Based on a theoretical model for spatial diffusion reflection with two-point-source hybrid diffusion approximate to a semi-infinite homogeneous turbid medium, expressions of the sensitivities for the absorption coefficient μa and the reduced scattering coefficient μ's are derived, and the effect of the sensitivities of the two optical parameters μa and μ's on diffuse reflectance is studied systematically in small volumes of highly absorbing medium. The results show that the sensitivity of the absorption coefficient increases approximately linearly with the increase of source-detector separation ρ, with a slope proportional to 1.4 (μ's/μa)1/4, and also indicate an optimal probe spacing ρopt at which a variable reduced scattering coefficient has a smallest effect on the measurment of optical absorption in the turbid medium. The value of ρopt is approximately equal to 3.4 times transport mean free path. The study is of great significance for the measurment of the optical properties of biological tissues and the application of diffuse reflecance spectroscopy technology.
- tissue optics /
- diffuse reflectance /
- P3 approximation /
- hybrid diffuse approximation
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[1] Zhang Z X 2008 New Technology and Applications of Biomedical Photonics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [张镇西 2008 生物医学光子学新技术及应用 (北京: 科学出版社)]
[2] Tuchin V V 2007 Tissue Optics: Light Scattering Methods and Instruments for Medical Diagnosis (Bellingham: SPIE Press)
[3] Wang F, Ding H S, Lin F 2000 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 20 585 (in Chinese) [王峰, 丁海曙, 林方 2000 光谱学与光谱分析 20 585]
[4] Kumar G, Schmitt J M 1997 Appl. Opt. 36 2286
[5] Liu H L 2001 Appl. Opt. 40 1742
[6] Huang Z Q, Ding E J 1987 Transfers Theory (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [黄祖洽, 丁鄂江 1987 输运理论 (北京: 科学出版社)]
[7] Tian H J, Liu Y, Wang L J, Zhang Z B, Xiao L F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 249 [田会娟, 刘迎, 王利军, 张智卜, 肖立峰 2009 58 249]
[8] Hull E L, Foster T H 2001 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18 584
[9] Zhang X J, Yang W, Liu Y 2011 Acta Photon. Sin. 40 67 [张小娟, 杨薇, 刘迎 2011 光子学报 40 67]
[10] Tian H J, Liu Y, Wang L J 2009 Chin. Opt. Lett. 7 515
[11] Qi B B, Liu Y, Jia G Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 128701 [齐贝贝, 刘迎, 贾光一 2011 60 128701]
[12] Haskell R C, Svaasand L O, Tsay T T, Feng T C, McAdams M S, Tromberg B J 1994 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 11 2727
[13] Tualle J M, Prat J, Tinet E, Avrillier S 2000 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 17 2046
[14] Kienle A, Forster F K, Hibst R 2001 Opt. Lett. 26 1571
[15] Wang L H, Jacques S L, Zheng L Q 1995 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 47 131
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