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Numerical simulation on the effect of shielding gas on the plasma cutting arc

Li Hui Zhou Qian-Hong Guo Wen-Kang


Numerical simulation on the effect of shielding gas on the plasma cutting arc

Li Hui, Zhou Qian-Hong, Guo Wen-Kang
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  • By comparing two diffierent torch geometries, it was found that the shielding flow has no significant effect on plasma velocity and temperature,except in the shock wave region. The shielding flow decreases the shock wave, and increases the arc voltage due to cooling. In the impinging geometry, shielding flow will crash the plasma jet after the nozzle exit and slightly increase the pressure in the torch. It was also shown that the component of shielding gas has no significant effect on plasma cuttingarc. The mole fraction of oxygen decreases very slowly along the axis and is still more than 90% at 10 mm downstream the nozzle exit.

    Gage R M 1957 U. S. Patent 2806124


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    Ramakrishnan S, Gershenzon M, Polivka F, Kearny T N, Rogozinsky M W 1997 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 25 937


    Pardo C, Gonzalez-Aguilar J, Rodriguez-Yunta A, Calderon M A G 1999 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32 2181


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    Freton P, Gonzalez J J, Peyret F C, Glezes A 2003 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36 1269


    Girard L, Teulet Ph, Raza-nimanana M, Gleizes A, Camy-Peyret F, Ballot E, Richard F 2006 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39 1543


    Peters J, Yin F, Borges C F M, Heberlein J, Hackett C 2005 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38 1781


    Peters J, Heberlein J, Lindsay J 2007 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 3960


    Nemchinsky V A, Showalter M S 2003 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36 704


    Peters J, Bartlett B, Lindsay J, Heberlein J 2008 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 28 331


    Bini R, Colosimo B M, Kutlu A E, Monno M 2008 J. Mater. Process Tech. 196 345


    Gonzalez-Aguilar J, Pardo C, Rodriguez-Yunita A, Calderon M A G 1999 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 27 264


    Patankar S V 1980 Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. (New York: McGraw-Hill)


    Ghorui S, Heberlein J V R, Pfender E 2007 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 1966


    Colombo V, Concetti A, Ghedini E, Dallavalle S, Vancini M 2008 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36 389


    Zhou Q H, Li H, Xu X, Liu F, Guo S F, Chang X J, Guo W K, Xu P 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 015210


    Zhou Q H, Li H, Xu X, Liu F, Guo S F, Chang X J, Guo W K, Xu P 2008 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 6 729


    Zhou Q H, Yin H T, Li H, Xu X, Liu F, Guo S F, Chang X J, Guo W K, Xu P 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 095208


    Guo S F, Zhou Q H, Guo W K, Xu P 2010 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 30 121


    Naghizadeh-Kashani Y, Cressault Y, Gleizes A 2002 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35 2925


    Murphy A B 1995 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 15 279


    Murphy A B 1994 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 14 451


    Fluent Inc. 2001 FLUENT Users Guide


    Yakhot V, Orszag S A 1986 Journal of Scientic Computing 1 1


    Jayatilleke C 1969 Prog. Heat Mass Transfer 1 193


    Shih T H, Liou W W, Shabbir A, Yang Z, Zhu J 1995 Computers Fluids 24 227


    Reynolds W C 1987 Lecture Notes for von Karman Institute Agard Report No. 755


    Launder B E 1989 Inter. J. Heat Fluid Flow 10 282


    Launder B E, Reece G J, Rodi W 1975 J. Fluid Mech. 68 537


    Lien F S, Leschziner M A 1994 Computers and Fluids 23 983


    Yuan X Q, Li H, Zhao T Z, Wang F, Guo W K, Xu P 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 788 (in Chinese) [袁行球、李 辉、 赵太泽、 王 飞、 郭文康、 须 平2004 53 788]


    Yuan X Q, Li H, Zhao T Z, Wang F, Yu G Y, Guo W K, Xu P 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3806(in Chinese) 〖袁行球、李 辉、 赵太泽、 王 飞、 俞国扬、 郭文康、 须 平2004 53 3806]

  • [1]

    Gage R M 1957 U. S. Patent 2806124


    Nemchinsky V A, Severance W S 2006 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39 423


    Ramakrishnan S, Rogozinski M W 1997 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 30 636


    Ramakrishnan S, Gershenzon M, Polivka F, Kearny T N, Rogozinsky M W 1997 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 25 937


    Pardo C, Gonzalez-Aguilar J, Rodriguez-Yunta A, Calderon M A G 1999 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32 2181


    Freton P, Gonzalez J J, Gleizes A, Peyret F C, Caillibotte G, Delzenne M 2002 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35 115


    Freton P, Gonzalez J J, Peyret F C, Glezes A 2003 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36 1269


    Girard L, Teulet Ph, Raza-nimanana M, Gleizes A, Camy-Peyret F, Ballot E, Richard F 2006 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39 1543


    Peters J, Yin F, Borges C F M, Heberlein J, Hackett C 2005 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38 1781


    Peters J, Heberlein J, Lindsay J 2007 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 3960


    Nemchinsky V A, Showalter M S 2003 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36 704


    Peters J, Bartlett B, Lindsay J, Heberlein J 2008 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 28 331


    Bini R, Colosimo B M, Kutlu A E, Monno M 2008 J. Mater. Process Tech. 196 345


    Gonzalez-Aguilar J, Pardo C, Rodriguez-Yunita A, Calderon M A G 1999 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 27 264


    Patankar S V 1980 Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. (New York: McGraw-Hill)


    Ghorui S, Heberlein J V R, Pfender E 2007 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40 1966


    Colombo V, Concetti A, Ghedini E, Dallavalle S, Vancini M 2008 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 36 389


    Zhou Q H, Li H, Xu X, Liu F, Guo S F, Chang X J, Guo W K, Xu P 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 015210


    Zhou Q H, Li H, Xu X, Liu F, Guo S F, Chang X J, Guo W K, Xu P 2008 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 6 729


    Zhou Q H, Yin H T, Li H, Xu X, Liu F, Guo S F, Chang X J, Guo W K, Xu P 2009 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 095208


    Guo S F, Zhou Q H, Guo W K, Xu P 2010 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 30 121


    Naghizadeh-Kashani Y, Cressault Y, Gleizes A 2002 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35 2925


    Murphy A B 1995 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 15 279


    Murphy A B 1994 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process 14 451


    Fluent Inc. 2001 FLUENT Users Guide


    Yakhot V, Orszag S A 1986 Journal of Scientic Computing 1 1


    Jayatilleke C 1969 Prog. Heat Mass Transfer 1 193


    Shih T H, Liou W W, Shabbir A, Yang Z, Zhu J 1995 Computers Fluids 24 227


    Reynolds W C 1987 Lecture Notes for von Karman Institute Agard Report No. 755


    Launder B E 1989 Inter. J. Heat Fluid Flow 10 282


    Launder B E, Reece G J, Rodi W 1975 J. Fluid Mech. 68 537


    Lien F S, Leschziner M A 1994 Computers and Fluids 23 983


    Yuan X Q, Li H, Zhao T Z, Wang F, Guo W K, Xu P 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 788 (in Chinese) [袁行球、李 辉、 赵太泽、 王 飞、 郭文康、 须 平2004 53 788]


    Yuan X Q, Li H, Zhao T Z, Wang F, Yu G Y, Guo W K, Xu P 2004 Acta Phys. Sin. 53 3806(in Chinese) 〖袁行球、李 辉、 赵太泽、 王 飞、 俞国扬、 郭文康、 须 平2004 53 3806]

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  • Received Date:  03 February 2010
  • Accepted Date:  31 March 2010
  • Published Online:  05 January 2011

