We generalize Yamadas perturbation theory and develop a renormalized perturbation method to study the asymmetric Anderson model. We obtain the occupancy of the local electrons,the renormalization factor,the renormalized energy level,and the renormalized parameters,which are expanded by the bare parameters. We also calculate the density of states of local electrons and the conductance of impurity scattering. The results coveres the range from weak to strong coupling. We find that the approach we adopted is more convenient than Hewsons renormalization method in studying the asymmetric Anderson model.
- asymmetric Anderson model /
- renormalized perturbation /
- magnetic field
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[1] Kastner M A 1992 Rev. Mod. Phys. 64 849
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[9] Wingreen N S,Meir Y 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49 11040
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