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Andreev reflection spectroscopy of ferromagnetic Fe0.26TaS2 with layered structure

Yu Xiao-Yang Feng Hong-Lei Gu Gang-Xu Liu Yong-He Li Zhi-Lin Xu Tong-Shuai Li Yong-Qing


Andreev reflection spectroscopy of ferromagnetic Fe0.26TaS2 with layered structure

Yu Xiao-Yang, Feng Hong-Lei, Gu Gang-Xu, Liu Yong-He, Li Zhi-Lin, Xu Tong-Shuai, Li Yong-Qing
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • An elementary mission of spintronics research is to prevent the interface reacting in spin device and extract spin polarization of ferromagnetic material reliably. Layered transition metal sulfide has very strong anisotropic magnetism, magnetoresistance, and unique Hall effect. It provides a good platform for studying the magnetic order related physical phenomena and may lay a foundation for spintronic applications. In this work, the magnetism, electronic transport and Andreev reflection spectrum of a novel ferromagnetic material Fe0.26TaS2 with a layers-stacked structure are measured. Strong magnetic anisotropy, double-peak magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect are found. In the magnetic measurement, the strong magnetic anisotropy behavior in Fe0.26TaS2 single crystal is observed. Curie temperature TC of the Fe0.26TaS2 single crystal is confirmed by zero field cooling, field cooling and Arrot plot. The electronic transport in the Fe0.26TaS2 single crystal also reveals strong anisotropic behaviors, such as butterfly-like magnetoresistance and obvious anomalous hall effect below TC.To obtain the spin polarization of FexTaS2, we fabricate an FexTaS2/superconductor Andreev junction to measure the spin polarization that is fitted by the modified Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) theory. Perhaps the diffusion of Pb can form an alloy structure, creating another superconductor behavior. The two-gap BTK theory confirms our hypothesis, and the result spin polarization can reach 26%. To avoid the interference from Pb alloy superconductor, we also fabricate an Fe0.26TaS2/Al/Pb superconductor junction by evaporating Al and then Pb film on the surface of Fe0.26TaS2 in sequence. The results of BTK fit show that the spin polarization from the first technical route cannot be reliable due to the tunneling layer on the Al interface. In order to obtain a clean interface, Fe0.26TaS2/NbSe2 junction is fabricated through mechanical-exfoliation and dry-transfer method. Through the Andreev reflection spectrum of this junction, the spin polarization of Fe0.26TaS2 is extracted to be 47% ± 7%. For various two-dimensional ferromagnetic materials, our work suggests that the dry-transfer method is well applicable in spin polarization extraction. The results of spin polarization indicate that the Fe0.26TaS2 is a promising candidate of next-generation material of spintronics.
      Corresponding author: Xu Tong-Shuai,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 61425015, 11704006), the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB28000000), and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0300600)

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    Guan T, Lin C, Yang C, Shi Y, Ren C, Li Y, Weng H, Dai X, Fang Z, Yan S, Xiong P 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 087002Google Scholar


    Morosan E, Zandbergen H W, Li L, Lee M, Checkelsky J G, Heinrich M, Siegrist T, Ong N P, Cava R J 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 104401Google Scholar


    Narita H, Ikuta H, Hinode H, Uchida T, Ohtani T, Wakihara M 1994 J. Solid State Chem. 108 148Google Scholar


    Gong C, Li L, Li Z, Ji H, Stern A, Xia Y, Cao T, Bao W, Wang C, Wang Y, Qiu Z Q, Cava R J, Louie S G, Xia J, Zhang X 2017 Nature 546 265Google Scholar


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    Mankovsky S, Chadova K, Ködderitzsch D, Minár J, Ebert H, Bensch W 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 144413Google Scholar


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    Arai M, Moriya R, Yabuki N, Masubuchi S, Ueno K, Machida T 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 103107Google Scholar


    Horibe Y, Yang J, Cho Y H, Luo X, Kim S B, Oh Y S, Huang F T, Asada T, Tanimura M, Jeong D, Cheong S W 2014 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 8368Google Scholar


    Checkelsky J G, Lee M, Morosan E, Cava R J, Ong N P 2008 Phys. Rev. B 77 014433Google Scholar


    Chen C W, Chikara S, Zapf V S, Morosan E 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 054406Google Scholar


    Hardy W J, Chen C W, Marcinkova A, Ji H, Sinova J, Natelson D, Morosan E 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 054426Google Scholar


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    Zhang X, von Molnár S, Fisk Z, Xiong P 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 167001Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  Fe0.26TaS2单晶样品的磁性测量结果 (a) 外加磁场垂直于ab面(Hab)时的FC和ZFC磁化曲线, 测量磁场为100 Oe (1 Oe = 103/(4π) A/m); (b)外加磁场平行于ab面时 (H//ab)的FC和ZFC磁化曲线, 测量磁场为100 Oe; (c) Hab的等温磁化曲线随外加磁场的变化; (d) H//ab的等温磁化曲线随外加磁场的变化(为清楚起见, 在垂直方向做了等间距平移)

    Figure 1.  Magnetization measurement results of Fe0.26TaS2: (a) Magnetization measurement with ZFC and FC process while Hab, the measurement field is 100 Oe; (b) magnetization measurement with ZFC and FC process while H//ab, the measurement field is 100 Oe; (c) isothermal magnetization measurements for Hab; (d) isothermal magnetization measurements for H//ab. For clarify, the data is shift equally in Fig. 1(d).

    图 2  Fe0.26TaS2等温磁化曲线和电阻-温度曲线(1 emu = 10–3 A·m2) (a) H⊥ab方向Fe0.26TaS2等温磁化曲线的Arrott图, 居里温度为115 K; (b) Fe0.26TaS2的电阻-温度曲线

    Figure 2.  Isothermal magnetization and temperature dependence of resistance of Fe0.26TaS2: (a) Arrot plot for isothermal magnetization in H⊥ab; (b) temperature dependence of resistance.

    图 3  磁电阻和霍尔电阻随外加磁场的变化 (a) Hab时, 磁电阻随外加磁场的变化; (b) H//ab时, 磁电阻随外加磁场的变化; (c) Hab时, 霍尔电阻随外加磁场的变化; (d) H//ab时, 霍尔电阻随外加磁场的变化

    Figure 3.  Magnetic field dependence of magnetoresistance and Hall effect: (a) Magnetic field dependence of magnetoresistance, Hab; (b) magnetic field dependence of magnetoresistance, H//ab; (c) magnetic field dependence of Hall effect, Hab; (d) magnetic field dependence of Hall effect, H//ab.

    图 4  Fe0.26TaS2/Pb的Andreev反射谱 (a)不同温度下Andreev结的归一化微分电导谱; (b) T = 1.6 K, 修正的BTK理论对微分电导谱的拟合结果; (c) T = 2 K, 修正的BTK理论对微分电导谱的拟合结果; (d) T = 4 K, 修正的BTK理论对微分电导谱的拟合结果. 黑色点为实验数据, 红色线为理论计算结果

    Figure 4.  Andreev reflection spectroscopy of Fe0.26TaS2/Pb: (a) Normalization of Andreev reflection spectroscopy from T = 2 K to 8 K; (b) modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy, T = 1.6 K; (c) modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy, T = 2 K; (d) modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy, T = 4 K. The black dot is experimental data and red line is fitting.

    图 5  Fe0.26TaS2/Al/Pb异质结的Andreev反射谱 (a)不同温度下的归一化微分电导谱; (b) T = 0.36 K, 修正的BTK理论对微分电导谱的拟合结果; (c) T = 1 K, 修正的BTK理论对微分电导谱的拟合结果; (d) T = 6 K, 修正的BTK理论对微分电导谱的拟合结果; 黑色点为实验数据, 红色线为理论计算结果, 自旋极化率P ≠ 0

    Figure 5.  Andreev reflection spectroscopy of Fe0.26TaS2/Al/Pb: (a) Normalization of Andreev reflection reflection spectroscopy from T = 0.36 K to 9 K; (b) modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy, T = 0.36 K; (c) modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy, T = 1 K; (d) modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy, T = 6 K. The black dot is experimental data and red line is fitting. Spin polarization is fixed to none-zero (P ≠ 0).

    图 6  修正的BTK理论对不同温度下微分电导谱的拟合结果 (a) T = 0.36 K; (b) T = 1 K; (c) T = 3 K; (d) T = 6 K; 黑色点为实验数据, 红色线为理论计算结果; 自旋极化率固定为零(P = 0)

    Figure 6.  Modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy of Fe0.26TaS2/Al/Pb: (a) T = 0.36 K; (b) T = 1 K; (c) T = 3 K; (d) T = 6 K. The black dot is experimental data and the red line is fitting. Spin polarization is fixed to zero (P = 0).

    图 7  Fe0.26TaS2/NbSe2的Andreev反射谱 (a)不同温度下的归一化微分电导谱和修正的BTK拟合; (b) T = 4 K的微分电导谱和修正的BTK拟合; (c) T = 1.7 K下, 负偏压的归一化微分电导谱及修正的BTK拟合; (d) T = 1.7 K下, 正偏压的归一化微分电导谱及修正的BTK拟合; 黑色点为实验数据, 红色线为理论计算结果

    Figure 7.  Andreev reflection spectroscopy of Fe0.26TaS2//NbSe2: (a) Normalization of Andreev reflection spectroscopy from T = 1.7 K to 8 K; (b) modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy at T = 4 K; (c) modified BTK fitting for normalized Andreev reflection spectroscopy at T = 1.7 K; (d) modified BTK fitting respectively for negative bias or positive bias Andreev reflection spectroscopy at T = 1.7 K. The black dot is experimental data and red line is fitting.

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    刘兴翀, 路忠林, 任尚坤, 张凤鸣, 都有为, 刘存业, 匡安龙 2005 54 2934

    Liu X C, Lu Z L, Ren S K, Zhang F M, Du Y W, Liu C Y, Kuang A L 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 2934


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    Soulen Jr R J, Byers J M, Osofsky M S, Nadgorny B, Ambrose T, Cheng S F, Broussard P R, Tanaka C T, Nowak J, Moodera J S, Barry A, Coey J M D 1998 Science 282 85Google Scholar


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    吴义华, 王振彦, 沈瑞 2009 58 8591

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    Strijkers G J, Ji Y, Yang F Y, Chien C L, Byers J M 2001 Phys. Rev. B 63 104510Google Scholar


    Woods G T, Soulen Jr R J, Mazin I I, Nadgorny B, Osofsky M S, Sanders J, Srikanth H 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 054416Google Scholar


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    Ren C, Trbovic J, Kallaher R L, Braden J G, Parker J S, von Molnár S, Xiong P 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 205208Google Scholar


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    Stokmaier M, Goll G, Weissenberger D, Sürgers C, von Löhneysen H 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 147005Google Scholar


    Bugoslavsky Y, Miyoshi Y, Clowes S K, Branford W R, Lake M, Brown I, Caplin A D, Cohen L F 2005 Phys. Rev. B 71 104523Google Scholar


    Zhang X H, Yu L Q, von Molnár S, Fisk Z, Xiong P 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 106602Google Scholar


    Guan T, Lin C, Yang C, Shi Y, Ren C, Li Y, Weng H, Dai X, Fang Z, Yan S, Xiong P 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 087002Google Scholar


    Morosan E, Zandbergen H W, Li L, Lee M, Checkelsky J G, Heinrich M, Siegrist T, Ong N P, Cava R J 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 104401Google Scholar


    Narita H, Ikuta H, Hinode H, Uchida T, Ohtani T, Wakihara M 1994 J. Solid State Chem. 108 148Google Scholar


    Gong C, Li L, Li Z, Ji H, Stern A, Xia Y, Cao T, Bao W, Wang C, Wang Y, Qiu Z Q, Cava R J, Louie S G, Xia J, Zhang X 2017 Nature 546 265Google Scholar


    Novoselov K S, Mishchenko A, Carvalho A, Castro Neto A H 2016 Science 353 aac9439Google Scholar


    Deng Y, Yu Y, Song Y, Zhang J, Wang N Z, Sun Z, Yi Y, Wu Y Z, Wu S, Zhu J, Wang J, Chen X H, Zhang Y 2018 Nature 563 94Google Scholar


    Mankovsky S, Chadova K, Ködderitzsch D, Minár J, Ebert H, Bensch W 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 144413Google Scholar


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    Arai M, Moriya R, Yabuki N, Masubuchi S, Ueno K, Machida T 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 103107Google Scholar


    Horibe Y, Yang J, Cho Y H, Luo X, Kim S B, Oh Y S, Huang F T, Asada T, Tanimura M, Jeong D, Cheong S W 2014 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136 8368Google Scholar


    Checkelsky J G, Lee M, Morosan E, Cava R J, Ong N P 2008 Phys. Rev. B 77 014433Google Scholar


    Chen C W, Chikara S, Zapf V S, Morosan E 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 054406Google Scholar


    Hardy W J, Chen C W, Marcinkova A, Ji H, Sinova J, Natelson D, Morosan E 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 054426Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  12 August 2019
  • Accepted Date:  06 October 2019
  • Available Online:  27 November 2019
  • Published Online:  01 December 2019

