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Performances of thermoelectric module under solar Fresnel concentration

Xu Qiang-Qiang Ji Xu Li Ming Liu Jia-Xing Li Hai-Li


Performances of thermoelectric module under solar Fresnel concentration

Xu Qiang-Qiang, Ji Xu, Li Ming, Liu Jia-Xing, Li Hai-Li
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  • Using Fresnel concentration to collect solar irradiation, the hot-end temperature of the semiconductor thermoelectric generator is enhanced, and the cold end is cooled through a radiator in air. For studying the performance of thermoelectric module under solar Fresnel concentration, a theoretical model of thermoelectric generator under steady condition is built from the perspective of energy flux. The model neglects the convection and radiation heat transfer between the cold and hot end and between the arms, and simplifies the heat conduction only along the arm. Utilizing this model, the temperature gradient on thermoelectric generator (dT/dx), the output current (I), the output voltage (V), and the output power (P) of thermoelectric generator are derived, and the influences of the resistance ratio a(=R/RH2) and the temperature difference ratio b(=T/TH2) on generator output performance under a certain structure parameters of thermoelectric generator are discussed. The results show that with the increase of resistance ratio (a), the output current (I) decreases, however the output power (P) and the conversion efficiency (he) first increase, then decreases. When the resistance ratio a=1, the output power (P) and the conversion efficiency (he) reach their maximum values. When the resistance ratio (a) is smaller, the output power (P) increases rapidly with the increase of the resistance ratio (a). When the resistance ratio (a) is larger, the output power (P) decreases slowly with the increase of the resistance ratio (a). With the increase of temperature difference ratio (b), the output power (P) and the conversion efficiency (he) increase, no matter what the value of the resistance ratio (a) is. It verifies the sensitivity of the output power (P) to the temperature difference. Therefore, with a certain figure of merit, the appropriate adjustment of temperature difference ratio (b) may improve the output power (P) and the conversion efficiency (he). Besides, the load residence should be larger than the internal residence for keeping the high output performance. A Fresnel concentration thermoelectric module, including 6 thermoelectric generators, is employed to experimentally explore its output performances. In experiment, the energy flux density on the surface of the thermoelectric generator is not uniform as desired. The uneven hot-end temperature will degrade the conversion efficiency, and even excessive local temperature may damage the semiconductor thermoelectric generator. A deviation of the thermoelectric generator from the focal plane of Fresnel lens will help to improve the energy flux uniformity and achieve an optimized output characteristics. The required output voltage and output power can be obtained through series/parallel connection of these thermoelectric generators. With the series connection of the thermoelectric generators, the output current is increased. With the parallel connection of the thermoelectric generators, the output voltage is increased.
      Corresponding author: Ji Xu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51106134) and 2014 National Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Funded Projects, China (Grant No. 201410681005).

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  • [1]

    Jia H M, Li J Y, Yang M 2015 J. New Ind. 5 34


    Cheng F Q, Hong Y J, Zhu C 2014 High Vol. Eng. 40 1599


    Zhang X D, Du Q G, Jiang X Q 2011 Power Technol. 35 422


    Jiang M B, Wu Z X, Zhou M, Huang R J, Li L F 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7314 (in Chinese)[蒋明波, 吴智雄, 周敏, 黄荣进, 李来风2010 59 7314]


    Amatya R, Ram R J 2012 J. Electron. Mater. 41 1011


    Ren G S, Zhu Y D, Qiu X T 2010 Sci. Technol. Consul. Her. 6 22


    Mao J N, Jiang S F, Fang Q, Lu J X, Liu D Y, Du J Y 2015 J. Zhejiang University 49 2205


    Liu Y S, Gu M A, Yang J J, Shi Q G, Gao T, Yang J H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 7368 (in Chinese)[刘永生, 谷民安, 杨晶晶, 石奇光, 高湉, 杨金焕2010 59 7368]


    Wang L S, Liang Q Y, Li L, Ding X Z, Tang L J 2015 T. Chin. Soc. Agr. Eng. 31 64


    Yang M J, Shen Q, Zhang L M 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 106202


    Li P, Cai L L, Zhai P C, Tang X, Zhang Q Z, Niino M 2010 J. Electron. Mater. 39 1522


    Zhao Z L, Xu L Z, Yang T Q, Cui Q H 2010 Acta Energ. Solar Sin. 31 620 (in Chinese)[赵在理, 徐林志, 杨天麒, 崔清华2010太阳能学报31 620]


    Kraemer D, Poudel B, Feng H P, Caylor J C, Yu B, Yan X, Ma Y, Wang X W, Wang D Z, Muto A, Mcenaney K, Chiesa M, Ren Z F, Chen G 2011 Nat. Mater. 10 532


    Wang C Y, Li Y Z, Z J 2016 J. Refrig. 37 106


    Liang G W, Zhou J M, Huang X Z 2011 Appl. Energy 88 5193


    Xu L Z, Li Y, Yang Z, Chen C H 2010 J. Tsinghua University 50 287 (in Chinese)[徐立珍, 李彦, 杨知, 陈昌和2010清华大学学报50 287]


    Wei J T, Xiong L C, Wang H 2012 Energ. Procedia 17 1570


    Rezania A, Rosendahl L A, Yin H 2014 J. Power Sources 255 151


    He W, Su Y H, Riffat S B, Hou J X, Ji J 2011 Appl. Energy 88 5083


    Najafi H, Woodbury K A 2013 Sol. Energy 91 152


    Rabari R, Mahmud S, Dutta A 2015 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 91 190


    Montecucco A, Siviter J, Knox A R 2014 Appl. Energy 123 47


    Kim S 2013 Appl. Energy 102 1458


    Hakimi I, Nikulshin Y, Wolfus S, Yeshurun Y 2016 Cryogenics 75 1


    Ali S A, Mazumder S 2013 Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 62 373

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  • Received Date:  19 May 2016
  • Accepted Date:  29 August 2016
  • Published Online:  05 December 2016

