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Preliminary analyses on characteristics of sea surface temperatures in Kuroshio and its extension and relations to atmospheric circulations

Wang Shan-Shan Guan Yu-Ping Li Zhi-Jin Chao Yi Huang Jian-Ping


Preliminary analyses on characteristics of sea surface temperatures in Kuroshio and its extension and relations to atmospheric circulations

Wang Shan-Shan, Guan Yu-Ping, Li Zhi-Jin, Chao Yi, Huang Jian-Ping
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  • A sea surface temperature (SST) based index, denoted as KI, is designed to characterize the holistic feature of Kuroshio east of the Tokara-kaikyo and its extension on the purpose of predict its SST trend. The KI is calculated on the base of the Hadley Center's monthly SSTs during the period 1941-2009. The wavelet analysis showed that the KI displays inter-annual and inter-decadal oscillations, dominated by quasi-triennial, quasi 7-yr and 20-yr time scales. In addition, the KI is shown to be phase-locking to seasonal cycles. It is found that there are significant temporally-lag correlations between the KI and the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) index as well as between the KI and the ENSO index. A set of composition analyses using the NCEP/NCAR reanalyses indicate that when the KI shows a positive anomaly, the SST becomes abnormally warm in the equatorial eastern. Pacific, the Hadley circulation is intensified, and consequently the transportation of the westerly momentum is enhanced. The enhanced Hadley circulation and transportation of the westerly momentum give rise to the deepened Aleutian low pressure, then cool the Kuroshio extension and the north Pacific basin and cause the KE extend east. The above " ENSO-PDO-Kuroshio" process need some response time, that is to say, we can forecast the SST variation on the Kuroshio on the basis of the ENSO and PDO, which is very significant to predict the climate in China.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB411801) and the JIFRESSE/UCLA, USA.

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    Ichikawa H, Beardsley R C 1993 Deep Sea Research Part I- Oceanographic Research Papers 40 583


    Imawaki S, Uchida H, Ichikawa H, Fukasawa M, Umatani S, Asuka Group 2001 Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 17


    Kawabe 1996 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 26 2449


    Wyrtki K, Magaard L, Hagar J 1976 J. Geophys. Res. 81 2641


    Qiu B 2002 J. Oceanogr. 58 57


    Da Silva A, Young C, Levitus S 1994 Atlas of Surface Marine Data 1994 (Vol.1) (Washington: US Gov. Printing Office) p83


    Miyazawa Y, Guo X Y, Yamagata T 2004 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 34 2203


    Qiu B 2000 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 30 1486


    Saji N H, Goswami B N, Vinayachandran P N, Yamagata T 1999 Nature 401 360


    Miller A J, Cayan D R, Bamett T P, Graham N E, Oberhuber J M 1994 J. Oceanogr. 7 21


    An S I, Wang B 2000 J. Climate 13 2044


    Zhang Q L, Hou Y J, Qi Q H, Zheng D M, Cheng M H 2009 Advances in Marine Science 26 126 (in Chinese) [张启龙, 侯一筠, 齐庆华, 郑冬梅, 程明华 2009 海洋科学进展 26 126]


    Gu D J, Wang D X, Yuan J N 2004 J. Trop. Ocea. 23 30 (in Chinese) [谷德军, 王东晓, 袁金南 2004 热带海洋学报 23 30]


    Zhao Z G 2000 Summer Drought and Environmental Field in China (Beijing: Meteorological Press) 101-103 (in Chinese) [赵振国 2000 中国夏季早涝及环境场 (北京: 北京气象出版社) 第101-103页]


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    Liu Z, Alexander M A 2007 Rev. Geophys. 45 RG2005


    Bjerkness J 1966 Tellus 18 820


    Bjerkness J 1969 Mon. Wea. Rev. 97 163


    Wang S W 1987 Beitr. Phys. Atmosph. 60 478


    Gong D Y, Wang S W 1998 Acta Oceanol. Sin. 20 44 (in Chinese) [龚道溢, 王绍武 1998 海洋学报 2044]


    Zhou B T, Wang H J 2007 Chin. Sci. Bull. 52 2194 (in Chinese) [周波涛, 王会军 2007 科学通报 52 2194]


    Guan B, Nigam S 2008 J. Climate 21 2790

  • [1]

    Yasuda I 2003 J. Oceanogr. 59 389


    Sekine Y, Miyamoto S 2002 J. Oceanogr. 58 611


    Qiu B, Chen S M 2011 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 41 503


    Yasuda T, Kitamura Y 2003 J. Oceanogr. 59 279


    Kwon Y O, Alexander M A, Nicholas A B, Frankignoul C, Nakamura H, Qiu B, Thompson L 2010 J. Climate 23 3249


    Wang S W, Zhao Z C 1980 Acta Oceanol. Sin. 2 27 (in Chinese) [王绍武, 赵宗慈 1980 海洋学报 2 27]


    Ni D H, Sun Z B, Chen H S, Zhu W J 2004 J. Nanjing Inst. Meteo. 27 310 (in Chinese) [倪东鸿, 孙照渤, 陈海山, 朱伟军 2004 南京气象学院学报 27 310]


    Li Y F, Ding Y H 2002 Climatic Environ. Res. 7 88 (in Chinese) [李跃凤, 丁一汇 2002 气候与环境研究 7 88]


    Weng X C, Zhang Q L, Yang Y L, Yan T Z 1996 Oceanol. Limnol. Sin. 27 237 (in Chinese) [翁学传, 张启龙, 杨玉玲, 颜廷壮 1996 海洋与湖沼 27 237]


    Zhang Q L, Weng X C, Cheng M H 1999 Plateau Meteor. 4 575 (in Chinese) [张启龙, 翁学传, 程明华 1999高原气象 4 575]


    Zhao F M, Zhu X J, Li F, Wang Z Q, Gu J Y, Wang M L 2007 Meteor. Environ. Sci. 30 (Z1) 28 (in Chinese) [赵斐苗, 朱鑫君, 李飞, 王志强, 谷继永, 王美兰 2007气象与环境科学 30 (增刊) 28]


    Kelly K A, Dong S 2004 Geophys. Monogr. 147 347


    Dawe J T, Thompson L 2007 J. Climate 20 2092


    Chelton D B, Schlax M G 1996 Science 272 234


    Ceballos L I, Lorenzo E D, Hoyos C D, Schneider N, Taguchi B 2009 J. Climate 22 5163


    Qiu B, Chen S 2005 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 35 2090


    Dawe J T, Thompson L 2007 J. Climate 20 2092


    Trenberth K E, Branstator G W, Karoly D, Kumar A, Lau N C, Ropelewski C 1998 J. Geophys. Res. 103(C7) 291


    Liu Z, Alexander M A 2007 Rev. Geophys. 45 RG2005


    Sun X P, Wang Y P, Yuan Q K, Xu H D 1991 Oceanol. Limnol. Sin. 22 524 (in Chinese) [孙湘平, 王元培, 袁启科, 徐洪达 1991 海洋与湖沼 22 524]


    Kawai H 1969 Deep-Sea Research 16 109


    Kawabe M 1995 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 25 3103


    Feng M, Mitsudera H, Yoshikawa Y 2000 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 30 2257


    Qiu B, Miao W F 2000 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 30 2124


    Guan B X 1964 Oceanol. Limnol. Sin. 6 229 (in Chinese) [管秉贤 1964 海洋与湖沼 6 229]


    Lin K, Tang Y X, Guo B H 1995 Oceanol. Limnol. Sin. 26 247 (in Chinese) [林葵, 汤毓祥, 郭炳火 1995海洋与湖沼 26 247]


    Chen H X, Yuan Y L, Hua F 2006 Chin. Sci. Bull. 51 730 ( in Chinese) [陈红霞, 袁业立, 华锋 2006 科学通报 51 730]


    Jia Y L, Liu Q Y, Liu W, Lin X P 2004 Oceanol. Limnol. Sin. 35 507 (in Chinese) [贾英来, 刘秦玉, 刘伟, 林霄沛 2004 海洋与湖沼 35 507]


    Guan B X 1979 Oceanol. Limnol. Sin. 10 299 (in Chinese) [管秉贤 1979 海洋与湖沼 10 299]


    Ichikawa H, Beardsley R C 1993 Deep Sea Research Part I- Oceanographic Research Papers 40 583


    Imawaki S, Uchida H, Ichikawa H, Fukasawa M, Umatani S, Asuka Group 2001 Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 17


    Kawabe 1996 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 26 2449


    Wyrtki K, Magaard L, Hagar J 1976 J. Geophys. Res. 81 2641


    Qiu B 2002 J. Oceanogr. 58 57


    Da Silva A, Young C, Levitus S 1994 Atlas of Surface Marine Data 1994 (Vol.1) (Washington: US Gov. Printing Office) p83


    Miyazawa Y, Guo X Y, Yamagata T 2004 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 34 2203


    Qiu B 2000 J. Phys. Oceanogr. 30 1486


    Saji N H, Goswami B N, Vinayachandran P N, Yamagata T 1999 Nature 401 360


    Miller A J, Cayan D R, Bamett T P, Graham N E, Oberhuber J M 1994 J. Oceanogr. 7 21


    An S I, Wang B 2000 J. Climate 13 2044


    Zhang Q L, Hou Y J, Qi Q H, Zheng D M, Cheng M H 2009 Advances in Marine Science 26 126 (in Chinese) [张启龙, 侯一筠, 齐庆华, 郑冬梅, 程明华 2009 海洋科学进展 26 126]


    Gu D J, Wang D X, Yuan J N 2004 J. Trop. Ocea. 23 30 (in Chinese) [谷德军, 王东晓, 袁金南 2004 热带海洋学报 23 30]


    Zhao Z G 2000 Summer Drought and Environmental Field in China (Beijing: Meteorological Press) 101-103 (in Chinese) [赵振国 2000 中国夏季早涝及环境场 (北京: 北京气象出版社) 第101-103页]


    Li Y K 1989 Sci. Meteor. Sin. 9 263 (in Chinese) [李永康 1989 气象科学 9 263]


    Liu Z, Alexander M A 2007 Rev. Geophys. 45 RG2005


    Bjerkness J 1966 Tellus 18 820


    Bjerkness J 1969 Mon. Wea. Rev. 97 163


    Wang S W 1987 Beitr. Phys. Atmosph. 60 478


    Gong D Y, Wang S W 1998 Acta Oceanol. Sin. 20 44 (in Chinese) [龚道溢, 王绍武 1998 海洋学报 2044]


    Zhou B T, Wang H J 2007 Chin. Sci. Bull. 52 2194 (in Chinese) [周波涛, 王会军 2007 科学通报 52 2194]


    Guan B, Nigam S 2008 J. Climate 21 2790

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  • Received Date:  20 July 2011
  • Accepted Date:  15 February 2012
  • Published Online:  05 August 2012

