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Analysis of variation in geomagnetic field of Chinese mainland based on comprehensive model CM4

Feng Yan An Zhen-Chang Mao Fei Sun Han


Analysis of variation in geomagnetic field of Chinese mainland based on comprehensive model CM4

Feng Yan, An Zhen-Chang, Mao Fei, Sun Han
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  • The fourth generation of comprehensive model of geomagnetic field CM4 is a numerical model in which earths magnetic field can completely be divided into internal and external parts. In this paper we have calculated and plotted the grid values of internal and external fields of Chinese mainland in every 10 a from 1960 to 2000 by combining CM4 with Taylor polynomial model based on all survey data during 1960—2000, and made more efforts to analyze the whole distribution of crustal anomaly field. Results show that internal field value of northern component X decreased with time. The amplitude was about 750 nT in the period from 1960 to 2000, the trend of external field variation increased in 1960, then gradually decreased about 32 nT until 2000. The internal field value of eastern component Y decreased first, then continuously increased, and its intensities decreased about 40 nT from 1960 to 2000. The trend of external field variation was increased, decreased and increased as time went on, and the external field increased up to about 3.8 nT since 1960. The internal field value of vertical component Z was similar to that of Y, its intensities totally increased about 600 nT. The trend of external field variation decreased and then increased with time, amplitude of which was about 4.6 nT. As for anomalous field, the distributions of components X and Z, total intensity F, and horizontal component H were all negative, the intensities of X and H decreased with longitude while those of Z and F increased. The distributions of Y and declination D were very similar and both of them had positive values in west-central region of China. Their intensities decreased with longitude. The distribution of inclination I was mainly negative, and its intensity increased with longitude.

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    Maus S, Barckhausen U, Berkenbosch H, Bournas N, Brozena J, Childers V, Dostaler F, Fairhead J D, Finn C, von Frese R R B, Gaina C, Golynsky S, Kucks R, Luhr H, Milligan P, Mogren S, Muller R D, Olesen O, Pilkington M, Saltus R, Schreckenberger B, Thebault E, Caratori T F 2009 Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 10 1


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  • [1]

    Hulot G, Sabaka T J, Olsen N 2007 Treatise in Geophysics, Geomagnetism (Amsterdam: Elsevier) p33


    Wardinski I, Holme R 2006 J. Geophys. Res. 111 101


    Haines G V 1985 J. Geophys. Res. 90 2583


    Alldredge L R 1987 J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 39 723


    Maus S, Macmillan S, Chernova T, Choi S, Dater D, Golovkov V, Lesur V, Lowes F, Luhr H, Mai W, McLean S, Olsen N, Rother M, Sabaka T, Thomson A, Zvereva T 2005 Phys. Earth Planet Int. 151 320


    Xu W Y 2002 Sci. China D 32 576 (in Chinese)[徐文耀 2002 中国科学 D 32 576]


    Lesur V, Wardinski I, Rother M, Mandea M 2008 Geophys. J. Int. 173 382


    Olsen N, Mandea M 2008 Nature(Geosci.) 1 390


    Wegener A 1912 Geol. Rundsch. 3 276


    Vine F J, Matthews D H 1963 Nature 199 947


    Purucker M E 2007 Eos.Trans. AGU 88 263


    Regan R D, Cain J C, Davis W M 1975 J. Geophys. Res. 80 794


    An Z C, Xu Y F, Wang Y H 1992 Chin. J. Space Sci. 12 123 (in Chinese) [安振昌、 徐元芳、 王月华 1992 空间科学学报 12 123]


    Maus S, Rother M, Holme R, Luhr H, Olsen N, Haak V 2002 Geophys. Res. Lett. 29 1


    Hemant K, Maus S 2005 Phys. Earth Planet Int. 149 321


    Thebault E 2006 Earth Planets Space 58 485


    Hemant K, Thébault E, Mandea M, Ravat D, Maus S 2007 Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 260 56


    Xu W Y 2009 Physics of Electromagnetic Phenomena of the Earth (Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press) p100 (in Chinese) [徐文耀 2009 地球电磁现象物理学 (合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社) 第100页]


    Sabaka T J, Baldwin R T 1993 NASA/GSFC Contract Report (Maryland: NASA/GSFC) p760


    Langel R A, Sabaka T J, Baldwin R T, Conrad J A 1996 Phys. Earth Planet Int. 98 235


    Sabaka T J, Olsen N, Langel R A 2002 Geophys. J. Int. 151 32


    Sabaka T J, Olsen N, Purucker M E 2004 Geophys. J. Int. 159 521


    Backus G E 1986 Rev. Geophys. 24 75


    Maeda H, Iyemori T, Araki T, Kamei T 1982 Geophys. Res. Lett. 9 337


    Olsen N, Glassmeier K H, Jia X 2010 Space Sci. Rev. 152 1


    Maus S 2008 Geophys. J. Int. 174 135


    Maus S 2008 Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 9 1


    Torta J M, Gaya-Pique L R, Curto J J, Altadill D 2008 J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. 71 1497


    Maus S, Barckhausen U, Berkenbosch H, Bournas N, Brozena J, Childers V, Dostaler F, Fairhead J D, Finn C, von Frese R R B, Gaina C, Golynsky S, Kucks R, Luhr H, Milligan P, Mogren S, Muller R D, Olesen O, Pilkington M, Saltus R, Schreckenberger B, Thebault E, Caratori T F 2009 Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 10 1


    Hulot G, Olsen N, Thebault E, Hemant K 2009 Geophys. J. Int. 177 361


    Olsen N, Mandea M, Sabaka T J, Tffner-Clausen L 2009 Geophys. J. Int. 179 1477


    Zhang X D, Liu X, Zhao P D 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 4415 (in Chinese) [张晓丹、 刘 翔、 赵品栋 2009 58 4415]


    Langel R A, Estes R H, Mead G D 1982 J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 34 327


    Ravat D N, Langel R A, Purucker M E, Arkani-Hamed J, Alsdorf D E 1995 J. Geophys. Res. 100 111


    Olsen N 1993 Ann. Geophys. 11 254

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  • Received Date:  15 January 2010
  • Accepted Date:  10 June 2010
  • Published Online:  05 June 2010

