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Focusing performance of hard X-ray single Kinoform lens

Chen Zhi Xu Liang Chen Rong-Chang Du Guo-Hao Deng Biao Xie Hong-Lan Xiao Ti-Qiao


Focusing performance of hard X-ray single Kinoform lens

Chen Zhi, Xu Liang, Chen Rong-Chang, Du Guo-Hao, Deng Biao, Xie Hong-Lan, Xiao Ti-Qiao
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  • Nowadays, X-ray nanoprobe plays an important role in many research fields, ranging from materials science to geophysics and environmental science, to biophysics and protein crystallography. Refractive lenses, mirrors, and Laue lenses, can all focus X-rays into a spot with a size of less than 50 nm. To design a refractive lens at fixed wavelengths, absorption in the lens material can be significantly reduced by removing 2πup phase-shifting regions. This permits short focal length devices to be fabricated with small radii of curvatures at the lens apex. This feature allows one to obtain a high efficiency X-ray focusing. The reduced absorption loss also enables optics with a larger aperture, and hence improving the resolution for focusing. Since the single Kinoform lens can focus hard X-ray into a spot on a nanoscale efficiently, it has very important application prospect in X-ray nano-microscopy and nano-spectroscopy. We present a theoretical analysis of optical properties of the single Kinoform lens. Using Fermat's principle of least time, an exact solution of the single Kinoform lens figure is derived. The X-ray diffraction theory is reviewed. The complex amplitude transmittance function of the X-ray single Kinoform lens is derived. According to Fourier optics and optical diffraction theory, we set up the physical model of X-ray single Kinoform lens focusing. Employing this physical model, we study how the focusing performance of hard X-ray single Kinoform lens is influenced by the material, the photon energy, the number of steps and the vertex radius of curvature. We find that diamond single Kinoform lens can achieve a smaller focusing beam size with higher intensity gain than Al and Si single Kinoform lens. The single Kinoform lens designed at a certain photon energy can also focus other photon energies with different lateral beam sizes, axial beam sizes, intensity gains and focusing distances. The numbers of steps of a single Kinoform lens can be lessened with the thickness of step increasing, while the single Kinoform lens keeps good focusing performance. To improve the focusing performance further, reducing the vertex radius of curvature is proposed. Following these rules, a single Kinoform lens is optimally designed to focus 30 keV hard X-ray down to a lateral size of 14 nm (full-width at half-maximum, FWHM) and an axial size of 62 μm (FWHM) with an intensity gain of four orders of magnitude and transmittance of 30%.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 81430087, 11275257, 11375257), the Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. U1232205), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2010CB834301), and the External Co-operation Research Project, China (Grant No. GJHZ1303).

    Vartanyants I A, Singer A 2010 New J. Phys. 12 035004


    Yabashi M, Tono K, Mimura H, Matsuyama S, Yamauchi K, Tanaka T, Tanaka H, Tamasaku K, Ohashi H, Goto S, Ishikawa T 2014 J. Synchrotron Rad. 21 976


    Qi J C, Ye L L, Chen R C, Xie H L, Ren Y Q, Du G H, Deng B, Xiao T Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 104202 (in Chinese) [戚俊成, 叶琳琳, 陈荣昌, 谢红兰, 任玉琦, 杜国浩, 邓彪, 肖体乔 2014 63 104202]


    Ice G E, Budai J D, Pang J W L 2011 Science 334 1234


    Sakdinawat A, Attwood D 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 840


    Liu H Q, Ren Y Q, Zhou G Z, He Y, Xue Y L, Xiao T Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 078701 (in Chinese) [刘慧强, 任玉琦, 周光照, 和友, 薛艳玲, 肖体乔 2012 61 078701]


    Wang Y D, Peng G Y, Tong Y J, Zhou G Z, Ren Y Q, Yang Q, Xiao T Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 054205 (in Chinese) [王玉丹, 彭冠云, 佟亚军, 周光照, 任玉琦, 杨群, 肖体乔 2012 61 054205]


    Döring F, Robisch A L, Eberl C, Osterhoff M, Ruhlandt A, Liese T, Schlenkrich F, Hoffmann S, Bartels M, Salditt T, Krebs H U 2013 Opt. Express 21 19311


    Huang X, Yan H, Nazaretski E, Conley R, Bouet N, Zhou J, Lauer K, Li L, Eom D, Legnini D, Harder R, Robinson I K, Chu Y S 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 3562


    Mimura H, Handa S, Kimura T, Yumoto H, Yamakawa D, Yokoyama H, Matsuyama S, Inagaki K, Yamamura K, Sano Y, Tamasaku K, Nishino Y, Yabashi M, Ishikawa T, Yamauchi K 2010 Nat. Phys. 6 122


    Schroer C G, Kurapova O, Patommel J, Boye P, Feldkamp J, Lengeler B, Burghammer M, Riekel C, Vincze L, van der Hart A, Küuchler M 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 124103


    Kang H C, Yan H, Winarski R P, Holt M V, Maser J, Liu C, Conley R, Vogt S, Macrander A T, Stephenson G B 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 221114


    Snigirev A, Kohn V, Snigireva I, Lengeler B 1996 Nature 384 49


    Chen Z, Xie H L, Deng B, Du G H, Jiang H D, Xiao T Q 2014 Chin. Opt. Lett. 12 123401


    Snigirev A, Snigireva I 2008 C. R. Physique 9 507


    Elleaume P 1998 J. Synchrotron Rad. 5 1


    Kohmura Y, Awaji M, Suzuki Y, Ishikawa T, Dudchik Y I, Kolchevsky N N, Komarov F F 1999 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 4161


    Lengeler B, Schroer C G, Richwin M, Tummler J, Drakopoulos M, Snigirev A, Snigireva I 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 74 3924


    Schroer C G,Gunzler T F, Benner B, Kuhlmann M, Tummler J, Lengeler B, Rau C, Weitkamp T, Snigirev A, Snigireva I 2001 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A 467 966


    Aristov V, Grigoricv M, Kuznetsov S, Shabclnikov L, Yunkin V, Hoffmann M, Vogcs E 2000 Opt. Commun. 177 33


    Schroer C G, Kuhlmann M, Hunger U T, Günzler T F, Kurapova O, Feste S, Frehse F, Lengeler B, Drakopoulos M, Somogyi A, Simionovici A S, Snigirev A, Snigireva I, Schug C, Schroder W H 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 1485


    Evans-Lutterodt K, Stein A, Ablett J M, Bozovic N, Taylor A, Tennant D M 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 134801


    Alianelli L, Sawhney K J S, Barrett R, Pape I, Malik A, Wilson M C 2011 Opt. Express 19 11120


    Kohn V G 2012 J. Synchrotron Rad. 19 84


    Sánchez del Río M 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 425 162003


    Canestrari N, Chubar O, Reininger R 2014 J. Synchrotron Rad. 21 1110


    Born M, Wolf E 1980 Principles of Optics (Oxford: Pergamon Press) p376


    Sales T R M, Morris G M 1997 Appl. Opt. 36 253


    Buralli D A, Morris G M, Rogers J R 1989 Appl. Opt. 28 976


    Lund M W 1997 J. X-Ray Sci. Technol. 7 265

  • [1]

    Vartanyants I A, Singer A 2010 New J. Phys. 12 035004


    Yabashi M, Tono K, Mimura H, Matsuyama S, Yamauchi K, Tanaka T, Tanaka H, Tamasaku K, Ohashi H, Goto S, Ishikawa T 2014 J. Synchrotron Rad. 21 976


    Qi J C, Ye L L, Chen R C, Xie H L, Ren Y Q, Du G H, Deng B, Xiao T Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 104202 (in Chinese) [戚俊成, 叶琳琳, 陈荣昌, 谢红兰, 任玉琦, 杜国浩, 邓彪, 肖体乔 2014 63 104202]


    Ice G E, Budai J D, Pang J W L 2011 Science 334 1234


    Sakdinawat A, Attwood D 2010 Nat. Photon. 4 840


    Liu H Q, Ren Y Q, Zhou G Z, He Y, Xue Y L, Xiao T Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 078701 (in Chinese) [刘慧强, 任玉琦, 周光照, 和友, 薛艳玲, 肖体乔 2012 61 078701]


    Wang Y D, Peng G Y, Tong Y J, Zhou G Z, Ren Y Q, Yang Q, Xiao T Q 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 054205 (in Chinese) [王玉丹, 彭冠云, 佟亚军, 周光照, 任玉琦, 杨群, 肖体乔 2012 61 054205]


    Döring F, Robisch A L, Eberl C, Osterhoff M, Ruhlandt A, Liese T, Schlenkrich F, Hoffmann S, Bartels M, Salditt T, Krebs H U 2013 Opt. Express 21 19311


    Huang X, Yan H, Nazaretski E, Conley R, Bouet N, Zhou J, Lauer K, Li L, Eom D, Legnini D, Harder R, Robinson I K, Chu Y S 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 3562


    Mimura H, Handa S, Kimura T, Yumoto H, Yamakawa D, Yokoyama H, Matsuyama S, Inagaki K, Yamamura K, Sano Y, Tamasaku K, Nishino Y, Yabashi M, Ishikawa T, Yamauchi K 2010 Nat. Phys. 6 122


    Schroer C G, Kurapova O, Patommel J, Boye P, Feldkamp J, Lengeler B, Burghammer M, Riekel C, Vincze L, van der Hart A, Küuchler M 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 124103


    Kang H C, Yan H, Winarski R P, Holt M V, Maser J, Liu C, Conley R, Vogt S, Macrander A T, Stephenson G B 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 221114


    Snigirev A, Kohn V, Snigireva I, Lengeler B 1996 Nature 384 49


    Chen Z, Xie H L, Deng B, Du G H, Jiang H D, Xiao T Q 2014 Chin. Opt. Lett. 12 123401


    Snigirev A, Snigireva I 2008 C. R. Physique 9 507


    Elleaume P 1998 J. Synchrotron Rad. 5 1


    Kohmura Y, Awaji M, Suzuki Y, Ishikawa T, Dudchik Y I, Kolchevsky N N, Komarov F F 1999 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 4161


    Lengeler B, Schroer C G, Richwin M, Tummler J, Drakopoulos M, Snigirev A, Snigireva I 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 74 3924


    Schroer C G,Gunzler T F, Benner B, Kuhlmann M, Tummler J, Lengeler B, Rau C, Weitkamp T, Snigirev A, Snigireva I 2001 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A 467 966


    Aristov V, Grigoricv M, Kuznetsov S, Shabclnikov L, Yunkin V, Hoffmann M, Vogcs E 2000 Opt. Commun. 177 33


    Schroer C G, Kuhlmann M, Hunger U T, Günzler T F, Kurapova O, Feste S, Frehse F, Lengeler B, Drakopoulos M, Somogyi A, Simionovici A S, Snigirev A, Snigireva I, Schug C, Schroder W H 2003 Appl. Phys. Lett. 82 1485


    Evans-Lutterodt K, Stein A, Ablett J M, Bozovic N, Taylor A, Tennant D M 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 134801


    Alianelli L, Sawhney K J S, Barrett R, Pape I, Malik A, Wilson M C 2011 Opt. Express 19 11120


    Kohn V G 2012 J. Synchrotron Rad. 19 84


    Sánchez del Río M 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 425 162003


    Canestrari N, Chubar O, Reininger R 2014 J. Synchrotron Rad. 21 1110


    Born M, Wolf E 1980 Principles of Optics (Oxford: Pergamon Press) p376


    Sales T R M, Morris G M 1997 Appl. Opt. 36 253


    Buralli D A, Morris G M, Rogers J R 1989 Appl. Opt. 28 976


    Lund M W 1997 J. X-Ray Sci. Technol. 7 265

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  • Received Date:  10 February 2015
  • Accepted Date:  25 March 2015
  • Published Online:  05 August 2015

