The Hamiltonian operator of a system of V-type three-level atomic Bose-Einstein condensation interacting with two-mode squeezed coherent light field is analyzed in terms of the lattice-liquid model. It is indicated that the contribution of the interaction between atoms to the Hamiltonian in the literature is irrational,so the Hamiltonian operator is improved and the squeezing properties of atomic laser coupled output from the system of V-type three-level atomic Bose-Einstein condensation interacting with two-mode squeezed coherent light field are studied. The results show that the interaction intensity of light-atoms in the Bose-Eimtein condenation has evident influence on the fluctuations of two quadrature components of the atomic laser.
- Bose-Einstein condensation /
- V-type three-level atom /
- squeezed coherent state /
- squeezed atomic laser
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[1] Anderson M H, Ensher J R, Matthews M R, Wieman C E 1995 Science 269 198
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