Research on the stochastic behavior of traffic flow is important to understand the intrinsic evolution rule of traffic system. On the basis of cellular automata model and traffic flow model with look-ahead potential, in this paper, a novel traffic flow model with weighted look-ahead potential is presented. By introducing the weighting coefficient into the look-ahead potential and endowing the potential of vehicle closer to itself with a greater weight, the modeling process is more suitable for the driver's random decision-making process which is based on the vehicle and enviroment situation in front of him in actual traffic. Complex high-density traffic behavior is reproduced by numerical simulations. The simulation results show that the weighting coefficient has an obvious effect on high-density traffic flux, and the weighted model is more conducive to keeping high traffic flux and road capacity while maintaining a high traffic density.
- traffic flow /
- look-ahead potential /
- stochastic model /
- weighted
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[1] Gazis D C 2002 Operat. Res. 50 69
[2] [3] Greenshields B N 1934 Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board Washington D.C., December 6-7, 1934 Part I. p448
[4] [5] Jia B, Gao Z Y, Li K P, Li X G 2007 Models and Simulations of Traffic System Based on the Theory of Cellular Automaton (Beijing: Science Press) pp289-296 (in Chinese) [贾斌, 高自友, 李克平, 李新刚 2007 基于元胞自动机的交通系统建模与模拟 (北京: 科学出版社) 第289296页]
[6] Cremer M, Ludwig J 1986 Math. Comput. Simulat. 28 297
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[26] [27] Bentaleb K, Jetto K, Ez-Zahraouy H, Benyoussef A 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 018902
[28] Xiang Z T, Xiong Li 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 028901
[29] [30] [31] Sopasakis A, Katsoulakis M A 2006 SIAM J. Appl. Math. 66 92
[32] [33] Sopasakis A 2004 Physica A 342 741
[34] [35] Alperovich T, Sopasakis A 2008 J. Statist. Phys. 133 1083
[36] [37] Sopasakis A 2013 Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 80 837
[38] [39] Ni D 2011 Math. Aeterna, Hilaris Ltd. 12 7
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[48] [49] Vlachos D G, Katsoulakis M A 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 3898
[50] Liggett T M 1985 Interact. Part. Syst. (Berlin: Springer) pp361-413
[51] [52] [53] Lightill M J, Whitham G B 1995 Proc. Roy. Soc. A 229 317
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