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Measurement of refractive indices of GdTaO4 crystal by the auto-collimation method

Wang Xiao-Fei Yang Hua-Jun Zhang Ge Zhang Qing-Li Dou Ren-Qin Ding Shou-Jun Luo Jian-Qiao Liu Wen-Peng Sun Gui-Hua Sun Dun-Lu


Measurement of refractive indices of GdTaO4 crystal by the auto-collimation method

Wang Xiao-Fei, Yang Hua-Jun, Zhang Ge, Zhang Qing-Li, Dou Ren-Qin, Ding Shou-Jun, Luo Jian-Qiao, Liu Wen-Peng, Sun Gui-Hua, Sun Dun-Lu
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  • In this paper, the refractive index of GdTaO4 crystal is measured by the auto-collimation method. GdTaO4 crystal is processed into three rectangular prisms, their planes with longer right angle side are planes a, b and c of the crystal, respectively, and their normal directions are the directions of crystal plane axes a, b and c, respectively. with a side by angle . Plane enclosed by hypotenuse and the longer right angle side is subjected to fine polishing, while the surface plating for the latter is subjected to Al reflectance coating, so that the light is incident along the hypotenuse plane with minimum angle of deviation (), reflects on the plane with longer right angle and returns along the original path. The rectangular prisms processed by GdTaO4 crystal are placed on the platform of 32 J goniometer with an accuracy of arc seconds. The 473, 532 nm YAG double frequency laser, 633 nm He-Ne laser and 1064 nm YAG laser with stable light intensity are used as a measuring light source, light will refract into the light perpendicular to the longer right angle side when the laser of measuring light source shoots towards the bevel of a prism with a minimum angle of deviation (). The refractive indexes nx, ny, and nz of a crystallographic axis directions can be measured by , and the relationship between refractive index ellipsoid section and prism refraction of light. The constants Ai, Bi, Ci, and Di (i=x, y, z) are given in Sellmeier's equation ni2 =Ai+Bi/(2-Ci)-Di2, and the values of angle Vz included between light axis and refractive index at wavelengths of 473, 532, 632.8 and 1064 nm are calculated to be 22.5, 22.5, 21.9 and 22.0, respectively. It is proved that GdTaO4 crystal is optically positive biaxial crystal.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Qing-Li,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51172236, 51272254, 51102239, 61205173, 61405206) and the Opening Subject of Key Laboratory of Functional Crystals and Laser Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. FCLT201405).

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    Xiao L H, Gu M, Liu X L, Zhang R, Liu B J, Xu X 2007 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 27 1055 (in Chinese) [肖莉红, 顾牡, 刘小林, 张睿, 刘冰洁, 徐昕 2007 光谱学与光谱分析 27 1055]


    Liu W P, Zhang Q L, Gu C J, Zhou W L, Yin S T 2009 Proceedings of the 15th national conference crystal and material Ningbo, China 2009 p421 (in Chinese) [刘文鹏, 张庆礼, 谷长江, 周文龙, 殷绍唐2009第15届全国晶体生长与材料学术会议 宁波, 中国, 2009 第421页]


    Liu W P, Zhang Q L, Zhou W L, Gu C J, Yin S T 2010 {IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 57 1287


    Yang H J, Peng F, Zhang Q L, Shi C S, Guo C X, Wei X T, Sun D L, Wang X F, Dou R Q, Xing X, Zhang H L 2015 Journal of Luminescence 160 90


    Yang H J, Peng F, Zhang Q L, Guo C X, Shi C S, Liu W P, Sun G H, Zhao Y P, Zhang D M, Sun D L, Yin S T, Gu M, Mao R H 2014 Cryst. Eng. Comm. 16 12


    Peng F, Liu W P, Zhang Q L, Yang H J, Shi C S, Mao R H, Sun D L, Luo J Q, Sun G H 2014 Journal of Crystal Growth 406 31


    Peng F, Yang H J, Zhang Q L, Luo J Q, Liu W P, Sun D L, Dou R Q, Sun G H 2015 Appl. Phys. B-Lasers and Opt. 118 4


    Zhang Q L, Zhou W L, Liu W P, Ding L H, Luo J Q, Yin S T, Jiang H H 2010 Acta Opt. Sin. 30 849 (in Chinese) [张庆礼, 周文龙, 刘文鹏, 丁丽华, 罗剑乔, 殷少唐, 江海河 2010 光学学报 30 849]


    Zhang Q L, Yin S T, Wang Z B, Sun D L, Wang S M 2007 J. Synth. Cryst. 36 110 (in Chinese) [张庆礼, 殷绍唐, 王召兵, 孙敦陆, 万松明 2007 人工晶体学报 36 110]


    Xie K C, Liu G Y, Luo K J 1996 Piezoelectrics { Acoustooptics 18 62 (in Chinese) [谢克诚, 刘光耀, 罗康俊 1996 压电与声光 18 62]


    Zhang D Y, Shen H Y, Liu W, Zhang G F, Chen W Z, Zhang G, Zeng R R, Huang C H, Lin W X 2000 Functional Materials 31 539 (in Chinese) [张德颖, 沈鸿元, 刘 文, 张国芳, 陈文志, 张戈, 曾瑞荣, 黄呈辉, 林文雄 2000 功能材料 31 539]


    Huang L X, Zhao Y W, Zhang G, Gong X H, Huang C H, Wei Y, Wei M 2008 J. Synth. Cryst. 37 185 (in Chinese) [黄凌雄, 赵玉伟, 张 戈, 龚兴红, 黄呈辉, 魏 勇, 位民 2008 人工晶体学报 37 185]


    Huang L X 2003 Journal of Synthetic Crystals 32 139


    Shen H Y, Xu H, Zeng Z D 1992 Appl. Opt. 31 6695


    Wang Z B, Huang L X, Zhang Q L, Zhang G, Sun D L, Yin S T 2007 Photoelectron. Laser 18 956 (in Chinese) [王召兵, 黄凌雄, 张庆礼, 张戈, 孙敦陆, 殷绍唐 2007 光电子激光 18 956]


    Sun S Q 2014 Ph. D. Dissertation (jinan:Shandong university) (in Chinese) [孙尚倩 2014 博士学位论文(济南: 山东大学)


    Hui H J, Wang S X, Yang Y Q, Niu J J, Geng X J, Rao Z Y 2008 College Physics 27 4 (in Chinese) [胡慧君, 王蜀霞, 杨云青, 牛君杰, 耿晓菊, 饶早英 2008 大学物理 27 4]

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  • Received Date:  18 September 2015
  • Accepted Date:  01 February 2016
  • Published Online:  05 April 2016

