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First-priciples study on Mn-doped LiZnAs, a new diluted magnetic semiconductor

Wang Ai-Ling Wu Zhi-Min Wang Cong Hu Ai-Yuan Zhao Ruo-Yu


First-priciples study on Mn-doped LiZnAs, a new diluted magnetic semiconductor

Wang Ai-Ling, Wu Zhi-Min, Wang Cong, Hu Ai-Yuan, Zhao Ruo-Yu
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  • The electronic structures, half-metallic and optical properties, as well as formation energy of pure LiZnAs, Mn-doped LiZnAs and Mn-doped LiZnAs with excess and deficient of Li are geometrically optimized and calculated by using the first principle density functional theory based on the full potential linearized augumented plane wave method. Results show that in the systems of Li(Zn0.875Mn0.125)As, Li1.1(Zn0.875Mn0.125) As and Li0.9(Zn0.875Mn0.125)As a 100% spin injectors is revealed, and the materials exhibit half metallic. The half metallic materials with excess and deficient of Li are more stable than Mn-doped LiZnAs. Excess of Li could improve the Curie temperature and conductivity of the material, and cause the formation energy of the system decrease. So the separation of spin and charge injection mechanisms may be achieved in LiZnAs semiconductor, and the magnetic and electrical properties of diluted magnetic semiconductor may be regulated respectively by Mn doping and Li stoichiometry. In addition, the dielectric function and the complex refractive index function in the low-energy region are found to be influenced by the stoichiometry of Li.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61201119), the Key Project of Chinese Ministry Education, China (Grant No. 211152), the Basic Research Foundation of Chongqing Education Committee of China (Grant No. KJ110634), and the Foundation for the Creative Research Groups of Chongqing Higher Education of China (Grant No. 201013).

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    Wijnheijmer A P, Martí X, Holý V, Cukr M, Novák V, Jungwirth T, Koenraad P M 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 112107


    Sato K, Fujimoto S, Fujii H, Fukushima T, Katayama-Yoshida H 2012 Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 2950


    Zhao Z Y, Liu Q J, Zhang J, Zhu Z Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6592 (in Chinese) [赵宗彦, 柳清菊, 张瑾, 朱忠其 2007 56 6592]


    Xing H Y, Fan G H, Zhao D G, He M, Zhang Y, Zhou T M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6513 (in Chinese) [邢海英, 范广涵, 赵德刚, 何苗, 章勇, 周天明 2008 57 6513]


    Xing H Y, Fan G H, Zhang Y, Zhao D G 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 0450 (in Chinese) [邢海英, 范广涵, 章勇, 赵德刚 2009 58 0450]


    Zhang X Y, Chen Z W, Qi Y P, Feng Y, Zhao L, Qi L, Ma M Z, Liu R P, Wang W K 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 1032


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    Vanderbilt D 1990 Phys. Rev. B 41 7892


    Monkhorst H J, Pack J D 1976 Phys. Rev. B 13 5188


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    Dinh V A, Sato K, Katayama-Yoshida H 2004 J. Phys: Condens. Matter 16 S5705


    Tong H Y, Gu M, Tang X F, Liang L, Yao M Zh 2000 Acta Phys. Sin. 49 1549 (in Chinese) [童宏勇, 顾牡, 汤学峰, 梁玲, 姚明珍 2000 49 1549]


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  • [1]

    Ohno H 1998 Science 281 951


    Zutic I, Fabian J, Das Sarma S 2004 Rev. Mod. Phys. 76 323


    Dietl T 2010 Nature Mater. 9 965


    Marques M, Ferreira L G, Teles L K, Scolfaro L M R, Furthmller J, Bechstedt F 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73 224409


    Liu C, Yun F, Morkoc H 2005 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in electronics 16 555


    Sasaki T, Sonoda S, Yamamoto Y, Suga K, Shimizu S, Kindo K, Hori H 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 91 7911


    Sato K, Bergqvist L, Kudrnovsky J, Dederichs P H, Eriksson O, Turek I, Sanyal B, Bouzerar G, Katayama-Yoshida H, Dinh V A, Fukushima T, Kizaki H, Zeller R 2010 Rev. Mod. Phys. 82 1633


    Potashnik S J, Ku K C, Chun S H, Berry J J, Samarth N, Schiffer P 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 1495


    Mašek J, Kudrnovský J, Máca F, Gallagher B L, Campion R P, Gregory D H, Jungwirth T 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 067202


    Deng Z, Jin C Q, Liu Q Q, Wang X C, Zhu J L, Feng S M, Chen L C, Yu R C, Arguello C, Goko T, Ning F L, Zhang J S, Wang Y Y, Aczel A A, Munsie T, Williams T J, Luke G M, Kakeshita T, Uchida S, Higemoto W, Ito T U, Gu Bo, Maekawa S, Morris G D, Uemura Y J 2011 Nature Communications 2 422


    Wang X C, Liu Q Q, Lv Y X, Gao W B, Yang L X, Yu R C, Li F Y, Jin C Q 2008 Solid State Communications 148 538


    Chu C W, Chen F, Gooch M, Guloyd A M, Lorenza B, Lvd B, Sasmala K, Tangd Z J, Tappd J H, Xuea Y Y 2009 Physica C 469 326


    Pitcher M J, Parker D R, Adamson P, Herkelrath S J C, Boothroyd A T, Ibberson R M, Brunelli M, Clarke S J 2008 Chem. Commun. 45 5918


    Jungwirth T, Novák V, Martí X, Cukr M, Máca F, Shick A B, Mašek J, Horodyská P, Němec P, Holý V, Zemek J, Kužel P, Němec I, Gallagher B L, Campion R P, Foxon C T, Wunderlich J 2011 Phys. Rev. B 83 035321


    Wijnheijmer A P, Martí X, Holý V, Cukr M, Novák V, Jungwirth T, Koenraad P M 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 112107


    Sato K, Fujimoto S, Fujii H, Fukushima T, Katayama-Yoshida H 2012 Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 2950


    Zhao Z Y, Liu Q J, Zhang J, Zhu Z Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 6592 (in Chinese) [赵宗彦, 柳清菊, 张瑾, 朱忠其 2007 56 6592]


    Xing H Y, Fan G H, Zhao D G, He M, Zhang Y, Zhou T M 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 6513 (in Chinese) [邢海英, 范广涵, 赵德刚, 何苗, 章勇, 周天明 2008 57 6513]


    Xing H Y, Fan G H, Zhang Y, Zhao D G 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 0450 (in Chinese) [邢海英, 范广涵, 章勇, 赵德刚 2009 58 0450]


    Zhang X Y, Chen Z W, Qi Y P, Feng Y, Zhao L, Qi L, Ma M Z, Liu R P, Wang W K 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 1032


    Wood D M, Zunger A, Groot R de 1985 Phys. Rev. B 31 2570


    Kuriyama K, Nakamura F 1987 Phys. Rev. B 36 4439


    Wei S H, Zunger A 1986 Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 528


    Kuriyama K, Kato T, Kawada K 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49 11452


    Gonze X, Amadon B, Anglade P M, Beuken J M, Bottin F, Boulanger P, Bruneval F, Caliste D, Caracas R, Côté M, Deutsch T, Genovese L, Ghosez Ph, Giantomassi M, Goedecker S, Hamann D R, Hermet P, Jollet F, Jomard G, Leroux S, Mancini M, Mazevet S, Oliveira M J T, Onida G, Pouillon Y, Rangel T, Rignanese G M, Sangalli D, Shaltaf R, Torrent M, Verstraete M J, Zerah G, Zwanziger J W 2009 Computer Phys. Comm. 180 2582


    Vanderbilt D 1990 Phys. Rev. B 41 7892


    Monkhorst H J, Pack J D 1976 Phys. Rev. B 13 5188


    Shang G, Peacock P W, Robertson J 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 106


    Dinh V A, Sato K, Katayama-Yoshida H 2004 J. Phys: Condens. Matter 16 S5705


    Tong H Y, Gu M, Tang X F, Liang L, Yao M Zh 2000 Acta Phys. Sin. 49 1549 (in Chinese) [童宏勇, 顾牡, 汤学峰, 梁玲, 姚明珍 2000 49 1549]


    Shen X C 1992 Semiconductor Spectra and Optical Properties 76 (The Second Edition) (Beijing: Science Press) [沈学础 1992 半导体光谱和光学性质 (第2版) (北京: 科学出版社) 第76页]

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  • Received Date:  16 December 2012
  • Accepted Date:  25 March 2013
  • Published Online:  05 July 2013

