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Measurements of line strengths for some lines of ammonia in 6611-6618 cm-1

Nie Wei Kan Rui-Feng Xu Zhen-Yu Yang Chen-Guang Chen Bing Xia Hui-Hui Wei Min Chen Xiang Yao Lu Li Hang Fan Xue-Li Hu Jia-Yi


Measurements of line strengths for some lines of ammonia in 6611-6618 cm-1

Nie Wei, Kan Rui-Feng, Xu Zhen-Yu, Yang Chen-Guang, Chen Bing, Xia Hui-Hui, Wei Min, Chen Xiang, Yao Lu, Li Hang, Fan Xue-Li, Hu Jia-Yi
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  • The target gas molecular absorption spectrum parameters especially line strengths are very important for measuring temperature and concentration with tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) technique. Usually, researchers use line strengths which come from spectrum database, like HITRAN and GEISA and HITEMP spectra database, but those database include values from the theoretical computation, as is well known, there is a big error between the theoretical value and the actual value. In order to modify the line strengths of the database, 20 ammonia spectrum absorption lines in a wavenumber range between 6611 and 6618 cm-1 are measured at different pressures by using direct tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (dTDLAS) technique. The measurement procedure is repeated at least 10 times at each pressure, and then average value is calculated. Voigt fitting is used to obtain all line integral area, and then the line integral area is obtained by linear fitting. The slope of the fitting straight line equals line strength. Uncertainty analysis is given for the measurements. The measured linestrength is a function of integrated area, temperature, pressure, species mole fraction and effective path length. So, the calculated linestrength uncertainties based on those parameters uncertainties, and the uncertainties of pressure, species mole fraction and effective path length are similar for all transitions with P =0.25%, =0.2%, and L =0.4%. The uncertainties of the integrated area and temperature are related to different lines, and their values come from the actual measurement. In the end, uncertainty propagation formula is used to calculate linestrength uncetainty. Uncertainties of our measured line strengths are in a 0.81%-3.33% range. Our measured line strength values are different from line strengths in the HITRAN 2012 database, and the deviations are in 0.51%-17.28% range.
      Corresponding author: Kan Rui-Feng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project of China (Grant No. 2014YQ060537).

    Wang F, Huang Q X, Li N, Yan J H, Chi Y, Cen K F 2007Acta Phys.Sin. 56 3867(in Chinese)[王飞, 黄群星, 李宁, 严建华, 池涌, 岑可法2007 56 3867]


    Yury A B, Anatoliy A K, Gerard W, Frank K T, Terence H R, John D B 2008LACSEA LMB4


    Rafal L, Anatoliy A K, David M T, Terence H R, Steven S, Timothy B S, Frank K T 2011SPIE 7945K1


    Rothman L S, Gordon I E, Babikov Y, et al. 2013J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 130 4


    Jacquinet-Husso N, Scott N A, Chdin A, et al. 2008J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 109 1043


    Rothman L S, Gordon I E, Barber R J, Dothe H, Gamache R R, Goldman A, Perevalov V I, Tashkun S A, Tennyson J 2010J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 111 2139


    Paldus B A, Harb C C, Spence T G, Zare R N, Gmachl C, Capasso F, Sivco D L, Baillargeon J N, Hutchinson A L, Cho A Y 2000Opt.Lett. 25 666


    Manne J, Sukhorukov O, Jger W, Tulip J 2006Appl.Opt. 45 9230


    O'Leary D M, Orphal J, Ruth A A, Heitmann U, Chelin P, Fellows C E 2008J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 109 1004


    Barton E J, Yurchenko S N, Tennyson J, Clausen S, Fateev A 2015J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 167 126


    Guinet M, Jeseck P, Mondelain D, Pepin I, Janssen C, Camy-Peyret C, Mandin J Y 2011J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 112 1950


    Naumenko O V, Bguier S, Leshchishina O M, Campargue A 2010J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 111 36


    Webber M E, MacDonald T, Pushkarsky M B, Patel C K N, Zhao Y, Marcillac N, Mitloehner F M 2005Meas.Sci.Technol. 16 1547


    Milton B, da Marcelo G S, Marcelo S S, Delson U S, Helion V, Andras M, Peter H 2006Appl.Opt. 45 4966


    Maddaloni P, Gagliardi G, Malara P, de Natale P 2005Appl.Phys.B 80 141


    Tiwari V B, Singh S, Mishra S R, Rawat H S, Mehendale S C 2006Appl.Phys.B 83 93


    Michael E W, Douglas S B, Ronald K H 2001Appl.Opt. 40 2031


    Xu L H, Liu Z, Yakovlev I, Tretyakov M Y, Lees R M 2004Infrared Phys.Technol. 45 31


    Jia H, Zhao W, Cai T, Chen W, Zhang W, Gao X 2009J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 110 347


    Gibb J S, Hancock G, Peverall R, Ritchie G A D, Russell L J 2004Eur.Phys.J.D 28 59


    Sur R, Spearrin R M, Peng W Y, Strand C L, Jeffries J B, Enns G M, Hanson R K 2016J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 175 90


    Romh J E, Cacciani P, Taher F, Čermk P, Coslou J, Khelkhal M A 2016J.Mol.Spectrosc. 4 1


    He Y, Zhang Y J, Wang L M, You K 2012Opt.Technol. 38 421(in Chinese)[何莹, 张玉钧, 王立明, 尤坤2012光学技术38 421]


    Schilt S 2010Appl.Phys.B 100 1


    Zhou X 2005Ph.D.Dissertation(California:Stanford University)


    Chen J Y, Liu J G, He Y B, Wang L, Jiang Q, Xu Z Y, Yao L, Yuan S, Ruan J, He J F, Dai Y H, Kan R F 2013Acta Phys.Sin. 62 224206(in Chinese)[陈玖英, 刘建国, 何亚柏, 王辽, 冮强, 许振宇, 姚路, 袁松, 阮俊, 何俊峰, 戴云海, 阚瑞峰2013 62 224206]


    Xu Z Y, Liu W Q, Liu J G, He J F, Yao L, Ruan J, Chen J Y, Li Han, Yuan S, Geng H, Kan R F 2012Acta Phys.Sin. 61 234204(in Chinese)[许振宇, 刘文清, 刘建国, 何俊峰, 姚路, 阮俊, 陈玖英, 李晗, 袁松, 耿辉, 阚瑞峰2012 61 234204]


    Goldenstein C S, Hanson R K 2015J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 15 127


    Goldenstein C S, Jeffries J B, Hanson R K 2013J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 130 100


    Pogny A Klein A, Ebert V 2015J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 165 108

  • [1]

    Wang F, Huang Q X, Li N, Yan J H, Chi Y, Cen K F 2007Acta Phys.Sin. 56 3867(in Chinese)[王飞, 黄群星, 李宁, 严建华, 池涌, 岑可法2007 56 3867]


    Yury A B, Anatoliy A K, Gerard W, Frank K T, Terence H R, John D B 2008LACSEA LMB4


    Rafal L, Anatoliy A K, David M T, Terence H R, Steven S, Timothy B S, Frank K T 2011SPIE 7945K1


    Rothman L S, Gordon I E, Babikov Y, et al. 2013J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 130 4


    Jacquinet-Husso N, Scott N A, Chdin A, et al. 2008J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 109 1043


    Rothman L S, Gordon I E, Barber R J, Dothe H, Gamache R R, Goldman A, Perevalov V I, Tashkun S A, Tennyson J 2010J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 111 2139


    Paldus B A, Harb C C, Spence T G, Zare R N, Gmachl C, Capasso F, Sivco D L, Baillargeon J N, Hutchinson A L, Cho A Y 2000Opt.Lett. 25 666


    Manne J, Sukhorukov O, Jger W, Tulip J 2006Appl.Opt. 45 9230


    O'Leary D M, Orphal J, Ruth A A, Heitmann U, Chelin P, Fellows C E 2008J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 109 1004


    Barton E J, Yurchenko S N, Tennyson J, Clausen S, Fateev A 2015J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 167 126


    Guinet M, Jeseck P, Mondelain D, Pepin I, Janssen C, Camy-Peyret C, Mandin J Y 2011J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 112 1950


    Naumenko O V, Bguier S, Leshchishina O M, Campargue A 2010J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 111 36


    Webber M E, MacDonald T, Pushkarsky M B, Patel C K N, Zhao Y, Marcillac N, Mitloehner F M 2005Meas.Sci.Technol. 16 1547


    Milton B, da Marcelo G S, Marcelo S S, Delson U S, Helion V, Andras M, Peter H 2006Appl.Opt. 45 4966


    Maddaloni P, Gagliardi G, Malara P, de Natale P 2005Appl.Phys.B 80 141


    Tiwari V B, Singh S, Mishra S R, Rawat H S, Mehendale S C 2006Appl.Phys.B 83 93


    Michael E W, Douglas S B, Ronald K H 2001Appl.Opt. 40 2031


    Xu L H, Liu Z, Yakovlev I, Tretyakov M Y, Lees R M 2004Infrared Phys.Technol. 45 31


    Jia H, Zhao W, Cai T, Chen W, Zhang W, Gao X 2009J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 110 347


    Gibb J S, Hancock G, Peverall R, Ritchie G A D, Russell L J 2004Eur.Phys.J.D 28 59


    Sur R, Spearrin R M, Peng W Y, Strand C L, Jeffries J B, Enns G M, Hanson R K 2016J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 175 90


    Romh J E, Cacciani P, Taher F, Čermk P, Coslou J, Khelkhal M A 2016J.Mol.Spectrosc. 4 1


    He Y, Zhang Y J, Wang L M, You K 2012Opt.Technol. 38 421(in Chinese)[何莹, 张玉钧, 王立明, 尤坤2012光学技术38 421]


    Schilt S 2010Appl.Phys.B 100 1


    Zhou X 2005Ph.D.Dissertation(California:Stanford University)


    Chen J Y, Liu J G, He Y B, Wang L, Jiang Q, Xu Z Y, Yao L, Yuan S, Ruan J, He J F, Dai Y H, Kan R F 2013Acta Phys.Sin. 62 224206(in Chinese)[陈玖英, 刘建国, 何亚柏, 王辽, 冮强, 许振宇, 姚路, 袁松, 阮俊, 何俊峰, 戴云海, 阚瑞峰2013 62 224206]


    Xu Z Y, Liu W Q, Liu J G, He J F, Yao L, Ruan J, Chen J Y, Li Han, Yuan S, Geng H, Kan R F 2012Acta Phys.Sin. 61 234204(in Chinese)[许振宇, 刘文清, 刘建国, 何俊峰, 姚路, 阮俊, 陈玖英, 李晗, 袁松, 耿辉, 阚瑞峰2012 61 234204]


    Goldenstein C S, Hanson R K 2015J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 15 127


    Goldenstein C S, Jeffries J B, Hanson R K 2013J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 130 100


    Pogny A Klein A, Ebert V 2015J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer 165 108

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  • Received Date:  21 August 2016
  • Accepted Date:  30 November 2016
  • Published Online:  05 March 2017

