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Terminating spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos in cardiac tissues by using late sodium current

Wang Xiao-Yan Wang Peng Li Qian-Yun Tang Guo-Ning


Terminating spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos in cardiac tissues by using late sodium current

Wang Xiao-Yan, Wang Peng, Li Qian-Yun, Tang Guo-Ning
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  • Most Na+ channels open transiently upon depolarization of cardiac cell membrane and then are quickly inactivated. However, some Na+ channels remain active, which generate the late sodium current during the action potential plateau. So far, late sodium current has been regarded as a relevant contributor to arrhythmias and its inhibition can suppress re-entrant and multifocal ventricular fibrillation so that its inhibition may become a novel therapeutic strategy to treat cardiac arrhythmias in the future. Therefore, how to inhibit late sodium current has received special attention. Since both the late sodium current and defibrillation shocks can lead to the increase of action potential duration, the late sodium current can be used to terminate ventricular fibrillation. However, the suppression of spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos in cardiac tissues via late sodium current has been neglected. In this paper, we use the model of human heart to study the suppression of spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos in two-dimensional cardiac tissue by generating late sodium current. We suggest that such a control strategy to induce late sodium current. The slow inactivation gate of sodium channel is clamped to 0.7 while the threshold voltage of corresponding fast inactivation gate is real-timely modulated. We first reduce the threshold voltage from 71.55 mV to 50.55 mV within the time interval T1, and then increase it from 50.55 mV to 71.55 mV within the time interval T2. When the threshold voltage returns to 71.55 mV, the changes of the relevant inactivation gates of sodium channel go back to normal dynamic state. Numerical simulation results show that when the control parameters are properly chosen, the control-induced late sodium current can effectively suppress spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos even if there are some cardiac cells with spontaneous late sodium current. The advantage of the control scheme is that the control-induced late sodium current is small. The control duration is short because the spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos disappear mainly due to the conduction obstacle. In a few cases, the spatiotemporal chaos disappears through the transition from spiral wave to target wave. We hope that these results may provide a new strategy to treat heart disease.
      Corresponding author: Tang Guo-Ning,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.11565005,11365003,11647309).

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    Gray R A, Jalife J 1996 Int. J. Bifurcat. Chaos 6 415


    Navarrete E G, Liang P, Lan F, Sanchez-Freire V, Simmons C, Gong T, Sharma A, Burridge P W, Patlolla B, Lee A S, Wu H, Beygui R E, Wu S M, Robbins R C, Bers D M, Wu J C 2013 Circulation 128 S3


    Braunschweig F, Boriani G, Bauer A, Hatala R, Herrmann-Lingen C, Kautzner J, Pedersen S S, Pehrson S, Ricci R, Schalij M J 2010 Europace 12 1673


    Shajahan T K, Nayak A R, Pandit R 2009 PLoS One 4 e4738


    Wang C N, Ma J 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 084501 (in Chinese)[王春妮, 马军 2013 62 084501]


    Tandri H, Weinberg S H, Chang K C, Zhu R, Trayanova N A, Tung L, Berger R D 2011 Sci. Tramsl. Med. 3 102ra96


    Lou Q, Chen J X, Zhao Y H, Shen F R, Fu Y, Wang L L, Liu Y 2012 Phys. Rev. E 85 026213


    Smagina Y, Sheintuch M 2014 arXiv preprint arXiv:arXiv:1410.0506


    Ji L, Zhou Y, Li Q, Qiao C, Ouyang Q 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 042919


    Li W, Janardhan A H, Fedorov V V, Sha Q, Schuessler R B, Efimov I R 2011 Circ. Arrhythm. Electrophysiol. 4 917


    Pan F, Li W X, Wang X Y, Tang G N 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 218202 (in Chinese)[潘飞, 黎维新, 王小艳, 唐国宁 2015 64 218202]


    Burton R A B, Klimas A, Ambrosi C M, Tomek J, Corbett A, Entcheva E, Bub G 2015 Nat. Photon. 9 813


    Bingen B O, Engels M C, Schalij M J, Jangsangthong W, Neshati Z, Feola I, Ypey D L, Askar S F, Panfilov A V, Pijnappels D A, de Vries A A F 2014 Circ. Res. 102 176


    Nussinovitch U, Shinnawi R, Gepstein L 2014 Circ. Res.102 176


    Ambrosi C M, Entcheva E 2014 Methods Mol. Boil. 1181 215


    Shcherbakov D, Motovilov K, Erofeev I, Astafiev A 2012 Nat. Methods 9 396


    Mourot A, Fehrentz T, Le Feuvre Y, Smith C M, Herold C, Dalkara D, Nagy F, Trauner D, Kramer R H 2012 Nat. Methods 9 396


    Pourrier M, Williams S, Mcafee D, Belardinelli L, Fedida D 2014 J. Physiol. 592 411


    Belardinelli L, Liu G, Smith-Maxwell C, Wang W Q, El-Bizri N, Hirakawa R, Karpinski S, Li C H, Li X J, Crumb W, Wu L, Koltun D, Zablocki J, Yao L, Dhalla A K, Rajamani S, Shryock J C 2013 J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 344 23


    Morita N, Lee J H, Xie Y, Sovari A, Qu Z, Weiss J N, Karagueuzian H S 2011 J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 57 366


    Ten Tusscher K H W J, Noble D, Noble P J, Panfilov A V 2008 Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 294 H2031


    Song Y, Shryock J C, Belardinelli L 2008 Am. J. Physiol.Heart Circ. Physiol. 294 H2031

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  • Received Date:  02 March 2017
  • Accepted Date:  03 April 2017
  • Published Online:  05 July 2017

