The Lamb vector is known to be of profound importance for fluid dynamics generally and for the dynamics of turbulence in particular. Based on the new developments of the statistical theory of isotropic turbulence, some new analytical indications are found that the Lamb vector has a contribution in the potential and solenoidal parts, which are almost equal for some typical parameters.
- vortex motion /
- Lamb vector /
- isotropic turbulence
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[1] Tennekes H, Lumley J L 1972 A first Course in Turbulence (MIT Press)
[2] Batchelor G K 1975 The Theory of Homogenous Turbulence (Cambridge University Press)
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[8] Zhou P Y, Huang Y N 1975 Sci. Sin. 3 180
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[10] Fang L, Cui G X, Xu C X 2005 Chin. Phys. Lett. 22 2877
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[13] Wu J Z, Ma H Y, Zhou M D 1993 Introduction of vortex dynamics (Beijing: Height Education Press) (in Chinese) [吴介之, 马晖扬, 周明德 1993 涡动力学引论 (北京: 高等教育出版社)]
[14] Moffatt H K 1992 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 24 281
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[23] Ran Z 2009 arXiv: 0904.2036 [physics.flu-dyn].
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[25] Wang Y Y, Yuan X J, Ran Z 2013 Sci. China Phys., Mechanics & Astronom 43 1111 (in Chinese) [王尧尧, 袁邢杰, 冉政 2013 中国科学:物理学力学天文学 43 1111]
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