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Shot noise measurement methods in electronic devices

Zhuang Yi-Qi Bao Jun-Lin Sun Peng Wang Ting-Lan Chen Wen-Hao Du Lei He Liang Chen Hua


Shot noise measurement methods in electronic devices

Zhuang Yi-Qi, Bao Jun-Lin, Sun Peng, Wang Ting-Lan, Chen Wen-Hao, Du Lei, He Liang, Chen Hua
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  • The limitations to shot noise measurement methods based on superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) and superconductivity-insulation-superconductor (SIS) Josephson junction are pointed out, and a method to measure the shot noises of conventional electronic devices is proposed. Shot noise characteristics of conventional electronic devices are analyzed, and then a low-temperature measurement system is established. By using a double-shielding construction and low noise preamplifier, the test system can achieve a good electromagnetic interference shielding and low background noise. The theoretical and the experimental results of shot noises in diodes at 10 K are in good agreement with each other. The accuracy and the credibility of measurement system are proved.

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    Jeon J,Lee J,Kim J,Park C H,Lee H,Oh H,Kang H K,Park B G,Shin H 2009 VLSI Technology, 2009 Symposium on, Kyoto, Japan, June 16—18, 2009,48


    Jehl X,Payet-Burin P,Baraduc C,Calemczuk R,Sanquer M 1999 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 2711


    Onac E,Balestro F,Trauzettel B,Lodewijk C F,Kouwenhoven L P 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 026803


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    Pralgauskaite S,Palenskis V,Matukas J,Petrulis J,KurilCik G 2007 Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials, Florence, Italy, May 21, 2007 66001H


    Pralgauskait S,Palenskis V,Matukas J,Vizbaras A 2007 Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials, Florence, Italy, May 21, 2007 66000L


    Gomila G,Pennetta C,Reggiani L,Sampietro M,Ferrari G,Bertuccio G 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 226601


    Charalambous C D,Menemenlis N 2001 Communications, 2001. ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on, Helsinki, Finland, Jun 11—14, 2001,2246


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    Vandamme L 2005 Advanced Experimental Methods For Noise Research in Nanoscale Electronic Devices 189


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  • [1]

    Schottky W,Ann 1918 Phys. 57 541


    Zhang Z Y,Wang T H 2004 Acta Phy.Sin. 53 942(in Chinese)[张志勇、王太宏 2004 53 942]


    Beenakker C,Sch nenberger C 2003 Phys. Today 56 37


    Blanter Y,Büttiker M 2000 Physics Reports 336 1


    Andersson S,Svensson C 2005 Electron. Lett. 41 869


    Jehl X,Payet-Burin P,Baraduc C,Calemczuk R,Sanquer M 1999 Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 1660


    Bulashenko O,Mateos J,Pardo D,Gonz T,Reggiani L,Rubí J 1998 Phys. Rev. B 57 1366


    Sim H S,Schomerus H 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 066801


    McNeill J A 2009 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference 2009 CICC '09. IEEE, San Jose, Sept. 13—16, 2009, 567


    Obrecht M S,Abou-Allam E,Manku T 2002 Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 49 524


    Yan C,Guofu N,Rezvani A,Taylor S S 2008 Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems 2008. SiRF 2008. IEEE Topical Meeting on, Orlando, Jan. 23—25, 2008,118


    Chen C,Deen M 2002 Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 49 1484


    Klein P 2002 Electron Device Letters, IEEE 20 399


    Navid R,Dutton R 2002 Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices, 2002 SISPAD 2002. International Conference on, Kobe, Japan, Sept 4—6, 2002, 75


    Navid R,Jungemann C,Lee T,Dutton R 2007 J. Appl. Phys. 101 124501


    Jeon J,Lee J,Kim J,Park C H,Lee H,Oh H,Kang H K,Park B G,Shin H 2009 VLSI Technology, 2009 Symposium on, Kyoto, Japan, June 16—18, 2009,48


    Jehl X,Payet-Burin P,Baraduc C,Calemczuk R,Sanquer M 1999 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 70 2711


    Onac E,Balestro F,Trauzettel B,Lodewijk C F,Kouwenhoven L P 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 026803


    Steinbach A H,Martinis J M,Devoret M H 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 3806


    Pralgauskaite S,Palenskis V,Matukas J,Petrulis J,KurilCik G 2007 Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials, Florence, Italy, May 21, 2007 66001H


    Pralgauskait S,Palenskis V,Matukas J,Vizbaras A 2007 Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials, Florence, Italy, May 21, 2007 66000L


    Gomila G,Pennetta C,Reggiani L,Sampietro M,Ferrari G,Bertuccio G 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 226601


    Charalambous C D,Menemenlis N 2001 Communications, 2001. ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on, Helsinki, Finland, Jun 11—14, 2001,2246


    Charalambous C D,Menemenlis N,Kabranov O H,Makrakis D 2001 Communications, 2001. ICC 2001. IEEE International Conference on, Helsinki, Finland, Jun 11—14, 2001,1011


    Nagaev K E 1995 Phys. Rev. B 52 4740


    Kozub V V,Rudin A M 1995 Phys. Rev. B 52 7853


    Vandamme L 2005 Advanced Experimental Methods For Noise Research in Nanoscale Electronic Devices 189


    Cowley A M,Zettler R A 1968 Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on 15 761


    Montgomery H C,Clark M A 1953 Journal of Applied Physics 24 1337


    Gomila G,Reggiani L,Rub X M J 2000 Journal of Applied Physics 88 3079

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  • Received Date:  06 September 2010
  • Accepted Date:  11 January 2011
  • Published Online:  15 May 2011

