The problem in traditional industrial ultrasonic imaging methods is the difficulty to obtain the appearance or the shape of defects inside solid materials although the methods have the ability to detect and determine the position and lateral dimensions. These special defects, like the vertical slot or crack, are typical examples. Based on the multi-element array ultrasonic technique, the numerical and experimental studies on reverse time migration (RTM) ultrasonic imaging for metalic materials are carried out. In this paper, the objects in detecting and imaging experiments are aluminum samples with slot intersecting the bottom or interior slot, which cannot be effectively detected by traditional ultrasonic methods. First the single component ultrasonic field for RTM imaging is studied to obtain RTM ultrasonic imaging results based on numerical simulation and experimental measurements using a multi-element array ultrasonic testing system. Then, the RTM imaging techniques based on multi-component ultrasonic displacement field detection and converted shear wave separation are further studied, and a new approach using a multi-component laser interferometer is proposed. Numerical simulation results verify that the multi-component RTM imaging reconstructive method can overcome the shortcomings of single component method, and obtain better image quality.
- ultrasonic imaging /
- reverse time migration /
- defects appearance /
- multi-component detection
[1] [2] Zhang B X, Wang C H, Lai P X 2006 Chin. Phys. Lett. 23 875
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[27] Chattopadhyay S, McMechan G A 2008 Geophysics 73 S81
[28] [29] Kaelin B, Guitton A 2006 2006 SEG Annual Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, October 1-6, 2006 p2594
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[37] [38] Müller S, Niederleithinger E, Bohlen T 2012 International Journal of Geophysics 2012 128465
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[40] [41] Sun R, McMechan G A 2001 Geophysics 66 1519
[1] [2] Zhang B X, Wang C H, Lai P X 2006 Chin. Phys. Lett. 23 875
[3] [4] Zhang B X, Shi F F, Wu X M, Gong J J, Zhang C G 2010 Chin. Phys. Lett. 27 094301
[5] [6] Yu L L, Shou W D, Hui C 2011 Chin. Phys. Lett. 28 104302
[7] Zhang B X, Liu D D, Shi F F, Hefeng D 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 014302
[8] [9] Lukomski T, Stepinski T, Kowal J 2012 Insight 54 623
[10] [11] [12] Ogilvy J A, Temple J A G 1983 Ultrasonics 21 259
[13] Baskaran G, Balasubramaniam K, Krishnamurthy C V, Lakshmana Rao C 2004 Insight 46 537
[14] [15] Portzgen N, Gisolf D, Blacquiere G 2007 IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. 54 118
[16] [17] [18] Velichko A, Wilcox P D 2010 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 2377
[19] Whitmore N D 1983 1983 SEG Annual Meeting Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, September 11-15, 1983 p382
[20] [21] Baysal E, Kosloff D D, Sherwood J W C 1983 Geophysics 48 1514
[22] [23] [24] McMechan G A 1983 Geophys. Prospect. 31 413
[25] [26] Claerbout J F 1971 Geophysics 36 467
[27] Chattopadhyay S, McMechan G A 2008 Geophysics 73 S81
[28] [29] Kaelin B, Guitton A 2006 2006 SEG Annual Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, October 1-6, 2006 p2594
[30] [31] [32] Arnal B, Pernot M, Tanter M 2010 2010 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) San Diego, California, United States, October11-14, 2010 p1039
[33] [34] Anderson B E, Griffa M, Bas P Y L, Ulrich T J, Johonson P A 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 EL8
[35] [36] Fink M 1992 IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. 39 555
[37] [38] Müller S, Niederleithinger E, Bohlen T 2012 International Journal of Geophysics 2012 128465
[39] Wartelle A, Pouet B, Breugnot S 2011 AIP Conference Proceedings-American Institute of Physics San Diego, California, United States, July 18-23, 2010 p265
[40] [41] Sun R, McMechan G A 2001 Geophysics 66 1519
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