Using the direct and diffuse solar radiation data during 1961—2009 from 14 stations and during 1961—1991 from 49 stations in China, and the method of linear regression (taken time as an independent variable), wavelet analysis and Mann-Kendall statistical test, we analyze the characteristics of the direct and diffusion radiation from different aspects including decadal variation, long-term seasonal change, inter-decadal anomaly, cycle and abrupt change. The results are as follows. 1) The spatial and temporal distribution of the climatic trend for the direct and diffuse radiation are revealed by using the normalized climatic tendency coefficient. At the same time, these results are comparable. 2) The direct solar and diffuse radiation in China show decreasing trend, but there are many differences in region, inter-annual and seasonal trend. 3) Based on the characteristics of the geographical distribution on observation stations and according to the climate zone, the classification and the statistical analysis of the percentage of site occupation the long-term changes of the radiation can be clearly shown to have the characteristics of area and local difference. 4) Using wavelet and Mann-Kendall test method, the statistical results show that the radiations in different regions have different periods and abrupt change. 5)The long-term variations of the direct and diffuse radiation in most big cities turn to decrease more obviously than in other cities. Some. Other studies show that such a climatic phenomenon may be caused by environmental factor change of urbanization related to the difference in development speed between cities.
- direct radiation /
- diffuse radiation /
- trend of change /
- wavelet analysis
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[21] Skartveit A, Olseth J A 1997 Proceedings of the Third Satellight Meeting Les Marecottes, Switzerland, January 16—17,1997 p1
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[23] "Climatological Atlas of the People’s republic of China" Editorial Board 2002 Climatological Atlas of the People’s Republic of China. (Beijing: China meteorological Press) p6—7 (in Chinese)
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[27] Du C L, Shen X Y, Chen W M, Shi S H 2008 J. Nanjing Inst. Meteorol. 31 200 [杜春丽、 沈新勇、 陈渭民、 施帅红 2008 南京气象学院学报 31 200]
[28] Zhang X Q, Peng L L, Zheng D, Tao J 2007 Acta Geograph. Sin. 62 959 (in Chinese) [张雪芹、 彭莉莉、 郑 度、 陶 杰 2007地理学报 62 959]
[29] Wang B Z, Pan G D 1982 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 40 443 (in Chinese) [王炳忠、 潘根娣 1982 气象学报 40 443]
[30] Du J, Bian D, Hu J, Liao J, Zhou M J 2007 Acta Geograph. Sin. 62 492 (in Chinese) [杜 军、 边 多、 胡 军、 廖 健、 周明君 2007地理学报 62 492 ]
[31] Sun X M, Han Y P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 682 (in Chinese) [孙贤明、 韩一平 2006 55 682]
[32] Shen Y B, Zhao Z C, Shi G Y 2008 Adv. Earth Scie. 23 915 (in Chinese) [申彦波、 赵宗慈、 石广玉 2008 地球科学进展23 915 ]
[33] Han Y, Wang T J, Rao R Z, Wang Y J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7396 (in Chinese) [韩 永、 王体健、 饶瑞忠、 王英俭 2008 57 7396]
[34] Wang B Z, Liu G S 1992 Acta Energ. Solar. Sin. 13 79 (in Chinese) [王炳忠、 刘庚山 1992 太阳能学报 13 79]
[35] Zeng Y, Qiu X F, He Y J, Liu C M 2008 Chin. J. Geophys. 51 991 (in Chinese) [曾 燕、 邱新法、 何永健、 刘昌明 2008 地球 51 991]
[1] Zuo D K, Zhou Y H, Xiang Y Q, Zhu Z H, Xie X Q 1991 Studies on Radiation in the Epigeosphere (Beijing: Science Press) p1 (in Chinese) [左大康、 周允华、 项月琴、 朱志辉、 谢贤群 1991 地球表层辐射研究 (北京:科学出版社)第1页]
[2] Shi Y L, Chen C Y, He X J, Rong D G, Shen C J 2006 Resource Science (Beijing: Higher Education Press) p395—396 (in Chinese) [石玉林、 陈传友、 何贤杰、 容洞谷、 沈长江 2006资源科学 (北京: 高等教育出版社) 第395—396页]
[3] Xia X A 2010 Ann. Geophys. 28 1121
[4] Chen D, Zhou B, Hao N, Chen L M 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 5555 (in Chinese) [陈 丹、 周 斌、 郝 楠、陈立民 2006 55 5555]
[5] Luo Y F, Lü D R, Li W L, Zhou X J 2000 Chin. Sci. Bull. 45 549 (in Chinese) [罗云峰、 吕达仁、 李维亮、 周秀骥 2000 科学通报 45 549]
[6] "Atmospheric Science Dictionary" Editorial Board 1994 Atmospheric Science Dictionary (Beijing: China Meteorological Press) p803 (in Chinese)
[7] Zha L S 1996 Sci. Geograph. Sin. 16 232 (in Chinese) [查良松 1996 地理科学 16 232]
[8] Shi G Y, Hayasaka T, Ohmura A, Chen Z H, Wang B, Zhao J Q, Che H Z, Xu L 2008 J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol. 47 1006
[9] Yang S P, Wang K L, Lü S H 2007 Acta Energ. Solar. Sin. 28 227 (in Chinese) [杨胜朋、 王可丽、 吕世华 2007 太阳能学报 28 227]
[10] Li X W, Li W L, Zhou X J 1998 Quart. J. Appl. Meteorol. 9 24 (in Chinese) [李晓文、 李维亮、 周秀骥 1998 应用气象学报 9 24 ]
[11] Che H Z, Shi G Y, Zhang X Y, Arimoto R, Zhao J Q, Xu L, Wang B, Chen Z H 2005 Geophys. Res. Lett. 32 L06803
[12] Gilgen H, Wild M, Ohmura A 1998 J. Clim. 11 2042
[13] Wild M 2009 J. Geophys. Res. 114 D00D16
[14] Wild M, Gilgen H, Roesch A, Ohmura A, Long C N, Dutton E G, Forgan B, Kallis A, Russak V, Tsvetkov A 2005 Science 308 847
[15] Wen X H, Shang K Z,Wang S G, Yang D B, Fan W Y 2008 J. Desert Res. 28 554 (in Chinese) [文小航、 尚可政、 王式功、 杨德保、 樊文雁 2008 中国沙漠28 554]
[16] Zhang Y L, Qin B Q, Chen W M 2004 Theor. Appl. Clim. 78 217
[17] Zhu C H 1985 Acta Energ. Solar. Sin. 6 1 (in Chinese) [祝昌汉 1985 太阳能学报 6 1]
[18] Zhu C H 1984 Acta Energ. Solar. Sin. 5 242 (in Chinese) [祝昌汉 1984 太阳能学报 5 242]
[19] Zhao D, Luo Y, Gao G, Zhu C H 2009 Acta Energ. Solar. Sin. 30 946 (in Chinese) [赵 东、 罗 勇、 高 歌、 祝昌汉 2009 太阳能学报 30 946]
[20] Wen D M, Zhang W Z 1984 J. Nanjing Inst. Meteorol. 1 28 (in Chinese) [翁笃鸣、 张文宗 1984 南京气象学院学报 1 28]
[21] Skartveit A, Olseth J A 1997 Proceedings of the Third Satellight Meeting Les Marecottes, Switzerland, January 16—17,1997 p1
[22] Li R, Ji G L, Yang W, Lü L Z, Zhou X P 2004 Plat. Meteorol. 23 116 (in Chinese) [李 韧、 季国良、 杨 文、 吕兰芝、 周晓平 2004 高原气象23 116 ]
[23] "Climatological Atlas of the People’s republic of China" Editorial Board 2002 Climatological Atlas of the People’s Republic of China. (Beijing: China meteorological Press) p6—7 (in Chinese)
[24] Wei F Y 2007 Statistic Diagnose and Foreshadow Technology in Present Climate (Beijing: Meteorological Press) (in Chinese) [魏凤英 2007现代气候统计诊断与预测技术 (北京: 气象出版社)]
[25] Fu C B, Wang Q 1992 Chin. J. Atmosph. Sci. 16 482 (in Chinese) [符淙斌、 王 强 1992 大气科学 16 482]
[26] Zhao D 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Nanjing: Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology) (in Chinese) [赵 东 2009 博士学位论文 (南京: 南京信息工程大学)]
[27] Du C L, Shen X Y, Chen W M, Shi S H 2008 J. Nanjing Inst. Meteorol. 31 200 [杜春丽、 沈新勇、 陈渭民、 施帅红 2008 南京气象学院学报 31 200]
[28] Zhang X Q, Peng L L, Zheng D, Tao J 2007 Acta Geograph. Sin. 62 959 (in Chinese) [张雪芹、 彭莉莉、 郑 度、 陶 杰 2007地理学报 62 959]
[29] Wang B Z, Pan G D 1982 Acta Meteorol. Sin. 40 443 (in Chinese) [王炳忠、 潘根娣 1982 气象学报 40 443]
[30] Du J, Bian D, Hu J, Liao J, Zhou M J 2007 Acta Geograph. Sin. 62 492 (in Chinese) [杜 军、 边 多、 胡 军、 廖 健、 周明君 2007地理学报 62 492 ]
[31] Sun X M, Han Y P 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 682 (in Chinese) [孙贤明、 韩一平 2006 55 682]
[32] Shen Y B, Zhao Z C, Shi G Y 2008 Adv. Earth Scie. 23 915 (in Chinese) [申彦波、 赵宗慈、 石广玉 2008 地球科学进展23 915 ]
[33] Han Y, Wang T J, Rao R Z, Wang Y J 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 7396 (in Chinese) [韩 永、 王体健、 饶瑞忠、 王英俭 2008 57 7396]
[34] Wang B Z, Liu G S 1992 Acta Energ. Solar. Sin. 13 79 (in Chinese) [王炳忠、 刘庚山 1992 太阳能学报 13 79]
[35] Zeng Y, Qiu X F, He Y J, Liu C M 2008 Chin. J. Geophys. 51 991 (in Chinese) [曾 燕、 邱新法、 何永健、 刘昌明 2008 地球 51 991]
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