In order to describe the characteristics of the ultrasonic speckle field accurately, a computation-simulated generation of ultrasonic speckle field is proposed. Using the Gaussian correlation random surfaces that are generated by the simulation, the simulation of the speckle field produced by this kind of surfaces in the far field, the sound intensity distribution, and phase distribution can also be obtained. To compare the difference between speckle field from experiment and that by the simulation, the ultrasonic speckle field receiving experimental system is established, taking the same parameters to calculate and simulate, the experimental speckle field is obtained. By contrast, phase singularity exists in the simulated speckle field and the phase distribution is similar to the swirl around singular points, The intensity distribution of the simulated speckle field and that obtained experimentally are similar, but the former has a bigger strength, more highlight speckles carrying useful information, dark speckle being less, so that it is more conducive to the research and analysis.
- ultrasonic speckle /
- Gaussian interface /
- phase singularity
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[1] René Dändliker, Mottier F M 1971 ZAMP 22 369
[2] Goodman J W 1984 Statistical properties of laser speckle patterns (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) p9
[3] Wu X P, He S P, Li Z C 1980 Acta Phys. Sin. 29 1142 (in Chinese) [伍小平, 何世平, 李志超 1980 29 1142]
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[5] Yamaguchi I 1981 Optica Acta 28 1359
[6] Smith B S 1998 Experimental Techniques 7 19
[7] Reu P L 2013 Experimental Mechanics 22 174
[8] Stetson K A 2013 Experimental Mechanics 22 99
[9] Yang N 2002 Ph. D. Dissertation (Tianjin: Tianjin University) p75 (in Chinese) [杨楠2002 博士学位论文(天津:天津大学)第75页]
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[12] Cheng C F, Teng S Y, Song H S, Liu G Y, Liu M 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 964 (in Chinese) [程传福, 滕树云, 宋洪胜, 刘桂媛, 刘曼 2010 59 964]
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[14] Cheng C F, Teng S Y, Song H S, Liu G Y, Liu M Acta Phys. Sin. 58 2614 (in Chinese) [程传福, 滕树云, 宋洪胜, 刘桂媛, 刘曼 2009 58 2614]
[15] Ma Q Y, Qiu Y Y, Huang B, Zhang D, Gong X, F 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 094302
[16] Chengpu Yu, Cishen Zhang, Lihua Xie 2012 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 23 499
[17] Xue H H, Liu X Z, Gong X F, Zhang D 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5233 (in Chinese) [薛洪惠, 刘晓宙, 龚秀芬 章东 2005 54 5233]
[18] Zuikova N V, Kondrat T V, Svet V D 2001 Acoustical Physics 47 578
[19] Barannik E A, Volokhov Y V, Marusenko A I 1997 Biomedical Engineering 31 246
[20] Qian S Y, Wang H Z 2001 Acta Phys. Sin. 50 501 (in Chinese) [钱盛友, 王鸿樟2001 50 501]
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[22] Vladimirov A P, Gorkunov E S, Eremin P S 2010 Instruments and Experimental Techniques. 53 118
[23] Kyounghee Kim, Donghee Park, Jingam Park 2012 Journal of the Korean Physical Society 60 171
[24] Zhang L, Parrini S, Freschi C 2013 International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 8 92
[25] Alexander J. Gregory MD, Gary Dobson MD 2013 Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 60 667
[26] Du Y W, Tong X W, Zhong W, Wang T X, Gan C M, Zhang X R 1992 Acta Phys. Sin. 41 144 (in Chinese) [都有为, 童兴武, 钟伟, 王廷祥, 干昌明, 章肖融 1992 41 144]
[27] Zhu H M, Wu Y Y, Huang Z W, Wang Y G, Zhu C 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1438 (in Chinese) [朱鸿茂, 吴艳阳, 黄忠文, 王寅观, 朱成 2003 52 1438]
[28] Zhu H M, Zheng W H, Huang Z W, Zhu C 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 2614 (in Chinese) [朱鸿茂, 郑伟花, 黄忠文, 朱成 2004 53 2614]
[29] Zheng W H, Zhu H M 2008 Mechanics in Engineering 30 75 (in Chinese) (in Chinese) [郑伟花, 朱鸿茂 2008 力学与实践 30 75]
[30] Chu J, Shen L, Luo Z H, Hu L L, Hu P, Zhu H M 2012 Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics 29 406 (in Chinese) [褚俊, 沈磊, 罗志华, 胡莉莉, 胡鹏, 朱鸿茂 2012 应用力学学报 29 406]
[31] Deng L H, Zhu H M, Wu Y Y 2006 Journal of Experimental Mechanics 21 722 (in Chinese) [邓玲慧, 朱鸿茂, 吴艳阳 2006 实验力学 21 722]
[32] Silvennoinen R, Peiponen K E, Asakura T 1992 Optics and Lasers in Engineering 17 103
[33] Gao Z 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Heilongjiang: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese) [高昭 2009 博士学位论文(黑龙江:哈尔滨工业大学)]
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