Previous research has shown that the community structure of the network well significantly affect information transmission, and the obvious community structure will significantly reduce the network transmission performance. To address the problem, first we define the link importance to communities, which is based on the spectrum of network adjacency matrix. Then we propose a topological management strategy called community weaken control strategy (CWCS) to enhance traffic capacity, which weakens the community structures by logically closing or cutting some links with great link importance. We implement the scheme in both a global shortest-path routing strategy and local routing strategy, and compare it with the previous scheme HDF that removes the links among hub nodes. The simulation results show that the traffic capacity can be greatly enhanced and the average transport time is effectively reduced under the shortest path routing strategy. Under the local routing strategy, the traffic capacity can also be greatly enhanced when the tunable parameter lies in a range from 0 and 2.
- complex network /
- community structure /
- traffic capacity /
- topological management
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[1] Newman M E J 2004 Eur. Phys. J. B 38 321
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[24] Newman M E J 2010 Networks: An Introduction (Oxford UK: Oxford University Press) p346
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