The ISIS Neutron Facility of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in the UK plays an important and world leading role in in-situ engineering materials testing, one of the most typical neutron diffractometers known as Engin-X, used to measure residual stress and phase transformation and to do micromechanics research, through using different sample environment equipment, such as mechanical fatigue loading frame, cryogenic temperature furnace of cooling the sample down to 1.5 K and particularly high temperature furnace of heating the sample up to 1100 ℃ under loading condition. The present maximum heating capability of the Engin-X high temperature furnace at ISIS can be increased to above 1100 ℃, that would allow more extremely challenging high temperature engineering problems around the world to be investigated. With this ambition in mind, in this paper we use TracePro software initially to optimize the geometry of the present Engin-X furnace reflectors and their configurations’ arrangement. One is to use ellipse-sphere combination and the other is to use ellipse-sphere-ellipse combination to replace the present Engin-X high temperature furnace’s half ellipse reflector geometry. The results show that the former plus further reflector surface coating and reasonable side shielding arrangement result in a total increase of 109% of energy absorption by the sample. The latter makes a further 6% of increase of energy absorption by the sample. Such results are further checked by subsequent ANSYS thermal analysis to investigate the temperature distributions within the centre portion of the sample. The ANSYS simulation results further reveal that both the ellipse-sphere and ellipse-sphere-ellipse configurations are able to increase the maximum capability of the Engin-X high temperature furnace at ISIS from the present 1100 ℃ to 1399 ℃ and 1423 ℃, respectively. In this paper, we present the details of the simulations and all the configurations of the Engin-X high temperature furnace.
- ISIS /
- in-situ experiment /
- sample environment /
- high temperature furnace
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表 1 TracePro模拟中高温炉各部件参数设定
Table 1. Parameters of furnace components in TracePro simulation.
卤素灯管 反射罩 螺纹棒状试样 材料试验机加载轴 材料 钨 长度/mm 102 中间段长度/mm 42 单侧长度/mm 150 加热段长度/mm 75 材料 铝, 内层镀金 中间段直径/mm 8 直径/mm 32 加热功率/W 2000 材料 因科镍718 材料 因科镍718 -
[1] Makowska M G, Kuhn L T, Cleemann L N, Lauridsen E M, Bilheux H Z, Molaison J J, Santodonato L J, Tremsin A S, Grosse M, Morgano M, Kabra S, Strobl M 2015 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86 125109
Google Scholar
[2] Danilewsky A, Wittge J, Hess A, Croll A, Allen D, Mcnally P, Vagovic P, Cecilia A, Li Z, Baumbach T, Gorostegui-Colinas E, Elizalde M R 2010 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 268 399
Google Scholar
[3] Lee E H, Hwang J S, Lee C W, Yang D Y, Yang W H 2014 J. Mater. Process. Technol. 214 784
Google Scholar
[4] Eyer A, Nitsche R, Zimmermann H 1979 J. Cryst. Growth 47 219
Google Scholar
[5] Lorenz G, Neder R B, Marxreiter J, Frey F, Schneider J 1993 J. Appl. Cryst. 26 632
Google Scholar
[6] Sarin P, Yoon W, Jurkschat K, Zschack P, Kriven W M 2006 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77 093906
Google Scholar
[7] Haboub A, Bale H A, Nasiatka J R, Cox B N, Marshall D B, Ritchie R O, MacDowell A A 2014 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85 083702
Google Scholar
[8] 英国散裂中子源官网 https://www.isis.stfc.ac.uk/Pages/ ENGINX-Furnace.aspx [2018-12-29]
[9] Haynes R, Paradowska A M, Chowdhury M A H, Goodway C M, Done R, Kirichek O, Oliver E C 2012 Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 047002
Google Scholar
[10] Paradowska A M, Baczmansk A, Zhang S Y, Rao A, Bouchard P J, Kelleher J 2011 161st Iron and Steel Institute of Japan Meeting Tokyo, Japan, March 25-27, 2011, p539
[11] Bourke M A M, Dunand D C, Ustundag E 2002 Appl. Phys. A 74 S1707
Google Scholar
[12] 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室官网 https://lansce.lanl.gov/ facilities/lujan/instruments/smarts/index.php[2018–12–29]
[13] 日本散裂中子源官网 https://j-parc.jp/researcher/MatLife/en/ se/bl19.html[2018–12–29]
[14] Harjo S, Ito T, Aizawa K, Arima H, Abe J, Moriai A, Iwahashi T, Kamiyama T 2011 Mater. Sci. Forum 681 443
Google Scholar
[15] Santisteban J R, Daymond M R, James J A, Edwards L 2006 J. Appl. Crystallogr. 39 812
Google Scholar
[16] PRECISION CONTROL SYSTEMS公司官网http://www.pcscontrols.com/[2018–12–29]
[17] Kang W M 2015 CN201510009283
[18] Optical Properties of Metals, Hass G https://web.mit.edu/8.13/8.13c/references-fall/aip/aip-handbook-section6g.pdf [2019-3-20]
[19] Sadao A 2012 The Handbook on Optical Constants of Metals (Vol. 1) (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.) p68
[20] 张福波, 边军, 杜林秀, 王国栋, 刘相华 2006 金属热处理 31 89
Google Scholar
Zhang F B, Bian J, Du L X, Wang G D, Liu X H 2006 Heat Treat. Met. 31 89
Google Scholar
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