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On the theoretical basis of rational continuum mechanics in softmatter

Chen En-Hui Yang Jin-Hong Li Dong Zhao Ya-Pu


On the theoretical basis of rational continuum mechanics in softmatter

Chen En-Hui, Yang Jin-Hong, Li Dong, Zhao Ya-Pu
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  • Soft matter has become one of the most active fields since the 1990 s, for it has enormous interesting behaviors and a broad range of applications. Rational continuum mechanics, as a subject mainly dealing with the kinematics and deformation of materials modeled as continuous mass, is a main source of inspiration in the development of soft matter physics. Here we review the development of rational continuum mechanics and soft matter briefly, and focus on the basic mechanical models and constitutive relations relating to soft matter: entropy elasticity, hyperelasticity, viscoelasticity, poroelasticity, non-Newtonian fluid, and the constitutive equations of these models. We simultaneously introduce the applications of these equations in hot issues in recent years, such as brain, blood vessel, cartilage, muscle, gel, cell, three dimensional printing, etc. According to applications and advances in soft matter mechanics, we then propose the key scientific problems and research fronts: mechanics of the solid-liquid interfacial interactions, introducing multiple factors into constitutive equations to describe the complex behaviors of soft matter in coupling multi-physics, and enhancing connections between soft matter mechanics and soft matter physics, chemistry, biology, etc. Finally, we conclude that the rational continuum mechanics in soft matter could be further developed in energy development, fabrication and analysis of diverse soft materials, and biomedicine development areas.
      Corresponding author: Zhao Ya-Pu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1562105, 11372313), the CAS Interdisciplinary Innovation Team Project, the CAS Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences (Grant No. QYZDJ-SSWJSC019), and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB22040401).

    Zhao Y P 2012 Physical Mechanics of Surfaces and Interfaces (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [赵亚溥 2012 表面与界面物理力学 (北京: 科学出版社)]


    Ouyang Z C 2007 Innovative Sci. Tech. 5 44 (in Chinese) [欧阳钟灿 2007 创新科技 5 44]


    Lu K Q, Liu J X 2006 Introduction to Soft Matter Physics (Beijing: Peking University Press) (in Chinese) [陆坤权, 刘寄星 2006 软物质物理学导论 (北京: 北京大学出版社)]


    Chen D T N, Wen Q, Janmey P A, et al. 2010 Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 1 301


    Lu K Q, Liu J X 2009 Physics 38 453 (in Chinese) [陆坤权, 刘寄星 2009 物理 38 453]


    Zhang G M, Yu L 2010 Physics 39 543 (in Chinese) [张广铭, 于渌 2010 物理 39 543]


    Zhao Y P 2014 Nano and Mesoscopic Mechanics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [赵亚溥 2014 纳米与介观力学 (北京: 科学出版社)]


    Zhao Y P 2016 Modern Continuum Mechanics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [赵亚溥 2016 近代连续介质力学 (北京: 科学出版社)]


    Truesdell C 1959 Appl. Phys. Lett. 12 75


    Eringen A C 1980 Mechanics of Continua (New York: Robert E Krieger)


    Truesdell C, Noll W 1965 The Non-linear Field Theories of Mechanics (Berlin: Springer)


    Eringen A C 2002 Nonlocal Continuum Field Theories (New York: Springer)


    Eringen A C 1974-1976 Continuum Physics (Vol. IV) (New York: Academic Press)


    Yang W 2013 Celebration of Winning the State Supreme Science and Technology Award of Cheng Chemin and Seminar of the Development of Mechanics 1 16 (in Chinese) [杨卫 2013 庆祝郑哲敏先生荣获国家最高科学技术奖暨力学学科发展研讨会 1 16]


    Li S, Sun B 2012 Advances in Soft Matter Mechanics (Beijing: Higher Education Press)


    Capaldi F M 2012 Continuum Mechanics: Constitutive Modeling of Structural and Biological Materials (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)


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    Xie Y Z, Liu J X, Ouyang Z C 2003 Elastic Theory of Surfaces of Biomembrane-Vesicle (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers) (in Chinese) [谢毓章, 刘寄星, 欧阳钟灿 2003 生物膜泡曲面弹性理论 (上海: 上海科学技术出版社)]


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    Varga O H 1966 Stress-strain Behavior of Elastic Materials; Selected Problems of Large Deformations (New York: Wiley)


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    Yin H M, Sun L Z, Wang G, Vannier M W 2004 IEEE. Trans. Bio-med. Eng. 51 1854


    Arruda E M, Boyce M C 1993 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 41 389


    Treloar L R G 1943 Trans. Faraday Soc. 39 241


    Gent A 1996 Rubber Chem. Technol. 69 59


    Flory P 1961 Trans. Faraday Soc. 57 829


    Weber W 1841 Ann. Phys-berlin. 130 1


    Kohlrausch F 1847 Ann. Phys-berlin. 148 353


    Kohlrausch F 1863 Ann. Phys-berlin. 195 337


    Kohlrausch F 1866 Ann. Phys-berlin. 28 1


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    Meyer O E 1874 Ann. Phys-berlin. 227 108


    Oldroyd J 1950 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 200 523


    Boltzmann L 1874 Mathematisch-Naturwissenscha-ftliche Classe 70 275


    Fung Y C 1972 Stress Strain History Relations of Soft Tissues in Simple Elongation (In: Biomechanics: Its Foundations And Objectives) (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall)


    Weinbaum S, Cowin S C, Zeng Y 1994 J. Biomech. 27 339


    Cowin S C 1999 J. Biomech. 32 217


    Cowin S C, Cardoso L 2011 Biomech. Model. Mechan. 10 39


    Sandino C, McErlain D D, Schipilow J, Boyd S K 2015 J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 44 1


    Biot M A 1941 J. Appl. Phys. 12 155


    Biot M A 1955 J. Appl. Phys. 26 182


    Biot M A 1956 J. Appl. Phys. 27 459


    Biot M 1973 Indiana. U. Math. J. 23 309


    Detournay E, Cheng A H D 1993 Fundamentals of Poroelasticity (In: Comprehensive Rock Engineering: Principles, Practice and Projects) (New York: Pergamon Press)


    Herschel W H, Bulkley R 1926 Kolloid-Zeitschrift 39 291


    Herschel W H, Bulkley R 1926 Proc. Am. Soc. Test.Mater. 26 621


    de Waele A 1923 J. Oil Color Chem. Assoc. 6 33


    Ostwald W 1925 Colloid Polym. Sci. 36 99


    Bingham E C 1922 Fluidity and Plasticity (New York: McGraw-Hill)


    Blair G W S 1959 Nature 183 613


    Reiner M, Blair G S 1959 Nature 184 354


    Casson N 1957 Bull. Br. Soc. Rheol. 2 5


    Casson N 1959 A Flow Equation for Pigment-oil Suspensions of the Printing Ink Type (In: Rheology of Disperse Systems) (London: Pergamon Press)


    Steiner E H 1958 Rev. Int. Chocolat. 13 290


    Heinz W 1959 Mater. Prfung 1 311


    Chevalley J 1975 J. Texture Stud. 6 177


    Li J, Han D, Zhao Y P 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 3910


    Lim C T, Zhou E H, Quek S T 2006 J. Biomech. 39 195


    Yeung A, Evans E 1989 Biophys. J. 56 139


    Dong C, Skalak R, Sung K L P, Schmid-Schonbein G W, Chien S 1988 J. Biomech. Eng. 110 27


    Schmid-Schnbein G W, Sung K L, Tzeren H, Skalak R, Chien S 1981 Biophys. J. 36 243


    Sato M, Theret D P, Wheeler L T, Ohshima N, Nerem R M 1990 J. Biomech. Eng. 112 263


    Bambardekar K, Clment R, Blanc O, Chards C, Lenne P F 2015 P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112 1416


    Zhang K, Siegmund T, Chan R W 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 1050


    Chan R W, Siegmund T, Zhang K 2009 Logop. Phoniatr. Voco. 34 181


    Smith S L, Hunter E J 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 2041


    Grasa J, Ramrez A, Osta R, Muoz M, Soteras F, Calvo B 2011 Biomech. Model. Mechan. 10 779


    Martins J A C, Pires E B, Salvado R, Dinis P B 1998 Comput. Method. Appl. M 151 419


    Hill A V 1922 J. Physiol. 56 19


    Ehret A E, Bl M, Itskov M 2011 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59 625


    Holzapfel G A, Gasser T C, Ogden R W 2000 J. Elasticity 61 1


    Kyriacou K S, Mohamed A, Miller K, Neff S 2002 Biomech. Model. Mech. 1 151


    Pamidi M R, Advani S H 1978 J. Biomech. Eng. 100 44


    Mendis K K, Stalnaker R L, Advani S H 1995 J. Biomech. Eng. 117 279


    Miller K, Chinzei K 1997 J. Biomech. 30 1115


    Rashid B, Destrade M, Gilchrist M D 2014 J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 33 43


    Zhu Z D, Zhang W, Wu C W 2014 Sci. China: Tech. Sci. 57 1269


    Wang L, Cheung J T M, Pu F, Li D, Zhang M, Fan Y 2011 PLoS One 6 e26490


    Basser P J, Mattiello J, LeBihan D 1994 Biophys. J. 66 259


    Basser P J, Mattiello J, Lebihan D 1994 J. Magn. Reson. Ser. B 103 247


    Jellison B J, Field A S, Medow J, Lazar M, Salamat M S, Alexander A L 2004 Am. J. Neuroradiol. 25 356


    Hunter W 1743 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London 42 514


    Mow V C, Kuei S C, Lai W M, Armstrong C G 1980 J. Biomech. Eng. 102 73


    Mow V C, Holmes M H, Lai W M 1984 J. Biomech. 17 377


    Mow V C, Lai W M 1979 Annu. Rev. Fluid. Mech. 11 247


    Sakai N, Hagihara Y, Furusawa T, Hosoda N, Sawae Y, Murakami T 2012 Tribol. Int. 46 225


    Veronda D R, Westmann R A 1970 J. Biomech. 3 111


    Joanny J F, de Gennes P G 1984 J. Chem. Phys. 81 552


    Nadkarni G D, Garoff S 1992 Europhys. Lett. 20 523


    Wang P F, Zhao X H, Lin M, Lu T J, Xu F 2014 Adv. Mech. 44 201411 (in Chinese) [王鹏飞, 赵兴红, 林敏, 卢天健, 徐峰 2014 力学进展 44 201411]


    Yoon J, Cai S, Suo Z, Hayward R C 2010 Soft Matter 6 6004


    Cai S, Hu Y, Zhao X, Suo Z 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 113514


    Hu Y, Suo Z 2012 Acta Mech. Solida. Sin. 25 441


    Hu Y, Zhao X, Vlassak J J, Suo Z 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 121904


    Ji B, Gao H 2004 J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 52 1963


    https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/3D_printing


    Tallinen T, Chung J Y, Rousseau F, Girard N, Lefevre J, Mahadevan L 2016 Nature Phys. 12 588


    Eckel Z C, Zhou C, Martin J H, Jacobsen A J, Carter W B, Schaedler T A 2016 Science 351 58


    Gibson L J, Ashby M F 1997 Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)


    Giorgio I, Grygoruk R, dell'Isola F, Steigmann D J 2015 Mech. Res. Commun. 69 164


    Qi G, Conner K D, Qi H J, Martin L D 2014 Smart Mater. Struct. 23 094007


    Gladman A S, Matsumoto E A, Nuzzo R G, Mahadevan L, Lewis J A 2016 Nat. Mater. 15 413


    Cesaretti G, Dini E, De Kestelier X, Colla V, Pambaguian L 2014 Acta Astron. 93 430


    Chen W Q, Qu S X, Qian J, Zhan S G, Meng Q G 2012 Adv. Mech. 42 361 (in Chinese) [陈伟球, 曲绍兴, 钱劲, 詹世革, 孟庆国 2012 力学进展 42 361]


    Yang Q S, Wei W, Ma L H 2014 Adv. Mech. 44 201404 (in Chinese) [杨庆生, 魏巍, 马连华 2014 力学进展 44 201404]


    Witten T A 1999 Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 367


    Zhao Y P 2014 Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 4 034002


    Zhang T, Zhang Z, Kim K S, Gao H 2012 J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 28 226


    Li D, Wang F, Yang Z, Zhao Y P 2014 Sci. China: Phys. Mech. 57 2177


    Qur D, de Gennes P, Brochard-Wyart F, Reisinger A 2004 Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena: Drops, Bubbles, Pearls, Waves (New York: Springer)


    Zuo P, Zhao Y P 2015 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 287


    Yuan Q Z, Shen W H, Zhao Y P 2016 Adv. Mech. 46 201608 (in Chinese) [袁泉子, 沈文豪, 赵亚溥 2016 力学进展 46 201608]


    Tao Z L 2010 Adv. Mech. 40 113 (in Chinese) [陶祖莱 2010 力学进展 40 113]

  • [1]

    Zhao Y P 2012 Physical Mechanics of Surfaces and Interfaces (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [赵亚溥 2012 表面与界面物理力学 (北京: 科学出版社)]


    Ouyang Z C 2007 Innovative Sci. Tech. 5 44 (in Chinese) [欧阳钟灿 2007 创新科技 5 44]


    Lu K Q, Liu J X 2006 Introduction to Soft Matter Physics (Beijing: Peking University Press) (in Chinese) [陆坤权, 刘寄星 2006 软物质物理学导论 (北京: 北京大学出版社)]


    Chen D T N, Wen Q, Janmey P A, et al. 2010 Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 1 301


    Lu K Q, Liu J X 2009 Physics 38 453 (in Chinese) [陆坤权, 刘寄星 2009 物理 38 453]


    Zhang G M, Yu L 2010 Physics 39 543 (in Chinese) [张广铭, 于渌 2010 物理 39 543]


    Zhao Y P 2014 Nano and Mesoscopic Mechanics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [赵亚溥 2014 纳米与介观力学 (北京: 科学出版社)]


    Zhao Y P 2016 Modern Continuum Mechanics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [赵亚溥 2016 近代连续介质力学 (北京: 科学出版社)]


    Truesdell C 1959 Appl. Phys. Lett. 12 75


    Eringen A C 1980 Mechanics of Continua (New York: Robert E Krieger)


    Truesdell C, Noll W 1965 The Non-linear Field Theories of Mechanics (Berlin: Springer)


    Eringen A C 2002 Nonlocal Continuum Field Theories (New York: Springer)


    Eringen A C 1974-1976 Continuum Physics (Vol. IV) (New York: Academic Press)


    Yang W 2013 Celebration of Winning the State Supreme Science and Technology Award of Cheng Chemin and Seminar of the Development of Mechanics 1 16 (in Chinese) [杨卫 2013 庆祝郑哲敏先生荣获国家最高科学技术奖暨力学学科发展研讨会 1 16]


    Li S, Sun B 2012 Advances in Soft Matter Mechanics (Beijing: Higher Education Press)


    Capaldi F M 2012 Continuum Mechanics: Constitutive Modeling of Structural and Biological Materials (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)


    Austin R H, Brody J P, Cox E C, Duke T, Volkmuth W 1997 Phys. Today 50 32


    Ouyang Z C, Liu J X 1994 From Soup Bubbles to Liquid Crystalline Biomembrane (Changsha: Hunan Education Publishing House) (in Chinese) [欧阳钟灿, 刘寄星 1994 从肥皂泡到液晶生物膜 (长沙: 湖南教育出版社)]


    Xie Y Z, Liu J X, Ouyang Z C 2003 Elastic Theory of Surfaces of Biomembrane-Vesicle (Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers) (in Chinese) [谢毓章, 刘寄星, 欧阳钟灿 2003 生物膜泡曲面弹性理论 (上海: 上海科学技术出版社)]


    Ottosen N S, Ristinmaa M 2005 The Mechanics of Constitutive Modeling (Amsterdam: Elsevier)


    Finger J 1894 Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 103 1073


    Ogden R W 1972 Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 326 565


    Varga O H 1966 Stress-strain Behavior of Elastic Materials; Selected Problems of Large Deformations (New York: Wiley)


    Mooney M 1940 J. Appl. Phys. 11 582


    Rivlin R S, Saunders D 1951 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. A 243 251


    Yeoh O 1993 Rubber Chem. Technol. 66 754


    Yin H M, Sun L Z, Wang G, Vannier M W 2004 IEEE. Trans. Bio-med. Eng. 51 1854


    Arruda E M, Boyce M C 1993 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 41 389


    Treloar L R G 1943 Trans. Faraday Soc. 39 241


    Gent A 1996 Rubber Chem. Technol. 69 59


    Flory P 1961 Trans. Faraday Soc. 57 829


    Weber W 1841 Ann. Phys-berlin. 130 1


    Kohlrausch F 1847 Ann. Phys-berlin. 148 353


    Kohlrausch F 1863 Ann. Phys-berlin. 195 337


    Kohlrausch F 1866 Ann. Phys-berlin. 28 1


    Maxwell J C 1867 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London 157 49


    Meyer O E 1874 Ann. Phys-berlin. 227 108


    Oldroyd J 1950 Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 200 523


    Boltzmann L 1874 Mathematisch-Naturwissenscha-ftliche Classe 70 275


    Fung Y C 1972 Stress Strain History Relations of Soft Tissues in Simple Elongation (In: Biomechanics: Its Foundations And Objectives) (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall)


    Weinbaum S, Cowin S C, Zeng Y 1994 J. Biomech. 27 339


    Cowin S C 1999 J. Biomech. 32 217


    Cowin S C, Cardoso L 2011 Biomech. Model. Mechan. 10 39


    Sandino C, McErlain D D, Schipilow J, Boyd S K 2015 J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 44 1


    Biot M A 1941 J. Appl. Phys. 12 155


    Biot M A 1955 J. Appl. Phys. 26 182


    Biot M A 1956 J. Appl. Phys. 27 459


    Biot M 1973 Indiana. U. Math. J. 23 309


    Detournay E, Cheng A H D 1993 Fundamentals of Poroelasticity (In: Comprehensive Rock Engineering: Principles, Practice and Projects) (New York: Pergamon Press)


    Herschel W H, Bulkley R 1926 Kolloid-Zeitschrift 39 291


    Herschel W H, Bulkley R 1926 Proc. Am. Soc. Test.Mater. 26 621


    de Waele A 1923 J. Oil Color Chem. Assoc. 6 33


    Ostwald W 1925 Colloid Polym. Sci. 36 99


    Bingham E C 1922 Fluidity and Plasticity (New York: McGraw-Hill)


    Blair G W S 1959 Nature 183 613


    Reiner M, Blair G S 1959 Nature 184 354


    Casson N 1957 Bull. Br. Soc. Rheol. 2 5


    Casson N 1959 A Flow Equation for Pigment-oil Suspensions of the Printing Ink Type (In: Rheology of Disperse Systems) (London: Pergamon Press)


    Steiner E H 1958 Rev. Int. Chocolat. 13 290


    Heinz W 1959 Mater. Prfung 1 311


    Chevalley J 1975 J. Texture Stud. 6 177


    Li J, Han D, Zhao Y P 2014 Sci. Rep. 4 3910


    Lim C T, Zhou E H, Quek S T 2006 J. Biomech. 39 195


    Yeung A, Evans E 1989 Biophys. J. 56 139


    Dong C, Skalak R, Sung K L P, Schmid-Schonbein G W, Chien S 1988 J. Biomech. Eng. 110 27


    Schmid-Schnbein G W, Sung K L, Tzeren H, Skalak R, Chien S 1981 Biophys. J. 36 243


    Sato M, Theret D P, Wheeler L T, Ohshima N, Nerem R M 1990 J. Biomech. Eng. 112 263


    Bambardekar K, Clment R, Blanc O, Chards C, Lenne P F 2015 P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112 1416


    Zhang K, Siegmund T, Chan R W 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119 1050


    Chan R W, Siegmund T, Zhang K 2009 Logop. Phoniatr. Voco. 34 181


    Smith S L, Hunter E J 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 2041


    Grasa J, Ramrez A, Osta R, Muoz M, Soteras F, Calvo B 2011 Biomech. Model. Mechan. 10 779


    Martins J A C, Pires E B, Salvado R, Dinis P B 1998 Comput. Method. Appl. M 151 419


    Hill A V 1922 J. Physiol. 56 19


    Ehret A E, Bl M, Itskov M 2011 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59 625


    Holzapfel G A, Gasser T C, Ogden R W 2000 J. Elasticity 61 1


    Kyriacou K S, Mohamed A, Miller K, Neff S 2002 Biomech. Model. Mech. 1 151


    Pamidi M R, Advani S H 1978 J. Biomech. Eng. 100 44


    Mendis K K, Stalnaker R L, Advani S H 1995 J. Biomech. Eng. 117 279


    Miller K, Chinzei K 1997 J. Biomech. 30 1115


    Rashid B, Destrade M, Gilchrist M D 2014 J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 33 43


    Zhu Z D, Zhang W, Wu C W 2014 Sci. China: Tech. Sci. 57 1269


    Wang L, Cheung J T M, Pu F, Li D, Zhang M, Fan Y 2011 PLoS One 6 e26490


    Basser P J, Mattiello J, LeBihan D 1994 Biophys. J. 66 259


    Basser P J, Mattiello J, Lebihan D 1994 J. Magn. Reson. Ser. B 103 247


    Jellison B J, Field A S, Medow J, Lazar M, Salamat M S, Alexander A L 2004 Am. J. Neuroradiol. 25 356


    Hunter W 1743 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London 42 514


    Mow V C, Kuei S C, Lai W M, Armstrong C G 1980 J. Biomech. Eng. 102 73


    Mow V C, Holmes M H, Lai W M 1984 J. Biomech. 17 377


    Mow V C, Lai W M 1979 Annu. Rev. Fluid. Mech. 11 247


    Sakai N, Hagihara Y, Furusawa T, Hosoda N, Sawae Y, Murakami T 2012 Tribol. Int. 46 225


    Veronda D R, Westmann R A 1970 J. Biomech. 3 111


    Joanny J F, de Gennes P G 1984 J. Chem. Phys. 81 552


    Nadkarni G D, Garoff S 1992 Europhys. Lett. 20 523


    Wang P F, Zhao X H, Lin M, Lu T J, Xu F 2014 Adv. Mech. 44 201411 (in Chinese) [王鹏飞, 赵兴红, 林敏, 卢天健, 徐峰 2014 力学进展 44 201411]


    Yoon J, Cai S, Suo Z, Hayward R C 2010 Soft Matter 6 6004


    Cai S, Hu Y, Zhao X, Suo Z 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 113514


    Hu Y, Suo Z 2012 Acta Mech. Solida. Sin. 25 441


    Hu Y, Zhao X, Vlassak J J, Suo Z 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 121904


    Ji B, Gao H 2004 J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 52 1963


    https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/3D_printing


    Tallinen T, Chung J Y, Rousseau F, Girard N, Lefevre J, Mahadevan L 2016 Nature Phys. 12 588


    Eckel Z C, Zhou C, Martin J H, Jacobsen A J, Carter W B, Schaedler T A 2016 Science 351 58


    Gibson L J, Ashby M F 1997 Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)


    Giorgio I, Grygoruk R, dell'Isola F, Steigmann D J 2015 Mech. Res. Commun. 69 164


    Qi G, Conner K D, Qi H J, Martin L D 2014 Smart Mater. Struct. 23 094007


    Gladman A S, Matsumoto E A, Nuzzo R G, Mahadevan L, Lewis J A 2016 Nat. Mater. 15 413


    Cesaretti G, Dini E, De Kestelier X, Colla V, Pambaguian L 2014 Acta Astron. 93 430


    Chen W Q, Qu S X, Qian J, Zhan S G, Meng Q G 2012 Adv. Mech. 42 361 (in Chinese) [陈伟球, 曲绍兴, 钱劲, 詹世革, 孟庆国 2012 力学进展 42 361]


    Yang Q S, Wei W, Ma L H 2014 Adv. Mech. 44 201404 (in Chinese) [杨庆生, 魏巍, 马连华 2014 力学进展 44 201404]


    Witten T A 1999 Rev. Mod. Phys. 71 367


    Zhao Y P 2014 Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 4 034002


    Zhang T, Zhang Z, Kim K S, Gao H 2012 J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 28 226


    Li D, Wang F, Yang Z, Zhao Y P 2014 Sci. China: Phys. Mech. 57 2177


    Qur D, de Gennes P, Brochard-Wyart F, Reisinger A 2004 Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena: Drops, Bubbles, Pearls, Waves (New York: Springer)


    Zuo P, Zhao Y P 2015 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 287


    Yuan Q Z, Shen W H, Zhao Y P 2016 Adv. Mech. 46 201608 (in Chinese) [袁泉子, 沈文豪, 赵亚溥 2016 力学进展 46 201608]


    Tao Z L 2010 Adv. Mech. 40 113 (in Chinese) [陶祖莱 2010 力学进展 40 113]

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  • Received Date:  09 August 2016
  • Accepted Date:  12 September 2016
  • Published Online:  05 September 2016

