Based on the diffraction theory model of hot-images, the formation mechanism of the hot-images induced by the defects with random size and position distribution in a high power laser system is theoretically investigated by using the propagation matrix of the spatial spectrum. For the comparison with the theoretical results, the evolution of the hot-images induced by defects with random distribution is also numerically investigated. Furthermore, the relationship describing the tendency of the hot-image intensity with the number or size range of the defects is analyzed by employing statistical theory. The results show that the hot-image intensity will reach a maximum if the size of the corresponding defect approaches a specific value, and that there exists a corresponding relation between the transverse position of the hot-image point with the maximum intensity and the defect distribution. It is also found that the intensity of the hot-image has an upward trend with both the size range and the number of defects within a certain scope increasing. However, the tendency will be steady when the probability of the defects with the most risk of damage size reaches a certain value. Such results maybe provide a guidance for improving cleanliness of the optical components.
- hot-image /
- random distribution defects /
- high power laser /
- nonlinear medium
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[1] Baranova N B, Bykovskii N E, Zel’dovich B Ya, Senatskii Yu V 1975 Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 4 1362
[2] Hunt J T, Manes K R, Renard P A 1993 Appl. Opt. 32 5973
[3] Williams W H, Renard P A, Manes K R, Hunt J T, Reynard P A, Milam D, Eimerl D 1996 UCRL-LR-105821-96-1
[4] Widmayer C C, Milam D, DeSzoeke S P 1997 Appl. Opt. 36 9342
[5] Xie L P, Zhao J L, Su J Q, Jing F, Wang W Y, Peng H S 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 2175 (in Chinese) [谢良平、赵建林、粟敬钦、景 峰、王文义、彭翰生 2004 53 2175]
[6] Xie L P, Su J Q, Jing F, Zhao J L, Wang W Y, Wang X, Peng Z T 2004 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 16 547(in Chinese) [谢良平、粟敬钦、景 峰、赵建林、王文义、王 逍、彭志涛 2004 强激光与粒子束 16 547]
[7] Xie L P, Zhao J L, Jing F 2005 Appl. Opt. 44 2553
[8] Xie L P, Jing F, Zhao J L, Su J Q, Wang W Y, Peng H S 2004 Opt. Commun. 236 343
[9] Wang Y W, Deng J Q, Chen L Z, Wen S C, You K M 2009 Chin. Phys. Lett. 26 024205-1
[10] Wang Y W, Wen S C, Zhang L F, Hu Y H, Fan D Y 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 1152
[11] Wang Y W, Wen S C, You K M, Tang Z X, Deng J Q, Zhang L F, Fan D Y 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 5668
[12] Peng T, Zhao J L, Xie L P, Ye Z J, Li Q, Su J Q 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3255(in Chinese) [彭 涛、赵建林、谢良平、叶知隽、李 强、粟敬钦 2007 56 3255]
[13] Peng T, Zhao J L, Xie L P, Ye Z J, Wei H H, Su J Q, Zhao J P 2007 Appl. Opt. 46 3205
[14] Peng T, Zhao J L, Li D, Ye Z J, Cai Z B 2010 Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 49 11101p1
[15] Peng T, Zhao J L, Li D, Xie L P, Ye Z J 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 1884
[16] Li D, Zhao J L, Peng T, Ye Z J 2008 Opt. Eng. 47 114202-1
[17] Zhang C L, Jing F, Yang X L, Hu D X, Peng Z T, Liu H J 2006 Chin. J. Lasers 33 166(in Chinese) [张春玲、景 峰、杨小丽、胡东霞、彭志涛、刘红婕 2006 中国激光 33 166]
[18] Zhou L D, Su J Q, Liu L Q, Wang W Y, Wang F, Mo L, Li P, Zhang X M 2009 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 21 326(in Chinese) [周丽丹、粟敬钦、刘兰琴、王文义、王 方、莫 磊、李 平、张小民 2009 强激光与粒子束 21 326]
[19] Bespalov V I, Talanov V I 1966 JETP Lett. 3 307
[20] Honig J 2004 Opt. Eng. 43 2094
[21] Lawson J K, Wolfe C R, Manes K R, Trertholme J B, Aikens D M, English E Jr. 1995 SPIE 2536 38
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