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Phonon angular momentum and chiral phonons

Yu Hang Xu Xi-Fang Niu Qian Zhang Li-Fa


Phonon angular momentum and chiral phonons

Yu Hang, Xu Xi-Fang, Niu Qian, Zhang Li-Fa
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  • In traditional physics, phonon is widely regarded as being linearly polarized, which means that phonon carries zero angular momentum. Thus the angular momentum of lattice related to mechanical rotation only reflects the lattice rigid-body motion. Recently, in a magnetic system with time reversal symmetry broken by spin-phonon interaction, one found that the phonon angular momentum is nonzero and an odd function of magnetization. At zero temperature, phonon was reported to have a zero-point angular momentum and zero-point energy. Thus the gyromagnetic ratio obtained through the Einstein-de Haas effect needs correcting by considering the nonzero phonon angular momentum. As is well known, if phonon has nonzero angular momentum, which means that phonon can have rotation, it can be right-handed or left-handed, that is, the phonon is chiral. Actually, we can define the polarization of phonon to represent the phonon chirality, which comes from the circular vibration of sublattices. When the phonon polarization is larger (less) than zero, the phonon is right (left)-handed. In non-magnetic honeycomb AB lattices, with inversion symmetrybrocken, the chiral phonons are found to be of valley contrasting circular polarization and concentrated in Brillouin-zone corners. At valleys, there is a three-fold rotational symmetry endowing phonons with quantized pseudo angular momentum. Then conversation of pseudo angular momentum, which determines the selection rules in phonon-involved intervalley scattering of electrons, must be satisfied. Chiral valley phonons can be measured by polarized infrared absorption or emission. In addition, since the phonon Berry curvature is reported to be nonzero at valley, it can distort phonon transport under a strain gradient, which can act as an effective magnetic field. Thus, a valley phonon Hall effect is theoretically predicted, which is probably a method of measuring chiral valley phonons. In consideration of phonons angular momentum and chiral phonons, photon helicity changed by phonons at Gamma point will be explained reasonably. In conclusion, chiral phonons are present in systems that break time reversal or spatial inversion symmetries. In a magnetic system, where time reversal symmetry is broken, phonons generally carry a nonzero angular momentum, which can influence the classic Einstein-de Haas effect. In a nonequilibrium system, the phonon Hall effect can be observed due to the chiral phonons. In a non-magnetic crystal, with inversion symmetry brocken, phonons in the Brillouin-zone center and corners are chiral and have a quantized pseudo angular momentum, providing an alternative to valleytronics in insulators. We believe that the findings of the phonon angular momentum and the chiral phonons together with phonon pseudoangular momentum, selection rules, and valley phonon Hall effect will lead to the relevant exploration and new development of phonon related subject in condensed matter physics.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Li-Fa,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11574154).

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    Einstein A, de Haas W J 1915 Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 17 152


    Leduc M A 1887 J. Phys. 6 378


    Strohm C, Rikken G, Wyder P 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 155901


    Inyushkin A V, Taldenkov A N 2007 JETP Lett. 86 379


    Sheng L, Sheng D N, Ting C S 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 155901


    Kagan Y, Maksimov L A 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 145902


    Qin T, Niu Q, Shi J R 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 236601


    Zhang L 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Singapore: National University of Singapore)


    Zhang L F, Niu Q 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 085503


    Ray T, Ray D K 1967 Phys. Rev. 164 420


    Ioselevich A S, Capellmann H 1995 Phys. Rev. B 51 11446


    Qin T, Zhou J, Shi J R 2012 Phys. Rev. B 86 104305


    Walton D 1967 Phys. Rev. Lett. 19 305


    Reck R A, Fry D L 1969 Phys. Rev. 184 492


    Xiao D, Yao W, Niu Q 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 236809


    Zeng H L, Cui X D 2016 Wuli 45 505 (in Chinese) [曾华凌, 崔晓冬 2016 物理 45 505]


    Zeng H L, Dai J F, Yao W, Xiao D, Cui X D 2012 Nat. Nanotech. 7 490


    Chen S Y, Zheng C X, Fuhrer M S, Yan J 2015 Nano Lett. 15 2526


    Zhang L F, Niu Q 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 115502


    Chen S Y, Wu Q, Mishra C, Kang J, Zhang H, Cho K, Cai W, Balandin A A, Ruoff R S 2012 Nat. Mater. 11 203


    Zhou S Y, Gweon G H, Fedorov A V, First P N, de Heer W A, Lee D H, Guinea F, Castro Neto A H, Lanzara A 2007 Nat. Mater. 6 770


    Kim G, Jang A R, Jeong H Y, Lee Z, Kang D J, Shin H S 2013 Nano Lett. 13 1834


    Saito R, Jorio A, Souza Filho A G, Dresselhaus G, Dresselhaus M S, Pimenta M A 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 027401


    Malarda L M, Pimentaa M A, Dresselhaus G, Dresselhaus M S 2009 Phys. Rep. 473 51


    Cao T, Wang G, Han W P, Ye H Q, Zhu C R, Shi J R, Niu Q, Tan P H, Wang E, Liu B L, Feng J 2012 Nat. Commun. 3 887


    Wu F, Qu F, MacDonald A H 2015 Phys. Rev. B 91 075310


    Chang M C, Niu Q 1996 Phys. Rev. B 53 7010


    Xiao D, Chang M C, Niu Q 2010 Rev. Mod. Phys. 82 1959


    Mak K F, McGill K L, Park J, McEuen P L 2014 Science 344 1489


    Gorbachev R V, Song S J C, Yu G L, Kretinin A V, Withers F, Cao Y, Mishchenko A, Grigorieva I V, Novoselov K S, Levitov L S, Geim A K 2014 Science 346 448


    Sheng L, Sheng D N, Ting C S 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 155901


    Tian Y, Shen S P, Cong J Z, Chai Y S, Yan L Q, Wang S G, Sun Y 2016 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138 782


    Goldstein T, Chen S Y, Tong J, Xiao D, Ramasubramaniam A, Yan J 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28024


    Lu J Y, Qiu C Y, Ke M Z, Liu Z Y 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 093901


    Zhu H, et al. 2018 Science 359 6375

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  • Received Date:  09 November 2017
  • Accepted Date:  24 January 2018
  • Published Online:  05 April 2018

