The sensitivity of the second-order parameter of the Henyey-Greenstein phase function based on the spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance within the two-point-source approximation to the Delta-P1 approximation model is studied, and the analytical expression of the sensitivity is derived. The results show that the analytic solution of the Delta-P1 approximation model for reflectance contains the second-order parameter of the scattering phase function compared with the diffusion approximation model, and the second-order parameter has significant influence (the extreme value greater than 30%) on the analytic solution for spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance with small source-detector separations ( 1.5 mm) no matter whether the absorption is weak or strong. The research has theoretical significance for obtaining the optical information abour tissue with the second-order parameter .
- tissue optics /
- Delta-P1 approximation /
- the scattering phase function /
- the second-order parameter
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[1] Zhang Z X 2008 New Technology and Applications of Biomedical Photonics (Beijing: Science Press) (in Chinese) [张镇西 2008 生物医学光子学新技术及应用(北京: 科学出版社)]
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[13] Groenhuis R A J, Ferwerda H A, Bosch J J T 1983 Appl. Opt. 22 2456
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