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Studies on the optimization of terahertz emission based on the field ionization current model

Zhang Kai-Yun Du Hai-Wei Chen Min Sheng Zheng-Ming


Studies on the optimization of terahertz emission based on the field ionization current model

Zhang Kai-Yun, Du Hai-Wei, Chen Min, Sheng Zheng-Ming
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  • Based on the theoretical model of field ionization current for terahertz (THz) emission in laser-gas interaction, the parameter optimization for strong THz emission via the two-color laser scheme is explored. It is found from numerical calculation that the ionization current is due mainly to the first-order ionization process and the contribution from high-order ionization is ignorable. In order to produce stronger THz emission, the ionization current can be enhanced by adjusting the amplitude ratio between the fundamental and its second harmonic laser pulses as well as their relative phase difference. The ionization current can also be increased by use of laser pulses at mid-infrared and by changing the gas species. Under the same laser pulse and gas density conditions, the ionization current from the Helium gas is almost twice that from the Neon gas.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11075105, 11121504).

    Ferguson B, Zhang X C 2002 Nature Mater. 1 26


    Chen H T, Padilla W J, Zide J M O, Gossard A C, Taylor A J, Averitt R D 2006 Nature 444 597


    Carr G L, Martin M C, McKinney W R, Jordan K, Neil G R, Williams G P 2002 Nature 420 153


    Abo-Bakr M, Feikes J, Holldack K, Kuske P, Peatman W B, Schade U, Wüstefeld G 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 094801


    Sung C, Tochitsky S Y, Reiche S, Rosenzweig J B, Pellegrini C, Joshi C 2006 Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9 120703


    Hu M, Zhang Y X, Yan Y, Zhong R B, Liu S G 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3877


    Liu S G, Yuan X S, Liu D W, Yan Y, Zhang Y X, Li H F, Zhong R B 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 103114


    Leemans W P, Geddes C G R, Faure J, Tóth C, Tilborg J V, Schroeder C B, Esarey E, Fubiani G, Auerbach D, Marcelis B, Carnahan M A, Kaindl R A, Byrd J, Martin M C 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 074802


    Li C, Zhou M L, Ding W J, Du F, Liu F, Li Y T, Wang W M, Sheng Z M, Ma J L, Chen L M, Lu X, Dong Q L, Wang Z H, Lou Z, Shi S C, Wei Z Y, Zhang J 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 036405


    Jin Z, Chen Z L, Zhuo H B, Kon A, Nakatsutsumi M, Wang H B, Zhang B H, Gu Y Q, Wu Y C, Zhu B, Wang L, Yu M Y, Sheng Z M, Kodama R 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 265003


    Wu H C, Sheng Z M, Zhang J 2008 Phys. Rev. E 77 046405


    Sprangle P, Penano J R, Hafizi B, Kapetanakos C A 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 066415


    Cook D J, Hochstrasser R M 2000 Opt. Lett. 25 1210


    Thomson M D, Kress M, Loeffler T, Roskos H G 2007 Laser Photon. Rev. 1 349


    Zhang Y, Chen Y, Marceau C, Liu W, Sun Z D, Xu S, Théberge F, Châteauneuf M, Dubois J, Chin S L 2008 Opt. Express 16 15483


    Kress M, Löffler T, Thomson M D, Dörner R, Gimpel H, Zrost K, Ergler T, Moshammer R, Morgner U, Ullrich J, Roskos H G 2006 Nat. Phys. 2 327


    Kim K Y, Glownia J H, Taylor A J, Rodriguez G 2007 Opt. Express 15 4577


    Wu H C, Meyer-terVehn J, Sheng Z M 2008 New J. Phys. 10 043001


    Zhou Z Y, Zhang D W, Zhao Z X, Yuan J M 2009 Phys. Rev. A 79 063413


    Chen M, Pukhov A, Peng X Y, Willi O 2008 Phys. Rev. E 78 046406


    Penetrante B M, Bardsley J N 1991 Phys. Rev. A 43 3100


    Kemp A J, Pfund R E W, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 5648


    Du H W, Chen M, Sheng Z M, Zhang J 2011 Laser Part. Beams 29 447


    Frolov M V, Manakov N L, Sarantseva T S, Emelin M Y, Ryabikin M Y, Starace A F 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 243901


    Gingras G, Tripathi A, Witzel B 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 173001


    Quan W, Lin Z, Wu M, Kang H, Liu H, Liu X, Chen J, Liu J, He X T, Chen S G, Xiong H, Guo L, Xu H, Fu Y, Cheng Y, Xu Z Z 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 093001


    Wang W M, Kawata S, Sheng Z M, Li Y T, Chen L M, Qian L J, Zhang J 2011 Opt. Lett. 14 2608


    Sun H Q, Zhao G Z, Zhang C L, Yang G Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 790 (in Chinese) [孙红起, 赵国忠, 张存林, 杨国桢 2008 57 790]


    Qi C C, Ouyang Z B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 090704 (in Chinese) [祁春超, 欧阳征标 2011 60 090704]


    Löffler T, Jacob F, Roskos H G 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 453


    Houard A, Liu Y, Prade B, Tikhonchuk V T, Mysyrowicz A 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 255006


    Sun W F, Zhou Y S, Wang X K, Zhang Y 2008 Opt. Express 16 16573


    Chen Y, Wang T, Marceau C, Théberge F, Châteauneuf M, Dubois J, Kosareva O, Chin S L 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 101101


    Jia W L, Shi W, Ji W L, Ma D M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3845 (in Chinese) [贾婉丽, 施卫, 纪卫莉, 马德明 2007 56 3845]


    Wang W M, Sheng Z M, Dong X G, Du H W, Li Y T, Zhang J 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 107 023113

  • [1]

    Ferguson B, Zhang X C 2002 Nature Mater. 1 26


    Chen H T, Padilla W J, Zide J M O, Gossard A C, Taylor A J, Averitt R D 2006 Nature 444 597


    Carr G L, Martin M C, McKinney W R, Jordan K, Neil G R, Williams G P 2002 Nature 420 153


    Abo-Bakr M, Feikes J, Holldack K, Kuske P, Peatman W B, Schade U, Wüstefeld G 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 094801


    Sung C, Tochitsky S Y, Reiche S, Rosenzweig J B, Pellegrini C, Joshi C 2006 Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9 120703


    Hu M, Zhang Y X, Yan Y, Zhong R B, Liu S G 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3877


    Liu S G, Yuan X S, Liu D W, Yan Y, Zhang Y X, Li H F, Zhong R B 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 103114


    Leemans W P, Geddes C G R, Faure J, Tóth C, Tilborg J V, Schroeder C B, Esarey E, Fubiani G, Auerbach D, Marcelis B, Carnahan M A, Kaindl R A, Byrd J, Martin M C 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 074802


    Li C, Zhou M L, Ding W J, Du F, Liu F, Li Y T, Wang W M, Sheng Z M, Ma J L, Chen L M, Lu X, Dong Q L, Wang Z H, Lou Z, Shi S C, Wei Z Y, Zhang J 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 036405


    Jin Z, Chen Z L, Zhuo H B, Kon A, Nakatsutsumi M, Wang H B, Zhang B H, Gu Y Q, Wu Y C, Zhu B, Wang L, Yu M Y, Sheng Z M, Kodama R 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 265003


    Wu H C, Sheng Z M, Zhang J 2008 Phys. Rev. E 77 046405


    Sprangle P, Penano J R, Hafizi B, Kapetanakos C A 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 066415


    Cook D J, Hochstrasser R M 2000 Opt. Lett. 25 1210


    Thomson M D, Kress M, Loeffler T, Roskos H G 2007 Laser Photon. Rev. 1 349


    Zhang Y, Chen Y, Marceau C, Liu W, Sun Z D, Xu S, Théberge F, Châteauneuf M, Dubois J, Chin S L 2008 Opt. Express 16 15483


    Kress M, Löffler T, Thomson M D, Dörner R, Gimpel H, Zrost K, Ergler T, Moshammer R, Morgner U, Ullrich J, Roskos H G 2006 Nat. Phys. 2 327


    Kim K Y, Glownia J H, Taylor A J, Rodriguez G 2007 Opt. Express 15 4577


    Wu H C, Meyer-terVehn J, Sheng Z M 2008 New J. Phys. 10 043001


    Zhou Z Y, Zhang D W, Zhao Z X, Yuan J M 2009 Phys. Rev. A 79 063413


    Chen M, Pukhov A, Peng X Y, Willi O 2008 Phys. Rev. E 78 046406


    Penetrante B M, Bardsley J N 1991 Phys. Rev. A 43 3100


    Kemp A J, Pfund R E W, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 5648


    Du H W, Chen M, Sheng Z M, Zhang J 2011 Laser Part. Beams 29 447


    Frolov M V, Manakov N L, Sarantseva T S, Emelin M Y, Ryabikin M Y, Starace A F 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 243901


    Gingras G, Tripathi A, Witzel B 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 173001


    Quan W, Lin Z, Wu M, Kang H, Liu H, Liu X, Chen J, Liu J, He X T, Chen S G, Xiong H, Guo L, Xu H, Fu Y, Cheng Y, Xu Z Z 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 093001


    Wang W M, Kawata S, Sheng Z M, Li Y T, Chen L M, Qian L J, Zhang J 2011 Opt. Lett. 14 2608


    Sun H Q, Zhao G Z, Zhang C L, Yang G Z 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 790 (in Chinese) [孙红起, 赵国忠, 张存林, 杨国桢 2008 57 790]


    Qi C C, Ouyang Z B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 090704 (in Chinese) [祁春超, 欧阳征标 2011 60 090704]


    Löffler T, Jacob F, Roskos H G 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 453


    Houard A, Liu Y, Prade B, Tikhonchuk V T, Mysyrowicz A 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 255006


    Sun W F, Zhou Y S, Wang X K, Zhang Y 2008 Opt. Express 16 16573


    Chen Y, Wang T, Marceau C, Théberge F, Châteauneuf M, Dubois J, Kosareva O, Chin S L 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 101101


    Jia W L, Shi W, Ji W L, Ma D M 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3845 (in Chinese) [贾婉丽, 施卫, 纪卫莉, 马德明 2007 56 3845]


    Wang W M, Sheng Z M, Dong X G, Du H W, Li Y T, Zhang J 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 107 023113

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  • Received Date:  14 January 2012
  • Accepted Date:  13 February 2012
  • Published Online:  05 August 2012

