The propagation character of shock wave in SiO2 aerogel under explosive loading is studied using a polyvinylidene fluoride piezoelectric sensor. The propagation character of shock wave in aluminum foam is also determined for comparison. The results show that the peak stress of the shock wave follows the exponential attenuation relation with the propagation distance of the shock wave in SiO2 aerogel. The shock wave attenuates more obviously in SiO2 aerogel than in aluminum foam. The special nano-porous network structure of SiO2 aerogel results in better attenuation effect of shock wave in aerogel. The shock wave velocity in SiO2 aerogel is extremly low, thus the chase of the unloading wave leads to the further attenuation of shock wave.
- SiO2 aerogel /
- shock wave attenuation /
- protective mechanism /
- nano-porous network structure
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[1] Bian B M, Yang L, Chen X, Ni X W 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 809 (in Chinese) [卞保民、 杨 玲、 陈 笑、 倪晓武 2002 51 809]
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[9] Wu G M, Lu H Y, Wang J, Shen J, Zhou B, Zhang Q Y, Deng Z S 2002 Acta Phys. Sin. 51 104 (in Chinese) [吴广明、 鲁鸿雁、 王 珏、 沈 军、 周 斌、 张勤远、 邓忠生 2002 51 104]
[10] Luo H, Lu H, Leventis N 2006 Mech. Time-Depend. Mater. 10 83
[11] Luo H, Churu G, Fabrizio E F, Schnobrich J, Hobbs A, Dass A, Mulik S, Zhang Y, Grady B P, Capecelatro A, Sotiriou-Leventis C, Lu H, Leventis N 2008 J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 48 113
[12] Parmenter K E, Milstein F 1998 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 223 179
[13] Zhang B P, Zhang Q M, Huang F L 2006 Detonation Physics (Beijing: Weapon Industry Press) pp161—168 (in Chinese)[张宝平、 张庆明、 黄风雷 2006 爆轰物理学(北京:兵器工 业出版社) 第161—168页] 〖14] Song B 2000 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese) [宋 博 2000 博士学位论文 (合肥: 中国科学技术大学)]
[14] Wang L L 2005 Foundation of Stress Waves (2nd ed) (Beijing: National Defence Industry Press) pp92—94 (in Chinese) [王礼立 2005 应力波基础 (第二版) (北京:国防工业出版社) 第92—94页]
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