head within an individual step cycle, and the corresponding current waveform presents a multi-peak structure, with a peak interval of about 2–3 μs (up to 6–7 μs); the second way is to reactivate those previously extinguished space stems/space leaders and to connect them to the lateral surface of the channel.
      Corresponding author: Jiang Ru-Bin,
    • Funds: Project supported by National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFC1501502), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41775012, 41630425), the Key R&D Projects of Sichuan Province, China (Grant No. 2019YFG0104), and the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    苟学强, 张义军, 李亚珺, 陈明理 2018 67 205201Google Scholar

    Gou X, Zhang Y, Li Y, Chen M 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 205201Google Scholar


    郄秀书, 袁善锋, 陈志雄, 王东方, 刘冬霞, 孙萌宇, 孙竹玲, 等 2021 中国科学: 地球科学 51 46

    Qie X, Yuan S, Chen Z, Wang D, Liu D, Sun M, Sun Z, 2021 Sci. Sin. Terr. 51 46


    Lu W, Gao Y, Chen L, Qi Q, Ma Y, Zhang Y, Chen S, Yan X, Chen C, Zhang Y 2015 J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys. 136 23Google Scholar


    Qie X, Yuan S, Chen Z, Wang D, Liu D, Sun M, Sun Z, Srivastava A, Zhang H, Lu J 2020 Sci. China Earth Sci. 64 10


    Schonland B F J, Malan D, Collens H 1935 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 152 595Google Scholar


    Berger K 1967 J. Franklin Inst. 283 478Google Scholar


    Gorin B, Levitov V, Shkilev A 1976 4th International Conference on Gas Discharges, Swansea, UK, September 7–10, 1976 p274


    Biagi C J, Uman M A, Hill J D, Jordan D M 2011 Geophys. Res. Lett. 38 L24809


    Hill J D, Uman M A, Jordan D M 2011 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 116 D16117Google Scholar


    Qi Q, Lu W, Ma Y, Chen L, Zhang Y, Rakov V A 2016 Atmos. Res. 178 260


    Jiang R, Qie X, Zhang H, Liu M, Sun Z, Lu G, Wang Z, Wang Y 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 3457Google Scholar


    王雪娟, 袁萍, 岑建勇, 张廷龙, 薛思敏, 赵金翠, 许鹤 2013 62 109201Google Scholar

    Wang X J, Yuan P, Cen J Y, Zhang T L, Xue S M, Zhao J C, Xu H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 109201Google Scholar


    蒋如斌, 郄秀书, 王彩霞, 杨静, 张其林, 刘明远, 王俊芳, 刘冬霞, 潘伦湘 2011 60 079201Google Scholar

    Jiang R B, Qie X S, Wang C X, Yang J, Zhang Q L, Liu M T, Wang J F, Liu D X, Pan L X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 079201Google Scholar


    唐国瑛, 孙竹玲, 蒋如斌, 李丰全, 刘明远, 刘昆, 郄秀书 2020 69 189201Google Scholar

    Tang G Y, Sun Z L, Jiang R B, Li F Q, Liu M Y, Liu K, Qie X S 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 189201Google Scholar


    王彩霞, 郄秀书, 蒋如斌, 杨静 2012 61 553

    Wang C X, Qie X S, Jiang R B, Yang J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 553


    Warner T A, Helsdon Jr J H, Bunkers M J, Saba M M, Orville R E 2013 B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 94 631Google Scholar


    Berger K, Anderson R B, Kroninger H 1975 Electra 41 23


    Heidler F H, Manhardt M, Stimper K 2014 IEEE Trans. Electromagn.Compat. 57 102Google Scholar


    Liu X, Wang C, Zhang Y, Xiao Q, Wang D, Zhou Z, Guo C 1994 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 99 10727Google Scholar


    Azadifar M, Rachidi F, Rubinstein M, Paolone M, Rakov V A, Pavanello D, Metz S, Romero C 2015 International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA) Balneario Camboriu, Brazil, Sept.28–Oct. 2, 2015 p32


    Zhou H, Diendorfer G, Thottappillil R, Pichler H, Mair M 2012 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 117 D06110Google Scholar


    Miki M, Miki T, Asakawa A, Shindo T 2014 XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity Norman, Oklahoma, U.S.A, June 15–20, 2014


    Pu Y, Jiang R, Qie X, Liu M, Zhang H, Fan Y, Xueke W 2017 Geophys.Res. Lett. 44 7029Google Scholar


    Ma Z, Jiang R, Qie X, Xing H, Liu M, Sun Z, Qin Z, Zhang H, Li X 2021 Atmos. Res. 249 105314Google Scholar


    Sun Z, Qie X, Jiang R, Liu M, Wu X, Wang Z, Lu G, Zhang H 2014 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119 13Google Scholar


    Sun Z, Qie X, Liu M, Cao D, Wang D 2013 Atmos.Res. 129 58Google Scholar


    Qie X, Jiang R, Wang C, Yang J, Wang J, Liu D 2011 J. Geophys.Research: Atmos. 116 D10102Google Scholar


    Jiang R, Qie X, Wang C, Yang J 2013 Atmos. Res. 129 90


    Liu M, Jiang R, Li Z, Qie X, Zheng T, Tan Y, Li X, Zhang H, Liu M, Sun Z, Wang Y, Ma Z, Lu J, Feng R, Liu Y 2020 Atmos. Res. 244 105049Google Scholar


    Williams E R 2006 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15 S91Google Scholar


    Bazelyan E, Raizer Y 2000 Lightning Physics and Lightning Protection (Florida: CRC Press) p325


    van der Velde O A, Montanyà J 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 118 13Google Scholar


    Campos L Z, Saba M M, Warner T A, Pinto Jr O, Krider E P, Orville R E 2014 Atmos. Res. 135 285


    Shao X, Krehbiel P 1996 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 101 26641Google Scholar


    Wu T, Yoshida S, Akiyama Y, Stock M, Ushio T, Kawasaki Z 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 120 9071Google Scholar


    Jiang R, Qie X, Li Z, Zhang H, Li X, Yuan S, Liu M, Sun Z, Srivastava A, Liu M 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2020GL088107


    Wu T, Wang D, Takagi N 2019 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 124 9983Google Scholar


    Orville R E, Helsdon Jr J H, Evans W H 1974 J. Geophys. Res. 79 4059Google Scholar


    Uman M A 1964 J. Geophys. Res. 69 583Google Scholar


    Qi Q, Lyu W, Ma Y, Wu B, Chen L, Jiang R, Zhu Y, Rakov V A 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 12580Google Scholar


    Chen M, Takagi N, Watanabe T, Wang D, Liu X 1999 J. Geophys. Res. 1042 27573


    Lu G, Zhang H, Jiang R, Fan Y, Qie X, Liu M, Sun Z, Wang Z, Tian Y, Liu K 2016 Radio Sci. 51 1432Google Scholar


    樊艳峰, 陆高鹏, 张鸿波, 蒋如斌, 刘明远, 郄秀书 2017 高电压技术 43 987Google Scholar

    Fan Y, Lu G, Zhang H, Jiang R, Liu M, Qie X 2017 High Voltage Eng. 43 987Google Scholar


    Fan Y, Lu G, Jiang R, Zhang H, Li X, Liu M, Qie X, Zheng D, Lyu W, Zhang Y, Zhang Y 2018 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 123 11


    Petersen D, Bailey M, Beasley W H, Hallett J 2008 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 113 D17205Google Scholar


    Huang H, Wang D, Wu T, Takagi N 2018 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 123 12597


    Ding Z, Rakov V, Zhu Y, Tran M 2020 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 125 e2020JD033305


    Stolzenburg M, Marshall T C, Karunarathne S, Karunarathna N, Orville R E 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 120 3408Google Scholar

  • 图 1  2019年7月29日雷暴过程雷达回波及地面大气电场随时间的演变

    Figure 1.  The evolution of radar echo and atmospheric electric field during the thunderstorm on July 29, 2019.

    图 2  人工引发闪电1909的通道底部电流(L1), 60米处地面电场变化(L2)以及970处磁场变化(L3)同步波形

    Figure 2.  Synchronous channel base current, electric field change at distance of 60 m, and magnetic field change at distance 970 m, for the triggered lightning 1909.

    图 3  (a) V711高速相机拍摄的闪电1901其中一帧图像; (b) 2019年6次上行负先导发展二维局部速度随高度的演变, 其中, 各闪电的第一个数据点所对应高度表示先导从引雷导线顶端起始时的高度. 注: 图中黑色点出现高度重叠特征, 是因为闪电1908的上行先导在510—540 m高度范围内转为横向水平发展, 并出现通道头部调转向下发展的情况

    Figure 3.  (a) A still image of the triggered lightning 1901, as captured by the V711 high-speed camera; (b) evolution of the two-dimensional partial speeds of 6 upward negative leaders. The first points of the curves in the figure indicate the initiating heights of the associated upward negative leaders. Note that the overlapping characteristics of the black curve at the 500–540 m height are due to the leader’s horizontal and even downward propagation there.

    图 4  引发正极性闪电的上行负先导连续6帧光学图像, 时间分辨率为11.1 μs. 注: 上图为原始图像, 下图为反色显示

    Figure 4.  Six consecutive optical images of the upward negative leader in rocket-triggered positive lightning flash, with a temporal resolution of 11.1 μs. Note that the top panel gives the original images, and the bottom panel gives the reverse color version of the images.

    图 5  引发正极性闪电的上行负先导连续10帧光学图像(反色), 时间分辨率为11.1 μs

    Figure 5.  Ten consecutive optical images (reverse color) of upward negative leader in rocket-triggered positive lightning flash, with a temporal resolution of 11.1 μs.

    图 6  闪电1901, 1907和1908中的上行负先导共132次梯级过程的步长分布图

    Figure 6.  The step length distribution diagram of a total of 132 steps in the upward negative leaders of lightning flashes 1901, 1907, and 1908.

    图 7  (a) 闪电1907上行负先导初始阶段的电流、电场变化、磁场变化和通道光强演变; (b) 高速相机拍摄的通道发展图像(逐帧时间间隔为11.11 μs). 注: 图(a)和图(b)中1—27代表相机帧数

    Figure 7.  (a) The synchronous channel base current, electric field change, magnetic field change and channel luminosity, for the upward negative leader in the triggered lightning flash 1907; (b) the channel evolution of the leader, as captured by the high speed video camera with temporal resolution of 11.11 μs. Note: 1–27 in Figure (a) and Figure (b) represent the number of camera frames.

    图 8  (a) 闪电1908上行负先导初始阶段的电流、电场变化、磁场变化和通道光强演变; (b) 高速相机拍摄的通道发展图像(逐帧时间间隔为11.11 μs). 注: 图(a)和图(b)中1—27代表相机帧数

    Figure 8.  (a) The synchronous channel base current, electric field change, magnetic field change and channel luminosity, for the upward negative leader in the triggered lightning flash 1908; (b) the channel evolution of the leader, as captured by the high speed video camera with temporal resolution of 11.11 μs. Note: 1–27 in Figure (a) and Figure (b) represent the number of camera frames.

    表 1  正极性人工引发闪电放电及先导发展的基本特征

    Table 1.  The general characteristics of the positive triggered lightning discharge and the associated leader propagation.

    /(105 m·s–1)
    2019/08/0719105.381/空中 > 536
    *注: 表中平台指火箭发射平台, 1代表地面传统平台, 2代表信号塔平台; 传统触发指引雷导线良好接地的方式, 引雷时导线顶端始发单向的上行先导; 空中触发指引雷导线不接地的方式, 导线底部距地面几十米, 引雷时始发双向先导, 上端向雷暴云发展, 下端向地面发展.
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  闪电1907和1908上行负先导初始阶段梯级过程的脉冲电流和通道发展特征参量

    Table 2.  The parameters of impulsive current waveform and the channel evolution during initial stepwise development of the upward negative leaders in triggered lightning flashes 1907 and 1908.

    闪电号1907 1908
    脉冲间隔/μs18.918.124.420.2 17.717.717.411.410.322.721.617.515.317.6
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    苟学强, 张义军, 李亚珺, 陈明理 2018 67 205201Google Scholar

    Gou X, Zhang Y, Li Y, Chen M 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 205201Google Scholar


    郄秀书, 袁善锋, 陈志雄, 王东方, 刘冬霞, 孙萌宇, 孙竹玲, 等 2021 中国科学: 地球科学 51 46

    Qie X, Yuan S, Chen Z, Wang D, Liu D, Sun M, Sun Z, 2021 Sci. Sin. Terr. 51 46


    Lu W, Gao Y, Chen L, Qi Q, Ma Y, Zhang Y, Chen S, Yan X, Chen C, Zhang Y 2015 J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys. 136 23Google Scholar


    Qie X, Yuan S, Chen Z, Wang D, Liu D, Sun M, Sun Z, Srivastava A, Zhang H, Lu J 2020 Sci. China Earth Sci. 64 10


    Schonland B F J, Malan D, Collens H 1935 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 152 595Google Scholar


    Berger K 1967 J. Franklin Inst. 283 478Google Scholar


    Gorin B, Levitov V, Shkilev A 1976 4th International Conference on Gas Discharges, Swansea, UK, September 7–10, 1976 p274


    Biagi C J, Uman M A, Hill J D, Jordan D M 2011 Geophys. Res. Lett. 38 L24809


    Hill J D, Uman M A, Jordan D M 2011 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 116 D16117Google Scholar


    Qi Q, Lu W, Ma Y, Chen L, Zhang Y, Rakov V A 2016 Atmos. Res. 178 260


    Jiang R, Qie X, Zhang H, Liu M, Sun Z, Lu G, Wang Z, Wang Y 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 3457Google Scholar


    王雪娟, 袁萍, 岑建勇, 张廷龙, 薛思敏, 赵金翠, 许鹤 2013 62 109201Google Scholar

    Wang X J, Yuan P, Cen J Y, Zhang T L, Xue S M, Zhao J C, Xu H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 109201Google Scholar


    蒋如斌, 郄秀书, 王彩霞, 杨静, 张其林, 刘明远, 王俊芳, 刘冬霞, 潘伦湘 2011 60 079201Google Scholar

    Jiang R B, Qie X S, Wang C X, Yang J, Zhang Q L, Liu M T, Wang J F, Liu D X, Pan L X 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 079201Google Scholar


    唐国瑛, 孙竹玲, 蒋如斌, 李丰全, 刘明远, 刘昆, 郄秀书 2020 69 189201Google Scholar

    Tang G Y, Sun Z L, Jiang R B, Li F Q, Liu M Y, Liu K, Qie X S 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 189201Google Scholar


    王彩霞, 郄秀书, 蒋如斌, 杨静 2012 61 553

    Wang C X, Qie X S, Jiang R B, Yang J 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 553


    Warner T A, Helsdon Jr J H, Bunkers M J, Saba M M, Orville R E 2013 B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 94 631Google Scholar


    Berger K, Anderson R B, Kroninger H 1975 Electra 41 23


    Heidler F H, Manhardt M, Stimper K 2014 IEEE Trans. Electromagn.Compat. 57 102Google Scholar


    Liu X, Wang C, Zhang Y, Xiao Q, Wang D, Zhou Z, Guo C 1994 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 99 10727Google Scholar


    Azadifar M, Rachidi F, Rubinstein M, Paolone M, Rakov V A, Pavanello D, Metz S, Romero C 2015 International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA) Balneario Camboriu, Brazil, Sept.28–Oct. 2, 2015 p32


    Zhou H, Diendorfer G, Thottappillil R, Pichler H, Mair M 2012 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 117 D06110Google Scholar


    Miki M, Miki T, Asakawa A, Shindo T 2014 XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity Norman, Oklahoma, U.S.A, June 15–20, 2014


    Pu Y, Jiang R, Qie X, Liu M, Zhang H, Fan Y, Xueke W 2017 Geophys.Res. Lett. 44 7029Google Scholar


    Ma Z, Jiang R, Qie X, Xing H, Liu M, Sun Z, Qin Z, Zhang H, Li X 2021 Atmos. Res. 249 105314Google Scholar


    Sun Z, Qie X, Jiang R, Liu M, Wu X, Wang Z, Lu G, Zhang H 2014 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119 13Google Scholar


    Sun Z, Qie X, Liu M, Cao D, Wang D 2013 Atmos.Res. 129 58Google Scholar


    Qie X, Jiang R, Wang C, Yang J, Wang J, Liu D 2011 J. Geophys.Research: Atmos. 116 D10102Google Scholar


    Jiang R, Qie X, Wang C, Yang J 2013 Atmos. Res. 129 90


    Liu M, Jiang R, Li Z, Qie X, Zheng T, Tan Y, Li X, Zhang H, Liu M, Sun Z, Wang Y, Ma Z, Lu J, Feng R, Liu Y 2020 Atmos. Res. 244 105049Google Scholar


    Williams E R 2006 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15 S91Google Scholar


    Bazelyan E, Raizer Y 2000 Lightning Physics and Lightning Protection (Florida: CRC Press) p325


    van der Velde O A, Montanyà J 2013 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 118 13Google Scholar


    Campos L Z, Saba M M, Warner T A, Pinto Jr O, Krider E P, Orville R E 2014 Atmos. Res. 135 285


    Shao X, Krehbiel P 1996 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 101 26641Google Scholar


    Wu T, Yoshida S, Akiyama Y, Stock M, Ushio T, Kawasaki Z 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 120 9071Google Scholar


    Jiang R, Qie X, Li Z, Zhang H, Li X, Yuan S, Liu M, Sun Z, Srivastava A, Liu M 2020 Geophys. Res. Lett. 47 e2020GL088107


    Wu T, Wang D, Takagi N 2019 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 124 9983Google Scholar


    Orville R E, Helsdon Jr J H, Evans W H 1974 J. Geophys. Res. 79 4059Google Scholar


    Uman M A 1964 J. Geophys. Res. 69 583Google Scholar


    Qi Q, Lyu W, Ma Y, Wu B, Chen L, Jiang R, Zhu Y, Rakov V A 2019 Geophys. Res. Lett. 46 12580Google Scholar


    Chen M, Takagi N, Watanabe T, Wang D, Liu X 1999 J. Geophys. Res. 1042 27573


    Lu G, Zhang H, Jiang R, Fan Y, Qie X, Liu M, Sun Z, Wang Z, Tian Y, Liu K 2016 Radio Sci. 51 1432Google Scholar


    樊艳峰, 陆高鹏, 张鸿波, 蒋如斌, 刘明远, 郄秀书 2017 高电压技术 43 987Google Scholar

    Fan Y, Lu G, Zhang H, Jiang R, Liu M, Qie X 2017 High Voltage Eng. 43 987Google Scholar


    Fan Y, Lu G, Jiang R, Zhang H, Li X, Liu M, Qie X, Zheng D, Lyu W, Zhang Y, Zhang Y 2018 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 123 11


    Petersen D, Bailey M, Beasley W H, Hallett J 2008 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 113 D17205Google Scholar


    Huang H, Wang D, Wu T, Takagi N 2018 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 123 12597


    Ding Z, Rakov V, Zhu Y, Tran M 2020 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 125 e2020JD033305


    Stolzenburg M, Marshall T C, Karunarathne S, Karunarathna N, Orville R E 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 120 3408Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  06 February 2021
  • Accepted Date:  23 April 2021
  • Available Online:  07 June 2021
  • Published Online:  05 October 2021

