Dual-wavelength external cavity resonance is achieved by Hansch-Couillaud(HC) frequency locking technology based on diffusion bonded KTP crystal. The HC frequency locking scheme based on diffusion bonded KTP crystal is analyzed theoretically and experimentally. The results show that the laser frequency can be locked to the resonance peak of e1-light or e2-light, compared with the results of a single KTP crystal. The longitude mode frequency of bow-tie cavity is locked at the frequency of 938nm laser firstly, and then the longitude mode frequency of bow-tie cavity is locked at the frequency of 1583 nm laser. The phase correlated locking of three components is realized.
- diffusion bonded KTP crystal /
- Hansch-Couillaud frequency locking /
- dual-wavelength external cavity resonance
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[1] Mimoun E, De Sarlo L, Zondy J J, Dalibard J, Gerbier F 2009 Phys. Opt. 37 10
[2] Kumagai H 2007 Opt. Lett. 32 1
[3] Kumagai H, Asakawa Y, Fujii T, Midorikawa K, Obara M 2001 Riken Review 33
[4] Kaneda Y, Kubota S 1995 Opt. Lett. 20 21
[5] Bienfang J C, Denman C A, Grime B W, Hillman P D, Moore G T, Telle J M 2003 Opt. Lett. 28 22
[6] Denman C A, Hillman P D, Moore G T, Telle J M, Preston J E, Drummond J D, Fugate R Q 2005 Advanced Solid-State Photonics
[7] Drever R W P, Hall J L, Kowalski F V, Hough J, Ford G M, Munley A J, Ward H 1983 Appl. Phys. B 31 97
[8] Hansch T W, Couillaud B 1980 Opt. Commun. 35 3
[9] Boon-Engering J M, Van der Veer W E, Bente E A J M, Hogervorst W 1997 Opt. Commun. 140
[10] Gharavi M, Lehnasch G, Buckley S G 2001 2nd Joint Meeting of the US Sections of the Combustion Institute March
[11] Cui Q J, Xu Y T, Zong N, Lu Y F, Cheng X K, Peng Q J, Bo Y, Cui D F, Xu Z Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3 (in Chinese) [崔前进、徐一汀、宗 楠、鲁远甫、程贤坤、彭钦军、薄 勇、崔大复、许祖彦 2009 58 3]
[12] Liu J, Xie C D, Lian Y M, Gao J R, Peng K C 1991 Acta Optica Sinica 11 5 (in Chinese) [刘 晶、谢常德、廉毅敏、郜江瑞、彭堃墀 1991 光学学报 11 5]
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